Miao Yunfei was stunned, and the detectives beside her were also a little stunned.

This guy actually said that the daughter of the mayor and the chief of the public security bureau was long-winded, and she still looked so disdainful.

Zhang Tiannan understood Miao Yunfei's temper, and she said nervously, "Lin Chen, Sister Yunfei's father is the mayor of our Tianhai City..."

Lin Chen's expression didn't change when he heard this.

Seeing Lin Chen's expressionless face, Miao Yunfei thought that Lin Chen was frightened, she snorted coldly, and said, "Don't be so nervous, my father is my father, I am me, I will not use my father's name To oppress others, but well, if you knew my identity in advance, you wouldn't dare to speak to me like this."

"Really?" Lin Chen smiled lightly and said, "Since I came to this room, I can see that your backstage is not easy."

"Did you see it?" Miao Yunfei had a playful smile on her face.

Lin Chen said softly, "After Zhang Tianan saw you, your attitude was very arrogant, but she was very polite to you. These male detectives were equally respectful towards you. They would have such an attitude towards you. Among them, the first possibility is that you are very capable, and your ability convinces them of you."

"The second is that you have a backstage, and their good attitude towards you is for the sake of your backstage. I don't think your attitude and age seem to be capable, so from the beginning I I knew you had a backstage, but I didn't expect your backstage to be quite big, the daughter of the mayor."

"Which of your eyes sees that I am incapable?" Miao Yunfei was even more upset when Lin Chen questioned her ability to handle the case.

Lin Chen put his hands in front of Xiong and said, "If you have the ability, tell me what the truth of this building fall is."


027 A Suspect【For Collection】

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Miao Yunfei patted the police uniform on her body with her fair little hands, and patted off some dust on the clothes.

She looked at Lin Chen and said, "After our investigation, the death of the deceased Wang Xuefeng was either suicide or accidental death."

"Oh? Tell me, why do you think he committed suicide or died accidentally." Lin Chen asked.

"Our group took over the case and immediately investigated the interpersonal relationship of the deceased. The deceased was in an investment business, and his economic conditions were not bad. He had never had any grievances with anyone in the company, and had no enemies."

"However, we also learned one thing, that is, a male investor named Bao Qingshan took a sum of money some time ago and invested under the persuasion of the deceased. As a result, all the money was lost, and all the money was lost."

"Our suspect target falls on that Bao Qingshan, because according to the neighbors' reactions, that Bao Qingshan once came to the deceased's rental house and quarreled with the deceased twice."

"The two quarreled very fiercely, and they were about to fight. That Bao Qingshan said more than once, that the deceased Wang Xuefeng cheated him of money, and he would definitely die."

"Have you finished investigating that suspect, Bao Qingshan?" Lin Chen touched his nose.


Miao Yunfei got up lightly and said, "The night the deceased fell from the building, it was about ten o'clock, and Bao Qingshan, a friend came back from out of town for dinner that night. At about eight o'clock in the evening, he brought With his wife and children, he has been eating at a friend's house."

"Because of the liveliness, Bao Qingshan and his friends at the table were very drunk. After getting drunk, he and his wife and children stayed at his friend's house to sleep. This point, Bao Qingshan's wife and those friends can testify. ."

"The deceased fell from the building at ten o'clock, and Bao Qingshan had dinner at a friend's house at eight o'clock. We investigated Bao Qingshan, and he did not buy the possibility of murder, so the suspicion of Bao Qingshan can be ruled out."

"The only suspect was ruled out, and the deceased had no enemies. Combined with some autopsy reports from the forensic doctor, so on the night of the crime, he either committed suicide or stumbled to his death, which has nothing to do with outsiders."

When she said these words, Miao Yunfei's voice was sonorous and powerful. She had grasped the key to this case. The case of the building falling to death was almost closed.

What Zhang Tiannan heard, the second group had not had time to investigate. After hearing the words, she felt that Miao Yunfei's investigation results were sufficient, and there should be no problems with this case.

I just don't know if Lin Chen will refute her.

The other detectives in the room also stared at Lin Chen, wanting to see how Lin Chen would answer.

Under the gazes of everyone, Lin Chen smiled slightly and said, "What you said, I only need to make two points to completely overturn your conclusion."

Make two points?

Can it refute the conclusions of the police investigation?

Miao Yunfei frowned slightly, and she said, "Really? Let's hear it."

Zhang Tian'an and Xia Miaoyan's beautiful eyes looked at Lin Chen without blinking. After seeing Lin Chen solve a case once, they are about to see Lin Chen's demeanor in solving a second case.

"Why should I tell you?"

Lin Chen's words surprised everyone present.

Miao Yunfei was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Why tell me? You can't tell it, right?"

"No." Lin Chen said: "Because I don't like you, so I'm too lazy to care about you."

After saying this, Lin Chen ignored Miao Yunfei and said to Zhang Tian, ​​"Take me to the roof."

Zhang Tiannan was a little confused, this Lin Chen is also true, although Miao Yunfei has a bad temper, she is the mayor's daughter after all, so she is so rude to her.

After Zhang Tiannan came back to his senses, Lin Chen had already taken Xia Miaoyan to the outside. Seeing this, she quickly followed.

Miao Yunfei looked at the door, her mouth was violent, ups and downs, she secretly scolded Lin Chen's bastard more than a dozen times in her heart. She is so.

"Team Leader Miao."

An old detective who was older than Miao Yunfei and looked relatively stable said: "I have heard the reasoning process of Lin Chen's breaking the Donglin University corpse case. This person's reasoning ability is really excellent, and the deputy director told him Also highly respected…”

"In my opinion, he said that he made two points that can overturn the conclusion of our investigation. Maybe it is not aimless. He really sees something, but not necessarily."

Miao Yunfei was originally angry at being treated like that by Lin Chen, but after hearing what the old detective said, she slowly calmed down.

This girl, Miao Yunfei, although she is a bit arrogant and willful, but she has always pursued the truth about the case in her heart, and is unwilling to have any unjust, false and wrongful convictions in her hands.

Miao Yunfei lowered her beautiful eyes and fell silent.


There are criminal police guards at the entrance to the top of the building. If Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan came, they would definitely not be able to get up, but if Zhang Tiannan was there, there would be no problem.

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