"Sent back to school, she has class tomorrow." Lin Chen replied.

"Oh." Zhang Tianan snorted, but he was thinking, Xia Miaoyan is gone, then tonight, there are only himself and Lin Chen left in this house.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tian's heart felt a little strange.

I just moved in last night. Because of Xia Miaoyan's presence, Zhang Tiannan didn't feel anything. Now that Xia Miaoyan is back to school, will Lin Chen take advantage of no one to do something to himself?

Thinking of being pinched by Lin Chen for one night that night, Zhang Tiannan felt that there was a possibility.

But... in my subconscious... it doesn't seem... not particularly repulsive...

Zhang Tianan thoughtlessly walked into the bathroom. When taking a shower, he glanced at the door from time to time to see if Lin Chen would rush in the next moment.

However, Zhang Tian'an soon discovered that his worries were too much. Lin Chen was always in front of the computer in the room, his fingers quickly tapped the keyboard, and the pictures on the screen flickered from time to time. He didn't know what he was doing.

Zhang Tianan wanted to go in and have a look, but she had been busy all day, and her eyelids could barely be lifted, so she yawned, said good night to Lin Chen, and went back to the room to sleep.

The next morning, Zhang Tianan woke up early.

The city bureau task force of Tianhai City is going to set off this morning and rush to Qiulin County to participate in the detection of the rainy night serial murder case.

Early in the morning, the members of the task force all got up early and gathered in the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

The rainy night serial murder case in Qiulin County was temporarily suppressed by the city bureau, and it has not yet been reported to the provincial department. If there is another accident in this case, the consequences will be serious.

When Zhang Tian'an walked to knock on Lin Chen's door, he saw that Lin Chen was already dressed and was about to come out of the room.

"Morning." Zhang Tian'an greeted Lin Chen. Today, Lin Chen is still wearing ordinary casual clothes, with a sunny breath on his body. Being by his side will make people feel very comfortable.

"Let's go." Lin Chen nodded, took a backpack, walked out of the room, and the two walked towards the door together.

As soon as he got into the car, Lin Chen's cell phone rang.

Zhang Tianan glanced at the caller ID and said, "Miaoyan is calling."

Lin Chen immediately picked up the phone and connected: "What's the matter, Miaoyan?"

"Master, can I trouble you with one thing?" Xia Miaoyan's voice came from the receiver.

After Lin Chen asked another question, Xia Miaoyan's tone was a little heavy: "Didn't I tell you yesterday that a good friend of mine is from Qiulin County, and she also told me about the serial murder case in their county town on a rainy night? ?"

"Yeah." Lin Chen hummed.

"Hey... The fourth deceased in Qiulin County this time is my friend... It's my friend's cousin..." Xia Miaoyan sighed.

It was very quiet inside the car, and Zhang Tianai on the side also heard this.

"My friend's cousin had an accident, and her family told her to rush back. I saw that she was going to buy a bus ticket, so I thought she would go back with you, master, can you?" Xia Miaoyan asked road.

It's just a little thing, of course it's fine.

More than half an hour later, the black Audi Q5 stopped at the gate of Donglin University.

The two girls standing at the gate of the school walked over to this side immediately after seeing Lin Chen's license plate number.

Xia Miaoyan supported a girl about her age. The girl was carrying luggage, her eyes were red and swollen, and she had been crying for a long time.

This girl, Lin Chen, met last time. When that young master wanted to ask Xia Miaoyan to celebrate his birthday, it was this girl who accompanied Xia Miaoyan to hide in the dormitory and had a relationship. . .

"Excuse me." The girl nodded to Lin Chen and said, "Take me back to the county seat, and I will pay the fare."

Zhang Tian'an shook his head and said, "Let's drop by, what's the fare? Get on the bus quickly."

"Well, thank you." The girl's voice was also hoarse, and it was estimated that she had a good relationship with her cousin.

After saying goodbye to Xia Miaoyan and seeing her back to school, Lin Chen started the car and drove it to the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

On the way, Zhang Tianan chatted with the girl a few words, and learned that her name was Li Lan, and the deceased's name was Li Erya, her cousin.

Talking about her cousin's death, Li Lan's tears rolled in her eyes, and then fell down, making Zhang Tianan dare not mention it again.

At the entrance of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, five police cars were parked. This time, not only did the task force go, but the task force also brought people from the forensics department and forensic doctors. Some forensic equipment was stuffed into the back compartment.

When Lin Chen got out of the car and saw Miao Yunfei also standing beside the car, he asked, "Are you going with me too?"

Miao Yunfei pursed her lips and said, "Yes, I'm the leader of this task force, what's wrong?"

Lin Chen smiled, shook his head again, and didn't speak.

Seeing Lin Chen's shaking of his head, Miao Yunfei frowned and asked, "What do you mean by shaking your head, I'm the leader of the task force, do you have any opinions?"

As soon as Miao Yunfei finished speaking, in the hall of the Municipal Public Security Bureau 2.3, a tall and tall man walked out. It was Miao Zhengxiong, director of the Public Security Bureau of Tianhai City.

"Comrade Xiaomiao."

Miao Zhengxiong heard what Miao Yunfei said just now, he walked over and said: "Although you are the leader of the task force this time, Mr. Lin Chen has the same power as you, all the members of the task force, You must absolutely obey Mr. Lin's requests and orders, understand?"

The old detective Qiu Junbang was also in the team this time. After hearing the words, Qiu Junbang said, "Yes, Chief."


The other members of the task force also responded, saying that they would obey Lin Chen's orders.

So far, the cases that Lin Chen has solved have made the criminal policemen of these serious crime teams admire them very much, obeying Lin Chen's orders, and they have no complaints. .


236 The Murderer's Murder 【Subscription】

Although Miao Yunfei didn't know about Miao Zhengxiong's order in advance, she was not surprised.

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