Lin Chen glanced at He Liang, then turned to look at Wang Chungen, and said, "Director Wang Chungen, I want to know where you were on the night of the rainy night serial murder case, and do you have a proof of your alibi.".


280 Don't make false evidence [4 more subscriptions]

Lin Chen's words not only stunned Wang Chungen and his wife, but also stunned many police officers present.

I thought Lin Chen was here to ask Wang Chungen to assist in handling the case, but as soon as Lin Chen opened his mouth, he asked Wang Chungen's alibi.

Butcher He Liang also glanced at Wang Chungen with a more serious expression on his face.


After Wang Chungen was stunned, he said, "Officer Lin, what do you mean by asking this?"

"Yeah, what do you mean by that? What do you want to ask about our Pharaoh's alibi?" Wang Chungen's wife also seemed very unhappy about Lin Chen's question.

When she saw Lin Chen for the first time before, her attitude towards Lin Chen was very good, and she even sold nong shao to seduce Lin Chen, but at this moment, she looked at Lin Chen with a very dissatisfied look, with "three Sixty" was disgusted.

Lin Chen didn't laugh with Wang Chungen, his tone was emotionless: "don't ask so many questions, you can answer me whatever I ask."

Miao Yunfei's eyes lit up slightly, listening to Lin Chen's words and his tone, it seemed that he thought that Wang Chungen was the murderer of the Yu Ye serial murder case.

Many murderers were able to conceal themselves very well. Although Director Wang looked harmless, Miao Yunfei did not judge people by their appearance.

Judging from past experience, generally the suspects identified by Lin Chen are almost the murderers.

After Wang Chungen heard what Lin Chen said, his face looked a little unsightly, so he said: "It was all night when the crime happened, I either slept with my daughter-in-law on chuan, or I went to the village to see if it would appear. In the danger of landslides, when I go out at night to check the mountain conditions in the village, my wife usually follows me."

"Yes, yes." Wang Chungen's wife raised her voice and said, "When our Pharaoh is on the chuang with me every time, or I accompany him to check if there is any danger in the village, are you? Doubt my husband? I can testify against him."

Director Liu and the others did not speak, but watched all this quietly. At the same time, they were also very nervous, for fear that Lin Chen would not be able to produce conclusive evidence to prove that Director Wang was the murderer.

On the other side, the photographer of the county TV station has already set up the camera next to it and started shooting.

"Can you testify for him?" Lin Chen looked at Wang Chungen's wife and said, "You give him false testimony?"

Wang Chungen's wife's breathing was a little short. She stretched her neck and said, "What is a fake certificate? I didn't make a fake certificate."

The conversation between Lin Chen and Wang Chungen and his wife was also heard by the villagers who were watching. Seeing that Lin Chen suspected Wang Chungen, many villagers pouted.

Wang Chungen is a good cadre in the village, and he has made a lot of benefits for the villagers. This cement road in the village could not have been built without Wang Chungen's efforts.

In Wangjia Village, some people may say that the village chief is not good, but for Director Wang Chungen, there are very few people who say that he is not good.

"I'll ask you again, on the night of each crime, can you testify for Wang Chungen?" Lin Chen said, "May I remind you, if I can prove that you are giving false testimony to Wang Chungen, you will also legally responsible."

Wang Chungen's wife, who was still sworn, paused for a few seconds after hearing the words "legal responsibility", and then said, "legal responsibility? I'm telling the truth, what am I afraid of legal responsibility?"

"Yeah, my wife and I are telling the truth." Wang Chungen said.

Lin Chen nodded slightly, looked at Wang Chungen, and said, "The two of you said that when the case happened, you were either on the chuang or go to the village to check the danger together..."

"Yes." Wang Chungen said.

"But you both slept separately, how could you be on a chuang at night?" Lin Chen asked.

As soon as Lin Chen said this, the expressions of the others were nothing, but the expressions on the faces of Wang Chungen and his wife changed.

Before they could speak, Lin Chen pointed to the main hall and said, "Yesterday, when I went to sit in the main hall, I looked at the rooms on both sides of the main hall, one was the master bedroom that was well decorated and furnished, and the other was a more general one. the second bedroom."

"The quilt in the master bedroom is not neatly folded. There is only one pillow on the chuang. The chuang in the master bedroom should be your wife, Wang Chungen."

"And in the second bedroom, the quilts are neatly folded, and the pillows on the quilts are also well placed. Wang Chungen, you love cleanliness very much. Maybe you have a cleanliness addiction, and you always like to pack your things. It has to be neat and tidy, so the second bedroom should be yours. . "

"Haha." Wang Chungen laughed and said, "Officer Lin, I had relatives at my house yesterday, and the second bedroom was packed out for them to live in. Your observation skills seem to be like that?"

"Really?" Lin Chen glanced at a policeman behind him and said, "But I learned from other policemen that your relatives left last night, and a car came to pick them up. It's late, but there are two policemen in the village who haven't left yet."

The expression on Wang Chungen's face didn't change, he said: "Well..., yes, my relatives left last night, but I want to keep them here, the chuang in the second bedroom is specially paved for them, Who knew they insisted on leaving?"

"Specially paved?" Lin Chen laughed and said, "Wang Chungen, your chuang is obviously not just paved, you can see at a glance the newly paved quilt and the quilt you have slept in for a long time, Also, if you sleep on that chuang every day, the smell of your body will definitely be left on the chuang."

At this time, Wang Chungen's wife interjected: "I have a good relationship with our Pharaoh, why should we sleep separately?"

"The reason is very simple." Lin Chen pointed his finger at Wang Chungen's face, and said, "Because Wang Chungen is not a normal man, he can't have a husband, wife, life, and life with you. He has xin dysfunction, abbreviated as impotence 1.2. "


As soon as Lin Chen said this, Wang Chungen's wife had a trace of panic in her eyes, and exclaimed uncontrollably.

Wang Chungen's eyes narrowed suddenly, and those eyes became unfamiliar.

"You're not a normal man, Director Wang, right?" Lin Chen asked.

" fart." Wang Chungen's wife put her hands on her hips and said, "You are dysfunctional, and you are impotent. Our old king is normal. Don't talk nonsense here."

"Lin Chen, how do you see that Director Wang has that problem?" Zhang Tian'an asked.

Lin Chen said, "Remember when we first came to Wangjia Village, we went to Director Wang's house for dinner?"

Zhang Tiannan nodded, saying that of course he remembered. .


281 Unsubstantiated Guess [5 More Subscription]

After Zhang Tian'an nodded, Lin Chen continued, "We went to Director Wang's house that night. After Director Wang's wife saw me, she kept her eyes on me, and she sat beside me while eating, not only close to me. Talking, rubbing my legs against me, picking me up."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Wang Chungen's wife's face immediately turned red to the root of her neck. She glanced at the villagers who were looking at this side from a distance. The police came with great momentum, and the villagers from the village Also very much.

Wang Chungen's wife was trembling with anger, and said, "Bastard, what nonsense are you talking about, are you trying to slander me? I pick you? Save yourself, you think you are handsome and attractive. person?"

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