"Director, don't worry, as long as you are not the murderer, these police officers will never take you away from the village today."

"How could Chungen be the murderer? That young policeman must have wronged him."

"Don't wrong Director Wang. Director Wang is a good person. He has made great contributions to the village."

There are more than [-] villagers in Wangjia Village, and there are hundreds of people. There are nearly [-] villagers in the vicinity at the moment. They all heard the movement and rushed over with umbrellas.

In their hearts, Wang Chungen was a rare good cadre and could not be the murderer. Wang Chungen's words also aroused the emotions of these villagers.

Seeing that the villagers were talking louder and louder, some even scolded them, saying that the police had come here and they couldn't catch the murderer, so they wronged their Director Wang.

When Director Liu saw the situation of the villagers over there, he had to stand up and said loudly: "Be quiet, be quiet, folks, all of you be quiet."

After Director Liu finished shouting, the villagers' voices were much lower, and they only listened to Director Liu's righteous remarks: "I'm the director of our county public security bureau. When we arrest criminals, we must pay attention to the truth. If there is no evidence, we will We will not arbitrarily arrest people, please rest assured, folks.”

After saying this, the group of villagers still had a lot to say.

At this time, the village chief rushed over from a road. When the village chief saw this situation, he opened his mouth and shouted twice, and all the villagers fell silent.

There is a saying that county officials are better off managing now, and a mayor who goes to a village has less appeal than a village chief.

After the scene was quiet, Lin Chencai continued: "Wang Chungen, we were at He Liang's house that night, and the first time we met you, you caught my attention, but I didn't care too much about you. Before your wife greets me, you go to wash the dishes and chopsticks, you wash the dishes several times, and when you put the chopsticks on the bowl, every pair of chopsticks must be neatly arranged."

"I thought of the three deceased people who were killed at the time. The wounds in their mouths were cut very neatly, and the cross was at a right angle of [-] degrees, as if they were compared with a ruler and then knifed."

"Afterwards, your wife's shao-nong posture and your indifference made me speculate that you should not be a normal man. From various potential details, Wang Chungen, you and the murderer have similar personalities and ways of doing things...but... "

Before Lin Chen finished speaking, Wang Chungen sneered and said, "Hahaha, I said Officer Lin, Officer Lin, you said so much, did you ignore an important fact?"

"What important facts?" Lin Chen looked at Wang Chungen with great interest and asked.

Wang Chungen grinned and said: "You said that I am incompetent, and I also admit that I am incompetent, a man who is incompetent, it's really shameful, so no one knows about it except me and my wife, but don't forget Now, the murderer of the rainy night serial murder case was the one who raped and murdered."

"I'm incompetent, how can I rape them, ah?"

The last sentence, Wang Chungen roared out, his current performance is that of a good person who has been wronged by others, but he has no choice but to show anger.

The villagers also shouted: "Yes, this young policeman has talked a lot, ignoring such an important question, Director Wang is incompetent, how can he be a traitor?"

"Yes, I didn't pay attention to the most basic things. What's the use of reasoning so much?"

"The murderer is qiang rape and murder, Director Wang can't be the murderer!"

The villagers shouted again. The village chief standing by the side had a bad relationship with Director Wang, so he stood up and scolded a few words, telling the villagers to be quiet and not to disturb the police handling the case. . .

Lin Chen also smiled and said, "Wang Chungen, what you said is really not a problem."

"You are incompetent, so your psychology has changed. I checked the chins of the three female deceased a year or two ago. Their bruises were very serious, and there was a little damage to the places where they were committed."

"Those wounds may have been caused by the murderer's very hard work, or it may have been... the murderer used other objects to leave traces of being raped by Qiang on the body of the deceased..."

Lin Chen touched his chin, looked at Wang Chungen, and said, "Wang Chungen, you are incompetent, you can't do what a normal man can do, so you use another object, and use that object instead of you to cheat, so that The deceased has a strange feeling of kuai."

"You are normal on the surface, and you are a well-known village director. In fact, you are a perverted murderer at heart. You can't do that kind of thing normally. This kind of pervert, I think, is inseparable from the wife next to you."

Wang Chungen did not speak, but Wang Chungen's wife shouted: "No, my husband is not a murderer, he is a good man, how could he be a murderer, he has an alibi."

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "You and Wang Chungen sleep in separate rooms. You don't know what he did at night. When it rained heavily, Wang Chungen went out to check whether there was any danger in the village. You said you followed him. of."

"Hehe, just like your attitude towards Wang Chungen, you don't even wash a bowl, you don't clean the sanitation, he can't satisfy you, you have endless complaints against him, in the cold night of the heavy rain, you will be willing to warm the chuang shop, Do you choose to go out with him and walk around the village in the rain?".


283 The key evidence to solve the case 【Subscription】

Lin Chen's words made Wang Chungen's wife speechless.

Her mouth opened, trying to say something, but nothing came out in the end.

Seeing her speechless appearance, Lin Chen said, "Why, I don't know how to refute me?"

"I..." Wang Chungen's wife said bravely: "I have accompanied our old Wang out... I have gone out..."

Lin Chen smiled slightly and said, "Has anyone in the village seen it? Was it on the night of the crime? Tell me!"

Wang Chungen's wife stopped talking again, Lin Chen looked at Wang Chungen and said, "You are sleeping in a separate room with your wife, you have time to commit crimes, or you can go out on the grounds of going out to check the danger in the village, but look at your wife's face. Attitude, she doesn't care if you go out, what time do you come back at night, and whether there is any danger outside."

"I still don't understand what you're talking about." Wang Chungen smiled and said, "Officer Lin, what you said is all your speculation. I, Wang Chungen, are not a murderer. Would you say more, would it be useful? Come up with evidence. catch me."

"Good 11." Lin Chen said.

After speaking, Lin Chen reached out and took out a sealed plastic bag from the bag in Zhang Tian's hand.

Inside this airtight plastic bag is a black umbrella with a little dark pattern.

Lin Chen took out the sealed bag and said, "This umbrella was found at the death scene of the fifth deceased. Director Liu and the others thought this umbrella belonged to the deceased, but..."

Lin Chen paused for a moment, stared at Wang Chungen, and said, "Director Wang, do you remember the night when the three of us left for dinner, it was raining, and you gave us two umbrellas, then When the two umbrellas were returned to your wife's clothes the next day, they were also returned to you."

"The umbrella I played with Tian Nian was a black folding umbrella, and a small piece of paint fell off at the position of the lanyard hole on the handle of the umbrella. When I held the umbrella, I took it. , I remember it clearly."

Lin Chen said, showing the handle of the umbrella in the airtight bag to everyone, and said, "As for the folding umbrella at the crime scene, beside the lanyard hole of the umbrella handle, there is also an identical peeling paint. trace."

Director Liu, Miao Yunfei and the others immediately stepped forward and their eyes fell on the handle of the folding umbrella.

The folding umbrella is black, the handle is silver, and there is indeed a place where the paint is peeled next to the lanyard hole of the umbrella handle.

"Lin Chen, what do you mean, this folding umbrella belongs to Wang Chungen?" Miao Yunfei said.


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