After Miao Yunfei said this, Zhang Tiannan became even more curious.

She blinked her big eyes and motioned Miao Yunfei to continue.

Miao Yunfei didn't care about Zhang Tiannan's reaction, she glanced at Lin Chen subconsciously, and seeing that Lin Chen didn't look at her, Miao Yunfei pursed her lips.

Under Miao Yunfei's narration, Lin Chen and Zhang Tiannan learned about what Miao Yunfei learned last night.

Before Luo Heshu's wife died, Luo Heshu's other hand was still there, it was a healthy person, not the one-armed one now.

At that time, there was a huge underworld ramble in the county town. In this case, several people were hacked to death. At that time, the police in Qiulin County took this case very seriously. Luo Heshu was one of the police officers involved in this case.

After investigating this huge underworld rush, Luo Heshu collected important evidence and led his team to capture the boss of the underworld with his own hands.

It was this boss who led the Rush case. After Luo Heshu captured him, he was praised by the leaders of the Public Security Bureau. After collecting evidence and investigating, the police prepared to prosecute the boss of the underworld and sentenced him to death.

This news spread out for some unknown reason. A few days later, when Luo Heshu returned home, he found that the door was open, something was wrong.

He rushed into the house immediately, and immediately saw a scene that made him almost faint.

He saw that his wife was lying on the floor in the living room, her body was naked, there were teeth marks that had been bitten severely in her room, and her lower body had very obvious traces of rape.

His wife's heart was stabbed, and when Luo Heshu got home, his wife had become a body without body temperature.

His wife was raped, raped, and then killed. Only Luo Heshu knew how painful Luo Heshu was at that time.

Luo Heshu hugged his wife and cried bitterly at the time. After crying a few times, he passed out because he was so sad.

Some neighbors heard Luo Heshu's heart-wrenching cries, rushed over to take a look, and immediately called the police.

After the police came and saw the situation at the scene, they were also very sympathetic to the colleague Luo Heshu.

After investigation, it was found that qiang raped and killed Luo Heshu's wife, most likely the confidant of the arrested black boss.

The black boss was captured by Luo Heshu after finding evidence. His arrest had a lot to do with Luo Heshu.

If the boss is caught, he may be sentenced to death. Those younger brothers under his command are naturally going to avenge the boss.

So they went to Luo Heshu's house, where they murdered Luo Heshu's wife.

After his wife's death, Luo Heshu regained his strength and tried his best to catch the murderers who raped and murdered his wife.

During the arrest, Luo Heshu had an accident and had his arm amputated. The murderers who raped and killed his wife were also arrested and brought to justice with the efforts of his colleagues.

The murderer who murdered his wife was caught. Although he lost an arm, Luo Heshu was very relieved.

Of those murderers, two were sentenced to death and one was sentenced to life.

Originally, this case came to an end, but the black boss who was arrested and was sentenced to death was actually commuted to life imprisonment.

After learning the news, Luo Heshu couldn't believe it, because the black boss's bad deeds would definitely be sentenced to death.

Luo Heshu quickly realized that it was the backer of the black boss who was at work, and that backer rescued the black boss. In general, the death penalty was changed to an indefinite period, and the indefinite period was changed.

After the sentence is changed to fixed-term imprisonment, he will make various merits in the prison, perform well, and then get a commutation of the sentence.

After Luo Heshu learned about the situation here, he was very angry, and he went to the leader's office to make a scene.

But... he is just a criminal policeman who has made some contributions, without any backing, he made a lot of trouble in the police station, was severely punished, and was almost fired.

It was Director Liu of the Public Security Bureau who tried his best to keep Luo Heshu and prevented him from being kicked out of the public security team.

"Luo Heshu has made a lot of contributions to the public security system of Qiulin County. In order to solve the case, his wife was raped and murdered, but in the end, the culprit didn't die, just two scumbags...' ˇ..." Miao Yun Fei's tone was very emotional, she said: "So... when you get along with him, sometimes you think he is weird, especially when you mention her wife..."

After hearing what Miao Yunfei said, Zhang Tian's pretty face was already full of anger.

"Sister Yunfei, are all what you said true?" Zhang Tianan sighed.

"Of course it's true." Miao Yunfei said, "I learned from a few insiders that the leaders of the county public security bureau in Qiulin County wouldn't tell me this."

"...Black, it's really black!"

Zhang Tianai gritted his teeth and said, "You said that someone wanted to kick Luo Heshu out of the public security system, but Director Liu tried his best to keep him? Isn't that the person who wants to kick Luo Heshu out of the public security system more powerful than Director Liu? How many are the bigger ones?"

"Yes, in the matter of Luo and Shu, those with the most power are tricky." Miao Yunfei said.

"Then...Sister Yunfei, what are you... going to do?" Zhang Tianai asked with great expectation.

After learning about this incident, Zhang Tian'an was very angry, but she was only a police officer of the city bureau's serious crime team and did not have much power.

But Miao Yunfei is different. Her father is the mayor and director of the Public Security Bureau of Tianhai City, and Qiulin County is also a county seat under the jurisdiction of Tianhai City.

As long as Miao Yunfei wanted to help Luo Heshu, Luo Heshu would definitely get the results he wanted to see.

Miao Yunfei didn't answer Zhang Tianan directly, she looked at Lin Chen and said, "You, what do you think?" (Wang Haohao)

Lin Chen said, "Why don't you do what you can do?"

"Well, I was going to call my dad today to talk about this, but I didn't expect that I received a call from the county public security bureau early in the morning, saying that a female corpse was found here." Miao Yunfei sighed softly. Take a breath.

When Miao Yunfei said this, several people were about to reach the pavilion, and a policeman with an umbrella came over to the three of them.

The policeman only had one arm. He was holding an umbrella. The heavy rain wet his pants. It was Luo Heshu who had just arrived from home.

Luo Heshu and Lin Chen greeted each other. Zhang Tiannan had some prejudice against Luo Heshu before, and thought he was weird.

But now, after learning about what happened to Luo Heshu, Zhang Tianan has only sympathy for Luo Heshu.

This grassroots criminal policeman who dedicated himself to the county public security bureau, his efforts have found a chilling treatment. .

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