Lin Chen looked at Ge Xiangdong and Chai Haoqiang and said, "It seems that the last time I took care of the two of you was too light."


318 What a big battle [5 more for subscription]

"What do you want, do you want to do it savagely?" Lu Weiwei took a step forward, looking like she was not afraid of Lin Chen at all.

Some of the second generation who were close to Lin Chen also took a step or two back, fearing that Lin Chen's shot would hurt them a lot.

Many people's eyes were fixed on Lin Chen, Lin Chen's eyes swept over Lu Tengfei and the others, and said lightly, "Don't be so nervous, I won't do anything to you now, wait for that one thousand young people to come, Let's do the math again."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Lu Tengfei, Chai Haoqiang and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

"He doesn't seem to be nervous at all, is he really not afraid of Wan Shao?"

"Mostly it's pretending. Now it's good. When Wan Shao really comes, let's see what kind of coward he is."

"But I... don't think he's pretending..."

Many people were discussing in a low voice, but Lin Chen didn't pay attention to those discussions. He walked to a dining table like a leisurely stroll, picked up a glass of freshly squeezed juice, and drank it.

Miao Yunfei and Jiang Yaxian followed behind Lin Chen, Jiang Yaxian's pretty eyes stared at Lin Chen, blinking.

After a few minutes, a young man standing by the window suddenly shouted: "Come, Wan Shao is here."

This simple sentence caused a huge sensation for everyone present.

In an instant, almost everyone walked towards the window to see if Wan Shao was really here.

Lin Chen was still standing beside the dining table, drinking the juice quietly, Miao Yunfei's eyes were complicated, and Jiang Yaxian also walked over there.

A luxurious motorcade slowly drove towards the Haoyu Hotel.

Driving in front is a multi-million Maserati, driving in second is a black Rolls-Royce, followed by cars worth millions.

The value of this convoy is probably in the hundreds of millions. For such a big battle, just to escort one person to the arrival, that is Wan Shao Wan Ruiqiang of the Magic Sea Wanjia.

The doormen of the Haoyu Hotel hurried up to meet him. A man in a suit stepped down from the co-pilot of the Rolls-Royce. He opened the rear door, and a young man in casual clothes walked out of the car.

This young man was tall, with a big back and a pair of black sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. His appearance made the ladies on the 6th floor agitated.

"Wan Shao, Wan Shao is here."

"Is that Wan Shao? Although it's a bit far away, he looks so personable and handsome."

"Have you seen the bodyguards around Wan Shao? They are all fighting masters. I heard that one fights more than a dozen, it's like playing."

"The son of the big family looks different."

The ladies around the window were talking a lot.

Of course, some of those who said these words were not reserved, and some were very reserved. Although they were pleasantly surprised when they saw Wan Shao, they didn't say anything.

After Wan Shao walked into the door of the Haoyu Hotel, the second generation dispersed and stood at the entrance of the reception hall.

Lin Chen came just now, there wasn't such a big sensation, only Miao Yunfei and Jiang Yaxian walked to the entrance to wait for Lin Chen.

And now Wan Shao, except for Lin Chen and the three, all went to the entrance to greet Wan Shao.

Lu Tengfei straightened his tie, and some daughters who came with purpose adjusted their makeup. They looked at the entrance and waited for the arrival of Wan Shao.

Finally, the elevator door on the 6th floor opened, and Wan Ruiqiang followed a group of people and walked into the reception hall.

Wan Ruiqiang is no longer wearing sunglasses. Lu Tengfei and others were secretly happy when they saw his gloomy face.

Looking at Wan Shao's unhappy appearance, I don't know how tragic Lin Chen's fate will be next.

Chai Haoqiang and Ge Xiangdong looked at each other, Wan Ruiqiang's expression was what they wanted to see.

"Wan Shao... You're here..." Lu Tengfei greeted Wan Rui with a smile on his face, and stretched out his hands to Wan Rui.

"Wan Shao..."

"Have you worked hard on the road?"

"Good luck..."

The other two generations have spoken out to greet Wan Ruiqiang.

Miao Yunfei and Jiang Yaxian also looked over there and saw Wan Ruiqiang, Wan Shao, from Wanjia in Mohai City.

Many people greeted Wan Ruiqiang, and Lu Tengfei also stretched out his hands to shake his hand.

However, Wan Ruiqiang paid no attention to anyone. His face was as cold as a piece of ice.

Wan Rui glared at Lu Tengfei and said, "Lin Chen didn't come?"

Feeling Wan Ruiqiang's gaze, Lu Tengfei hurriedly pointed his finger at Lin Chen, and said, "Master Wan, the guy with short eyes is here, waiting for your treatment there."

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

Wan Ruiqiang heard the words and looked in the direction Lu Tengfei pointed. After seeing Lin Chen, his pupils shrank slightly and walked towards Lin Chen quickly.

Seeing Wan Ruiqiang walking towards Lin Chen quickly, everyone was in high spirits. They understood that the good show was about to begin tonight.

Lu Weiwei looked at Wan Shao's tall back with admiration from her pretty eyes. This is the son of a big family. If she wants to marry, she will marry such a powerful person.

Seeing Wan Ruiqiang approaching step by step, Miao Yunfei was a little nervous, but Lin Chen was still calm.

Everyone felt that they were about to see the scene where Wan Shao kicked Lin Chen over, and then Lin Chen knelt down and begged for mercy.

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