Miao Yunfei sat next to Luo Xiaohui, taking care of her carefully, Lin Chen saw Miao Yunfei's gentle and considerate side, he smiled slightly: "I really can't see it, you are so careful and considerate. "

After Miao Yunfei heard the words, she raised her head, glanced at Lin Chen, and said, "I was very careful and considerate, but you didn't know that."

"You're fine." Lin Chen took a sip of the drink and said, "It's much better than putting on a cold face and making trouble without reason."

Miao Yunfei wanted to refute Lin Chen's unreasonable arrogance, but thinking that at this moment Lin Chen's opinion of herself had changed, and if she went to argue with him again, Lin Chen's good impression of herself would be gone.

After biting the red chun, Miao Yunfei said nothing.

After eating the fried food, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianai took Luo Xiaohui's hand and walked in front, and Lin Chen followed behind them, walking slowly on the street.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Xiaohui was full and started thinking about her father again. She raised her head and asked the two daughters, "Sister, my father will come back to me soon, right?"

"Yes... that's right..." Miao Yunfei smiled, the smile on her face was very unnatural.

After walking for a while, there was a hawker selling hydrogen balloons in front of her. Xiaohui saw the cartoon-printed balloons floating in the air, and her eyes were a little envious.

Lin Chen noticed her eager eyes, so he walked over and bought a cartoon hydrogen balloon for her.

Xiaohui grabbed the flying hydrogen balloon and ran happily on the road. Although she was wearing a pair of small slippers, she seemed to be used to slippers and ran fast.


"Xiaohui, please slow down." Zhang Tianan called out.

After Xiaohui heard Zhang Tiannan's cry, she turned her head and looked behind her. After saying the word "oh", she also slowed down.

But at this moment, a group of people just came out from the corner of the road. The head of the group was a bald man with tattoos, followed by a group of dyed hair or shirtless youths. It's like a mixed society.

Xiaohui turned her head to look at Zhang Tianen, and accidentally bumped into the bald man who came out of the corner.


After Xiaohui bumped into the bald man, her body hurt a little, she shook a little, and almost fell.

After stabilizing her figure, Xiaohui raised her head. She looked at the crooked man and said weakly, "Uncle, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

The hydrogen balloon was also held by Xiaohui. The bald man with tattoos in front of him looked ferocious, which scared Luo Xiaohui a little.

"His!" The bald man was in a bad mood. After being hit by Luo Xiaohui, he raised his foot and wanted to kick Luo Xiaohui's body.

Although Luo Xiaohui is still very young, her small body is not worth mentioning in front of him, but as long as it provokes him, no matter how old he is, just kick him and fly away.

But after seeing Luo Xiaohui's face, the bald man raised his foot in the air, and he wondered, "Hey, isn't this the daughter of the disabled police officer?".


300 Bald man [2 more for subscription]

The hatred between the bald man and Luo Heshu is not too deep. After the huge firefight happened in Qiulin County, the police in Qiulin County did their best to investigate and arrest them.

The criminal police team led by Luo Heshu successfully collected the criminal evidence of the uncle of the bald man, the black boss who was commuted to life imprisonment.

Luo Heshu personally handcuffed Boss Hei, escorted him to the county public security bureau, and submitted the criminal evidence to it.

The uncle was arrested, and the gang fell into chaos for a while. The hall masters under the boss became restless, saying that the boss was gone, and they were going to split up and set up their own doors.

At that time, the bald man was also a hall master under his uncle. He said that it was okay to split up the family, but he had to take a sigh of relief for the boss first.

So under the guidance of the bald man, several ruthless gang members rushed into Luo Heshu's house.

At that time, Luo Heshu's wife was cooking at home, waiting for Luo Heshu to come back for dinner. That day, Luo Xiaohui was also lucky, because Luo Heshu's wife had a lot of things to do at home, so Luo Xiaohui was taken to the street by the aunt of the next door neighbor. played on.

The bald man sent to 903, dragged Luo Heshu's wife out of the kitchen, gagged her mouth, tore her clothes, and committed a crime against her.

After the end, they returned to the bald man and ran away with a sum of money.

After taking revenge on Luo Heshu, the bald man was very happy. Luo Heshu dared to arrest his uncle and let him know what the price was.

After killing Luo Heshu's wife, the gang that captured the boss broke up. The bosses of each hall master set up their own portals. This bald man was also doing well in the county town, and he had several games in his hands.

Recently, I heard that my uncle's death sentence was commuted to life, and the bald man was happier. The death sentence was changed to life, life was changed to fixed, and the sentence was commuted again. A splintered gang.

The reason why I am in a bad mood today is because a boy from Wangjia Village borrowed tens of thousands of dollars from the bald man. The original profit has increased several times, but today the bald man learned the news from his subordinates. .

The boy from Wangjia Village (bbdf) has been detained by the police because he was involved in an unreported murder case. According to his situation, it is at least one or two years to be locked inside.

He couldn't get a sum of money back, and he was unhappy with confidence. He took his younger brothers out to eat, and was bumped by a little girl who didn't have long eyes.

It's just that this little girl is too familiar to him, the daughter of the disabled policeman.

"Hey..." said a young man behind the bald man, "It seems that she is the daughter of Luo Heshu?"

Hearing these uncles mentioning his father's name, Luo Xiaohui thought they were his father's friends, so he asked in a milky voice, "Uncle, do you know my father? My father is a policeman."

"Police?" Hearing this, the bald man sneered. He looked down at the little girl and said, "Your father is a fart policeman. He is a murderer and has already been arrested."

The bald man's voice fell, he raised his foot, and kicked Luo Xiaohui's body with one kick.

Luo Xiaohui was wearing small slippers on her feet, holding the cartoon hydrogen balloon that Lin Chen bought for her. Her small body was really insignificant in front of the bald man.

Xiaohui was kicked and flew more than one meter away, and then fell to the ground with a plop. The little slippers on her feet fell off, and the cute cartoon hydrogen balloon in her hand also flew into the sky.

"Wow..." Luo Xiaohui covered her mouth with her two little hands, and she felt that her mouth hurt.

The little slippers on her feet fell off. They were newly bought by her father yesterday. She liked them very much. The hydrogen balloon in her hand flew away. It was bought by brother Lin Chen who took her to eat KFC.

When Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan saw Xiaohui bump into the bald man, they quickened their pace and ran here, but Xiaohui had run a little far before, and was still a little far from them, so that Xiaohui was caught After the kick fell, they arrived.

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