After returning to the parking place, Lin Chen drove the car and drove the two daughters towards Zhang Tian'an's residence.

When approaching the community, Zhang Tian'an said to Lin Chen in a searching tone, "Lin Chen, why don't I move in tonight."

"Tonight?" Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at Zhang Tian'an: "Aren't you afraid after watching a ghost movie?"

"Uh...that ghost movie is a horror story in the bedroom and bathroom. Thinking about how lonely a person is, moving there tomorrow is almost the same as moving here today." Zhang Tianan said.

Lin Chen laughed: "I got you, I'm not afraid to see a corpse, but I was frightened by the ghost movie."

"Okay, sister Tian Nuan, move in tonight and let's sleep together. I'm also afraid. If you stay with me, I won't be afraid anymore." Xia Miaoyan said.

Since it was a foregone conclusion that Zhang Tiannan was going to move in with his master, Xia Miaoyan was just afraid, so she said so.

After deciding to move to Lin Chen's place tonight, Zhang Tiannan and Xia Miaoyan got busy together when they got to the residence.

The two women quickly organized things in the room, while Lin Chen sat on the sofa and played with his mobile phone. After more than half an hour, Zhang Tian'an and Xia Miaoyan pulled a box out by themselves.

"Master, we're done, let's go..." Xia Miaoyan said to Lin Chen, holding the suitcase.

Lin Chen stood up, walked over, picked up two suitcases, and walked downstairs.

After returning to No. 168 Changpo Road, Zhang Tianan carried the luggage to the second floor, chose a room, and put the luggage in the cabinet of the room.

Xia Miaoyan helped her tidy up together. After tidying up, Xia Miaoyan went to the bathroom to take a bath.

There is only one bathroom on the second floor. Xia Miaoyan has not come out after washing for a long time.

Lin Chen walked over and knocked on the door, and Xia Miaoyan's voice came from inside: "...Who is it?"

Lin Chen sighed and said, "You've been washing for almost an hour, can you hurry up so that you won't be afraid of breaking your skin?"

"It's the master, I'll be fine soon." Xia Miaoyan said.

A few minutes later, the door of the bathroom was opened, and Xia Miaoyan, who was wearing pajamas and her hair wrapped in a towel, walked out of the bathroom.

The woman who took a bath smelled very fragrant shampoo on her body. After Xia Miaoyan took a bath, her skin was a little rosy, and it looked like it could be broken. Zhao) put it.

A few strands of wet hair fell on Xia Miaoyan's forehead, adding a bit of charm to her, so Lin Chen couldn't help but take a second look.

After sensing Lin Chen's gaze, Xia Miaoyan smiled and walked away.

After Lin Chen took a bath, it was Zhang Tian's turn to go to the bathroom to take a bath.

Xia Miaoyan is lying on the chuang of Zhang Tiannan's house with her mobile phone in her hand. She sleeps with Zhang Tiannan tonight.

After playing with the phone for a while, Xia Miaoyan looked down at her and muttered, "I'll see how she looks after Sister Tianan comes in after washing."


PS: Guys, 'Cinema Murder' is over, it's just a small case.

The next case will be launched soon, forewarning, the next case is: 'Serial Murder Case in Rainy Night'.

This case is relatively big, and I will try my best to write it well. Finally, ask for a monthly pass. Brothers who have a monthly pass, please vote for it, thank you. .


229 Rainy Night Serial Murder Case 【Subscription】

Zhang Tiannan was taking a shower in the bathroom, and the warm water poured out of the nozzle and fell on her fair and flawless skin, making Zhang Tiannan feel very comfortable.

The hot water can drive away the fatigue in the body, and after rushing for a while, Zhang Tianan felt much more comfortable.

After wiping it, when he reached out and picked up the pink bathrobe, Zhang Tian'an was slightly taken aback, thinking of what happened in Guangyu County before.

On the night when the humanoid murder case was solved, he wore this pajamas to Lin Chen's room. At that time, he wanted to try the feeling of leaning on Lin Chen's arm~.

As a result, I was confused and slept with Lin Chen on the chuang for one night. Although nothing like that happened between me and Lin Chen, my body was taken advantage of by Lin Chen for a whole night, and it hurt for several days. -Woolen cloth.

Recalling what happened that day, Zhang Tian's mood was a bit complicated, not to mention hatred, but in his heart he always felt that Lin Chen took advantage of it for no reason, it wasn't a _ taste.

Sighing lightly, Zhang Tianai put on a nightgown in front of the mirror, and whispered to himself, "From now on, I will be staying here with Lin Chen, and I don't know if this choice is right or wrong. "

After muttering, Zhang Tianan wiped his hair and walked towards his room.

After she returned to the room, Xia Miaoyan immediately put down her phone and looked at Zhang Tianan.

"Sister Tianan." Xia Miaoyan called Zhang Tianan.

"Why?" Zhang Tian'an wiped his hair and looked at Xia Miaoyan suspiciously.

Xia Miaoyan hesitated for a while, shook her head, and said, "It's okay."

After finishing speaking, Xia Miaoyan continued to pick up the phone to play games.

Seeing Xia Miaoyan like this, Zhang Tiannan felt a little strange, this girl seemed to have something to say, but was too embarrassed to say it.

After drying his hair, Zhang Tian'an climbed onto the chuang. At this time, the sound of rain was heard outside the window.

"It seems to be raining." Xia Miaoyan muttered.

"It's been a bit hot these two days. The next rain, the temperature won't be so high. It's good." Zhang Tiannan also picked up the phone and played with Xia Miaoyan against chuang's head.

After the two girls chatted for a few words, Xia Miaoyan suddenly smiled badly and said to Zhang Tiannuan, "Sister Tianan,"

Xia Miaoyan said several times about you in a row, but she didn't say anything after that.

Seeing this, Zhang Tiannan was a little curious about what Xia Miaoyan was going to say, but just now she seemed to hesitate.

"What am I, what do you think I'm embarrassed about?" Zhang Tian'an asked.

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