
The bald man stretched out his hand and covered his mouth, struggling on the ground in pain. He was like a fish caught from the water, stomping on the ground.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Most of the teeth in his mouth were shattered by Lin Chen's kick. The bald man had a deep understanding of how painful it was.

Zhang Tianan took Luo Xiaohui into his arms, preventing her from seeing this bloody scene.

Luo Xiaohui was also very well behaved, her little hand was around her painful mouth, her little brows were furrowed, and she looked very painful, but she didn't cry anymore.

Miao Yunfei walked over there. Not only did Lin Chen guess the relationship between the bald man and Luo Heshu, but Miao Yunfei also guessed some, but she couldn't confirm it.

"Say?" Lin Chen looked down at the bloody teeth on the ground, and asked in a light tone.

The bald man looked at Lin Chen with fear written in his eyes, this young man was too terrifying, his speed was too fast, and his strength was too great.


Seeing that this young man protects Luo Xiaohui so much, if he says that Luo Xiaohui's mother was sent to rape and kill by himself, his fate must be worse?

Thinking of this, the bald man felt that he must not say anything.

It's just that in the time he was hesitating and thinking about it, Lin Chen landed on him again, breaking the bald man's left foot.


The bald man felt that he could hear the clicking sound from the bones of his feet, and his aching eyes were about to pop out.

"I said... I said..." The bald man's mouth had almost all of his teeth falling out, his mouth was full of blood, and his speech was slurred.

Lin Chen looked at him, shook his head, and said, "You don't look sincere, and what you're going to say next must be a lie."


Lin Chen's voice fell, and he broke the bald man's calf with one foot.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

The bald-headed man roared in the sky, almost fainting from the pain.

The passers-by who passed by here did not dare to approach after seeing the situation here, and only dared to stand and watch from a distance.

Some enthusiastic people even took out their mobile phones and called the police, telling the police that there was a fight here, and the fight was very ruthless.

"I said, I said...I said..." The bald man pleaded again, saying that he would talk about his relationship with Luo Heshu.

"no no……"

Lin Chen still shook his head and said, "You should still tell lies next."


302 Hand it over to the police station for processing [4 for more subscription]

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he landed on the big leg of the bald man again.

The thigh bone of the big leg is thicker than the calf, but in front of Lin Chen, it is still vulnerable.

The bald man's soles were trampled off, his calf was trampled off, his big leg was trampled off, his clothes were soaked in cold sweat, and the pain was so painful that he wanted to find a rock to hit him and faint, and he didn't have to bear this pain. .

But unfortunately, he was exhausted and had no strength to make himself dizzy.

"I...I..." The bald man wailed, and he wanted to say the next words, but he looked weak.

The dozen or so young people lying on the ground next to each other looked at each other in dismay. They thought that the bald-headed brother was cruel enough. Usually, when they were taught to mix on the road, they had to be cruel.

But the guy in front of him, his heart is "sixty zero", no worse than the bald brother.

Moreover, his method of not explaining to the bald brother can be said to be strong or unreasonable.


The other sole of the bald man's foot was also trampled off. After Lin Chen stepped on it, he said, "Speak, if you say two words of me, don't continue to say it?"

When the bald man heard this, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

What the hell, you step on one foot after another, and one foot breaks a bone in one place. The broken bone is so painful, how can you still have the strength to speak.

"I..." The bald-headed man was about to speak, but just after the word "I" was uttered, he heard another sound of broken bones.

The bald man was already numb. After hearing this sound, he was thinking, could it be that the bone in his leg was broken again?

Turning his head to look, sure enough, the calf of his other leg was also broken, and Lin Chen's foot was still on his bent calf.

Only then did the bald man feel the pain.

He was screaming in agony, and the dozen or so younger brothers under him dared not say a word.

Miao Yunfei had come to Lin Chen's side, she just stood aside and watched without saying a word.

After giving the bald man more than ten seconds to breathe, Lin Chen's feet slowly lifted and placed directly above the bald man's life.

The bald man's face was ashen, Lin Chen said: "I can see if others are lying, tell me your grievance with Luo Heshu, if there is a lie, I'm sorry, from today, you can't touch women anymore. ."

A broken leg can be connected, and a lost tooth can be inlaid, but if Lin Chen's life is abolished, then for a man, what is the joy of living?

The bald man was completely panicked. Judging from Lin Chen's series of shots, he really did what he said.

The bald man gritted his teeth and said, "I... I have a grudge with Luo Heshu. He took my uncle."

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