After the phone call, Miao Yunfei returned to Lin Chen and Zhang Tianai's side, and she said, "Okay, I'll tell you everything about Luo and Shu."

"Well." Lin Chen nodded slightly, and said, "Since you said it, that's fine."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Miao Yunfei suddenly remembered that Lin Chen was in the interrogation room before, and confidently told Director Liu that the seat of the county party secretary might not be long.

Looking at Lin Chen's tone when he said that, it seems that he didn't take a county party secretary in his eyes.

Miao Yunfei asked the doubt in her heart. After Zhang Tianan heard the words, she also stared at Lin Chen curiously. The two women always felt that Lin Chen had many secrets that they didn't know.

Under the gazes of the two women, Lin Chen just changed the topic lightly, without explaining anything.

In this regard, although the two women are still curious, they are already used to Lin Chen's character.

The press release of the rainy night serial murder case has been edited and will be broadcast on the county TV station in Qiulin County at [-] o'clock this evening.

The case conference held by the police was held in the Public Security Bureau in the afternoon.

There were reporters from Qiulin County, as well as reporters from nearby counties, and reporters from Tianhai City TV Station who arrived early. The reporters set up equipment in the hall. The county magistrate of Qiulin County and several deputy magistrates were all present. attended.

Of course, Lin Chen, who contributed the most in the rainy night serial murder case, also attended the 610 press conference.

Outsiders were a little curious. In such a big case press conference, only the county magistrate and several deputy magistrates came, but the county party secretary was not seen.

People who don't know it think that the secretary of the county party committee may be away from home, or that there is something he can't get away with, but the county magistrate and director Liu are very clear about what's going on here.

Not only reporters participated in the case conference, Qiulin County also let ordinary people in the county participate in the conference.

At the press conference, the police played some blurred pictures of the deceased, as well as the whole process of Lin Chen's reasoning and solving the case. After seeing the reasoning and solving process of the whole case, the people and reporters in Qiulin County couldn't bear their gazes. The resident looked at Lin Chen who was sitting next to the county magistrate.

After playing the video of the case-solving process, the reporters began to ask questions, and the police in Qiulin County naturally answered in an official tone.

The flashing lights on the scene kept flashing, and the reporters most wanted to interview and ask questions was naturally Lin Chen.

A reporter from Tianhai City put his microphone in front of Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Lin, I know you, you have solved many difficult unsolved cases before, this time the serial murder case in Qiulin County in the rainy night. It was also solved by you. May I ask, have you considered joining the police force? Why do you solve so many cases in a row? Do you have any tips for solving cases?”


298 Things in the shoe box [5 more for subscription]

The reporter asked a lot of questions in a series. Different from the past, Lin Chen answered the questions asked by the reporter.

It was fine at first, but gradually, several county party committee leaders sitting beside Lin Chen heard the meaning of Lin Chen's words. His words sounded nothing on the surface. The spearhead was directed at the secretary of Qiulin County.

In this regard, the leaders of the county party committee only seemed slightly embarrassed, and did not dare to stop Lin Chen from speaking.

The case conference was over, and the leaders of Qiulin County handed over the three million case-solving bonus to Lin Chen.

The reporters started to pack up and were about to leave, and the people at the scene were also about to leave.

At this time, the county magistrate came to Lin Chen with a smile and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, the dinner is ready, please move."

Lin Chen shook his head slightly and said, "No, you can just eat."

In front of the reporters and the people who had not left, Lin Chen directly rejected the invitation of the county magistrate and walked outside.

Zhang Tianni glanced at the sky outside, it was getting late, Luo Xiaohui should have been out of school.

The county magistrate seemed a little embarrassed, and he invited Miao Yunfei again. Miao Yunfei replied, "I have something to do, so I won't be together."

Afterwards, Lin Chen and his party left the county public security bureau, leaving only a group of county party leaders and members of the task force led by Qiu Junbang.

In the car, Zhang Tian'an and Miao Yunfei were sitting together in the back seat of the car. Zhang Tian'an muttered, "I just saw Luo Heshu and Xiaohui parting, and I really felt bad."

Miao Yunfei shook her head. She said to Zhang Tian'an and Lin Chen, "You promised Luo Heshu to help him take care of his daughter. Are you going to take it with you, or what?"

Zhang Tianan heard the words, glanced at Lin Chen who was driving, and said, "I have to work at the police station. I can only take care of Xiaohui at night. Lin Chen seems to be quite busy, um..."

Zhang Tianan, who was hesitant to speak, suddenly brightened his eyes and said, "By the way, my parents really like children, Lin Chen, why don't you give Xiaohui to my parents々々?"

"Let's see." Lin Chen didn't agree or refuse.

Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan were talking along the way. Before Miao Yunfei, she was very proud and had a sense of superiority towards Zhang Tianan.

However, after Lin Chen appeared, Miao Yunfei's temperament changed a little. Her relationship with Zhang Tiannuo became a little closer, and she was able to chat casually, not as much as before.

After arriving at the downstairs of Luo Heshu's house, the three of Lin Chen went to the kindergarten. The kindergarten teacher told Lin Chen that Luo Xiaohui had just gone home by herself and should not have gone upstairs yet.

Lin Chen and Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan immediately walked out of the kindergarten and walked up to the rental building next to them.

Just after climbing a few steps of the stairs, Lin Chen's footsteps slowed down, and the two women who followed, saw Lin Chen slow down, they were a little puzzled, and looked up.

I saw Luo Xiaohui carrying a small schoolbag and wearing small slippers. She was sitting on the concrete steps, rubbing her knees with both hands.

Luo Xiaohui lowered her head. After seeing Lin Chen and others, she immediately called out sweetly, "Brother and sister, you are here..."

"Xiaohui, what's wrong with you?" Lin Chen stepped forward and asked.

Luo Xiaohui rubbed her knees, frowned, and said, "I accidentally fell while walking, and it hurts a little."

Hearing that Xiaohui had fallen, Zhang Tianan and Miao Yunfei immediately pushed Lin Chen aside and moved closer.

They pulled Xiaohui's trouser legs up, and saw that Xiaohui's knees were already slightly bruised. Judging from the bruises, Xiaohui must have fallen hard just now.

The two women suddenly felt distressed for the little girl, Zhang Tianan asked, "Is the pain bad?"

"It doesn't hurt." Luo Xiaohui shook her head, her ponytail fluttered gently, she said, "It just hurts a little bit."

Her knees were bruised. Her little figure sat on the steps rubbing her knees and asked her if it hurt. Her answer was that it hurt a little bit. If it was an ordinary child, she would probably have been sitting there and crying.

Miao Yunfei also touched Xiaohui's innocent face with complicated eyes.

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