Wan Ruiqiang is very much favored and loved by the old man. Many businesses in the family are entrusted to him. Wan Ruiqiang does not want to disappoint his grandfather because of Lin Chen's incident. This thing calms down.

After Lu Tengfei heard Wan Ruiqiang's words, he understood that Wan Ruiqiang wanted to transfer Lin Chen's anger to himself.

Lu Tengfei's body was trembling slightly. Jiang Yaxian, whom he was after, was beside him, so he didn't dare to look at it.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I... I shouldn't have done these things." Lu Teng said quiveringly.


He thought of sending invitations by himself this morning, saying those arrogant words, and smashing Lin Chen's company.

Just now Lin Chen said that he would not do it to himself, and when Wan Ruiqiang came, I thought that Lin Chen was the last to show off, but I didn't expect this result.

"Go away, you also call this sincerity?"

After Lu Tengfei said that in a trembling manner, Wan Ruiqiang, whose face was swollen, turned around and kicked Lu Tengfei's face.

Wan Ruiqiang was wearing leather shoes with very hard soles. This foot stepped on Lu Tengfei's face, causing his nose to bleed, leaving an obvious shoe print on his face.

Lu Tengfei, who was on his knees, immediately knelt up straight, stretched out his hand to wipe the gushing nosebleed, and said in a panic, "Yes... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... It's all my fault, it's all my fault. Mine shouldn't be."

"Don't just talk, kowtow."

Wan Rui ordered strongly. After saying these words, he kicked Lu Tengfei in the face again, kicking Lu Tengfei to the ground.

Lu Tengfei felt that the bridge of his nose was broken, but he didn't dare to scream, because it was Shao Wan who was kicking him.

Wan Shao beat himself, he could only endure it, otherwise he would be even more unhappy.

"elder brother……"

Lu Weiwei at the back finally couldn't hold it anymore, she screamed and rushed over with tears in her eyes.

Lu Weiwei looked at Wan Ruiqiang with a gloomy face and said, "Wan Shao... Wan Shao, stop hitting my brother."


321 Compensation problem [3 more please subscribe]

Just five or six minutes ago, the brother and sister of the Lu family, the elder brother was in high spirits and felt that he was hugging the big legs of the sea of ​​magic.

The younger sister is dressed in youthful beauty and heavy makeup. After waiting for the arrival of Wan Shao, she hopes to be coveted by Wan Shao.

But in just a few minutes, the situation has changed.

Lu Tengfei lost his high spirits and was kicked twice by Wan Ruiqiang. There were two staggered shoe prints on his face, blood dripping from his nostrils, and his nose seemed to have collapsed.

The younger sister Lu Weiwei hugged her brother in a panic, those eyes that originally looked down on Lin Chen, now looked at Wan Ruiqiang, full of pleading.

"It's not that I'm going to hit him."

Wan Ruiqiang squinted at Lu Tengfei, who was bleeding from the nose, and said, "He should be beaten."

After he finished speaking, Wan Ruiqiang kicked Lu Tengfei's face with his third foot.

No way, Wan Ruiqiang is now looking for a scapegoat, this Lu Tengfei can only make a punching bag.

"Don't hit, don't hit..." Lu Weiwei saw her brother's collapsed nose, and tears were already in her eyes.

After the tears fell, the makeup on her face was also spent. Today's elaborate dress did not get Wan Shao coveted. Not to mention, she was reduced to kneeling on the ground and begging Wan Shao.

Lin Chen has been watching all this silently, Wan Rui looked at Lu Weiwei and said, "It's no use begging me, I don't have the right to decide here."

After finishing speaking, Wan Rui looked at Lin Chen and said, "Ask Mr. Lin. If Mr. Lin says your brother is all right, then I won't deal with him."

Lu Weiwei raised her crying face, twisted her neck with difficulty, and looked at Lin Chen's face.

Looking at this young man who was much more handsome than Wan Shao, Lu Weiwei couldn't say a word for a while.

Before, I had told Chai Haoqiang and Ge Xiangdong whether Wan Shao would maim Lin Chen tonight, and he was very rude to Lin Chen, but now, he wanted to beg this young man who he just despised.

"Lin..." Lu Weiwei opened her mouth and said the word "Lin", but the words behind her were a little bit inarticulate. After hesitating for a second or two, she continued, "Mr. Lin, it was our fault today, please...please. Please let my brother go..."

Jiang Yaxian looked at Lu Weiwei who was kneeling on the ground and begging. She shook her head gently. She didn't feel sorry for these two brothers and sisters. Their previous behavior explained everything.

Everyone's eyes also fell on Lin Chen, wanting to see how Lin Chen handled this matter.

Lin Chen looked away from Lu Weiwei's body, stared at Lu Tengfei, and said, "This morning, you went to my company, smashed my company's computer, and injured my company's employees, how do you count?"

Wan Ruiqiang didn't know about it yet. After hearing the words, he cursed: "You, this thing, went to smash Mr. Lin's company? Are you courting death?"

Wan Ruiqiang was also rude. Grandpa said that he couldn't provoke Lin Chen and wanted to handle the matter properly. Lu Tengfei was a better dog, but he actually smashed Lin Chen's company and employees.

"I... I'll pay, I'll pay... Mr. Lin, Master Wan, I'm sorry, I will pay for what I did this morning, Lu Tengfei." Lu Tengfei said quickly, for fear that Wan Ruiqiang would hit himself again.

"Mr. Lin, compensation...Do you think it's okay?" Wan Ruiqiang asked.


Lin Chen nodded and said, "One of my company's computers is worth [-] million yuan. You smashed nine of my computers. Calculate, how much do you have to pay for computers?"

Lu Tengfei's eyes widened. Ten million for a computer?

Damn it, even if your computer is made of gold, even if it is inlaid with diamonds, a computer will not cost such an outrageous price of [-] million, right?

"What, ten million?" Lu Weiwei was dumbfounded, looking at Lin Chen in disbelief, and said, "Mr. Lin, isn't this... this price is too outrageous, where is there a computer that needs ten million to buy one? "

The other two generations, you look at me, I look at yours, the expressions on their faces are rich, but no one speaks.

"The price of [-] million units is outrageous?" Lin Chen looked at Lu Weiwei and asked back.

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