There was a gap on the girl's left cheek. The tongue of the first female deceased was recovered and put back in her mouth. The female student's tongue was not there, and was still stuck in the wound on her left cheek.

The clothing on her body is complete except for the cross-shaped knife in front of the xiong, and there is nothing missing.

"Put this corpse here first, and move the next corpse out." Lin Chen said to the two old men.

Seeing this, Zhang Tianan wondered if Lin Chen had found something?He wants to compare the second deceased with the third deceased? .


259 It's going to rain again 【Subscription】

Zhang Tian'an wanted to ask what Lin Chen found out, but thinking of Lin Chen's character in the past, she had to hold back and just stood by Luo Heshu and watched quietly.

The two old men moved very neatly, and after carrying out the third female corpse, they stepped aside.

Lin Chen stepped forward and opened the bag containing the corpse. In the next instant, a wrinkled face came into Lin Chen's eyes.

The third deceased was an old lady. After the rainy night serial murders occurred in Qiulin County, the young and young women were very frightened and dared not go out at night for fear of being targeted by perverted murderers.

But for an old man like this old lady, they have nothing to worry about, because the murderer will not choose their age if he wants to rape a woman.

But who would have thought that the murderer could accept women of all ages, an old lady with gray hair, he also attacked and raped her, and cut a wound on the old lady's face, She headed out for him to kiss her.

The old lady's tongue was also put back in her mouth, leaving only a dark red wound on her face.

The old lady was stiff all over, her eyes were closed, and her facial expression was very painful. This painful expression was permanently fixed on her face.

Zhang Tianan also came over, she saw that the third deceased, the clothes on his body were still intact, the buttons of the red shirt were neatly buttoned, only the cross-shaped knife wound on the xiong department, which destroyed the clothes .

Zhang Tian'an followed Lin Chen's gaze and set his gaze on the old lady's hands.

The old lady lived by scavenging. Her skin was a little dark, and her hands were covered with calluses and looked very rough.

Seeing Lin Chen staring at the old lady's hand for more than ten seconds, Zhang Tianai asked, "Is there a problem with your hand?"

Lin Chen didn't speak, he looked at the lower body of the deceased again, the bruises and scars left by the murderer on the lower body of the deceased after committing rape.

The bruises on the lower body of the three female deceased are relatively serious. It is conceivable how excited and forceful the murderer was when he raped them after killing them.

Lin Chen was thoughtful, then closed the bag containing the corpses, and said to the two old men, "Okay, these two corpses can also be put back."

After the two bodies were put (bbei) in, the fourth deceased, Li Erya, was carried out of the refrigerator at Lin Chen's request.

Li Erya was killed a few days ago. Her body was not kept in the body freezer for a long time, nor was it stored in formalin and polyethylene plastic bags.

Li Erya's appearance is still good, with long hair and delicate facial features, but the wound on her face and the tongue sticking out from the wound ruined Li Erya's face .

The wound on the neck turned out, and the ru room was cut into a cross shape. If you look closely, you would think that Li Erya’s ru room was cut into an X shape instead of a cross.

A complete rutabaga is split into four petals, like two cuts in a watermelon.

When Lin Chen's eyes fell on the red dress on Li Erya's body, he didn't find anything. When he turned Li Erya's body over and looked behind her, Lin Chen noticed that there was a row behind the dress. Black buttons with some patterns on the surface of the buttons.

The buttons are a little bigger than a one-dollar coin, and on a pure red dress, there is a row of black buttons at the back, which is quite nice.

There are five buttons in this row, and one of the buttons is missing. Lin Chen turned his head to look at Luo Heshu and asked, "The black button on the back of the deceased's dress is missing one."

Luo Heshu stepped forward, he frowned, and replied, "Well, yes, one is missing. This button should have been dropped by Li Erya in the chaos when she was struggling with the murderer."

"When the deceased was found, was there one less button on the back?" Lin Chen asked.

Luo Heshu scratched his head and replied: "It should be, I only participated in this case during the day. After receiving the call at night, the police from the township police station dispatched the police. After they collected evidence and took pictures at the scene, they moved the body. , that night when my daughter played with my mobile phone, she ran out of battery, so I didn't receive a call from the captain."

Hearing this, Zhang Tianan gave Luo Heshu a second look. This was the second time he mentioned that his cell phone was out of power when his daughter played with it that night, so he didn't receive the captain's call from the police and was unable to rush to the scene.

"Mr. Lin, do you think the missing button is important?" After Luo Heshu finished speaking, he asked again.

"It's not that it's important, I just want to know if the button fell on the scene of the crime," Lin Chen said.

"The cornfield where the crime happened, it rained heavily that night, the mud in the field was rotten, and there was a lot of water accumulated. If the button fell on the ground, it would either fall into the mud, or the water would not know it. Where did you rush to?" Luo Heshu said.

Lin Chen nodded and said to Luo Heshu, "Help me, take off the dress on the deceased."

Hearing this, Luo Heshu didn't talk nonsense, and helped Lin Chen to take off the red dress on Li Erya together.

When it was halfway through, Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "Okay, no need to take it off."

Luo Heshu was stunned for a moment, Zhang Tiannan was also a little surprised, what the hell is Lin Chen doing? He just said that he took off the red dress on the deceased's body, but he has only taken off half of it now. He glanced inside the dress and said that he didn't need to take it off. .

"What did you find?" Luo Heshu smelled.

Lin Chen raised his eyes, glanced at Luo Heshu, shook his head, and said, "I didn't find anything."

Luo Heshu snorted, but Zhang Tianai on the side understood that Lin Chen must have found something, but he just didn't tell Luo Heshu.

"Lin Chen should have found something, but he told Luo Heshu that he didn't. Is he watching out for Luo Heshu?" Zhang Tianan slandered in his heart.

Because he was at Luo Heshu's house before, he had always told them that the murderer might be a woman, so Zhang Tianan was now somewhat wary of Luo Heshu.

No matter whether Luo Heshu really has a problem or not, he doesn't know much about him, so there's no harm in taking precautions.

Lin Chen and Luo Heshu put on Li Erya's red dress again, Lin Chen stared at Li Erya who was motionless for another half a minute, and finally he said to the two old men, "It's alright, trouble you all. ."

The two old men smiled and said nothing, then carried Li Erya into the corpse freezer and locked the freezer.

After finishing all four corpses, the group walked out of the corpse freezer. An old man who worked in the funeral home looked at Luo Heshu and said, "Comrade police officer, I read the weather forecast. It's going to rain tonight. Is someone going to die?".


260 Shoe prints on the ground [2 more for subscription]

The old man's words made Luo Heshu and Zhang Tiannan stunned for a moment.

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