After Lin Chen heard the words, he also stood up from the ground. When he stood up, something in the corner made Lin Chen's pupils shrink suddenly, and he turned his head to look at the corner. .


277 Take a closer look at 【Subscription】

When Lin Chen walked into this pavilion before, there were several policemen standing in that corner, and those policemen blocked that corner.

Director Liu came in just now, and after saying those words, the police followed Luo Heshu to the funeral home. There was no one standing in that corner. Out of the corner of Lin Chen's eyes, he also saw something like that. .

"Liu Bureau, what did you say?" Miao Yunfei asked incredulously, "Another female corpse was found?"

"Is this murderer so rampant? He committed two crimes last night?" Another policeman also said.

Director Liu's face was gloomy and uncertain, he shook his head and sighed: "Yes, there is a call from a villager at the police center. The villager went to the field to dig a ditch to release water. In the woods, a female corpse was found, and according to the villager's description, the characteristics of her death were the same as those of the other deceased in the "May [-]" serial murder case in the rainy night..."

"Damn." Qiu Junbang couldn't help but scolded: "Provocation, Chi Luoluo's provocation, the murderer killed a person last night, and after raped and murdered the victim, he asked the victim to raise his middle finger, and he killed him last night. Not one person, but two."

"It's crazy." Director Liu gritted his teeth, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

Previously, this case was only reported to the city bureau, but now two people have died in a row. If the murderer is still not caught in this case and the provincial department knows about it, some people in Qiulin County will be finished.

Zhang Tianan listened to Director Liu and Miao Yunfei's conversation, and her fists were tightly squeezed. This murderer was really rampant. With the arrival of the task force, he was not afraid at all. He committed two crimes in a row. Killed two dead in one night.

When Zhang Tianan wanted to see Lin Chen's reaction, he saw Lin Chen walking towards the corner of the pavilion and picked up a sealed bag from the corner.

In this sealed bag, there is a black folding umbrella, the umbrella is wet and stained with a lot of mud, and it is being packed in the sealed bag.

The umbrella was found next to the place where the deceased died. The deceased did not go out with a raincoat, that is to say, last night she held the umbrella with one hand and rode home with the other.

Miao Yunfei also noticed that Lin Chen picked up the airtight bag with the umbrella, and she said, "This is the umbrella held by the deceased."

This umbrella is a heaven brand umbrella, which is very common and no one cares.

Lin Chen looked away from the umbrella in the sealed bag. She looked at Miao Yunfei and said, "Contact the family of the deceased immediately and ask them if the deceased took a raincoat out last night."

Miao Yunfei was slightly stunned. She glanced at the umbrella that was still sealed inside, and looked at Lin Chen's mouth when she said this. It seems that this umbrella is very important?

Hearing the words, Director Liu didn't ask any further questions. He nodded immediately and said, "Okay, I'll have someone contact the family of the deceased immediately and ask her if she took a raincoat out yesterday."

After speaking, Director Liu immediately took out his mobile phone to make a call.

To check whether the deceased had a raincoat, Director Liu quickly ordered it, his eyes swept over Lin Chen and Miao Yunfei, and asked, "Now I'm going to another crime scene, Lin Sir, Team Leader Miao, who are you?"

Director Liu asked if the two would go together. Lin Chen and Miao Yunfei naturally had no objection and wanted to go together.

The police who went to another scene quickly got into the car. Lin Chen carried the sealed bag in his hand and got into his car. Naturally, Zhang Tianan was also in Lin Chen's car.

The police car in front led the way. Who was Lin Chen and who was behind the police car? Zhang Tianan glanced at the sealed bag that Lin Chen had put on the back seat of the car, and asked, "Lin Chen, is there anything wrong with this umbrella? You Why did you specially send someone to check if the deceased had gone out with a raincoat last night?"

Lin Chen glanced at Zhang Tian'an and said, "Look at that umbrella again."

Hearing this, Zhang Tian'an turned his attention to the umbrella in the airtight bag at the back, tilted his head and looked at it again, Zhang Tian'an said, "This is a very common folding umbrella, heaven brand. Yes, I also have an umbrella of this brand."

Lin Chen shook his head, hooked Zhang Tian'an, motioning her to bring her ears closer.

After Lin Chen whispered a few words in Zhang Tian's ear, Zhang Tian's beautiful eyes suddenly widened, revealing a look of disbelief.

"You..." Zhang Tianan said, "Lin Chen, you mean..."

"Yes." Lin Chen nodded, looked at the road ahead, and said, "As long as I wait for the exact news from the family of the deceased, I can be sure of my inference. As long as the inference is correct, this case is almost complete. about to surface..."

Zhang Tian'an bit Hong Chun and said, "I hope your guess is correct, I hope it's not wrong... This case has already killed so many people, I really can't wait any longer."

The second crime scene is not very far from the cornfield. The cornfield is on the township road. This crime scene is relatively close to the county seat of Qiulin County.

Soon, Lin Chen and his party came to the vicinity of the death scene of the sixth deceased.

The villagers who reported the case were already waiting for the police at the intersection. Director Liu and the others trotted up and down. The villager said in a panic, "Police, police, the dead man is right there, right there..."

The villager was so frightened that he was trembling when he spoke, and his face was stiff and ugly.

The grove is on the edge of the field, and the closest way to the grove is along the ridge.

Hesitantly, it has been raining recently, and the ridge is extremely slippery. If you walk on it, you will slip and fall into the field if you are not careful.

The villager walked in front, Director Liu Lin Chen and the others were behind, and quickly walked towards the grove.

After walking for a while on the field ridge, standing on the field ridge, you can see a woman in white clothes in the grove.

There are many trees growing in the grove. Standing in the distance, you can see a person lying inside, but you can't see her face clearly.

After walking into the grove, Lin Chen put on gloves and squatted beside the female deceased with the 0.8 forensic doctor.


The rain in the sky kept falling, falling on the land, in the woods, and on the dead woman on the ground.

The tongue in the woman's mouth protruded from the cut on her cheek, and there was a fatal stab wound to her neck. The two ruts in front of her were cut into a cross shape, and the trousers of the lower body were thrown away. to the side.

Her eyes were wide, and from her lifeless eyes, she could see her despair and fear. It was raining and seemed to be crying for these two innocent dead.

The scene was silent, and Lin Chen and the forensic doctor began to perform an autopsy on the deceased.

At this time, Director Liu's phone rang. .


278 The Murderer Can Be Caught [2 More Subscriptions]

After hearing Director Liu's cell phone ringing, Lin Chen and the forensic doctor who were about to start an autopsy on the deceased immediately stopped their movements.

Lin Chen looked at Director Liu, and he knew that he should be asking the family of the fifth deceased whether there was news about whether the deceased went out with a raincoat yesterday.

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