As soon as these words came out, the group of second-generations looked left and right, looking for Ge Xiangdong and Chai Haoqiang. The first reaction of the second-generation standing beside them was to take a step away from them.

After a few breaths, Ge Xiangdong and Chai Haoqiang, who were standing in the crowd, were immediately isolated.

When the two heard Lin Chen calling their names, their bodies trembled. After feeling Lin Chen's gaze, Chai Haoqiang wanted to run away.

"This...that..." Chai Hao stammered, the clothes on his back were soaked with cold sweat.

Ge Xiangdong, who was in a wheelchair, wasn't much better. The two of them could not wait to slap themselves a few times. Ba Zi, I just came to watch the play today, why would there be a language conflict with Lin Chen?

Alright now, after Lin Chen cleaned up Lu Tengfei, he was going to clean up himself.

Seeing that the two didn't move, Lin Chen's eyes narrowed slightly: "You don't come, do you want me to go?"

Ge Xiangdong and Chai Haoqiang trembled. Ge Xiangdong took the lead in controlling the wheelchair and approached Lin Chen.

With these two people, Lin Chen didn't say a word of nonsense. When Ge Xiangdong approached him, Lin Chen flew and kicked Ge Xiangdong's mouth.

"Ah... uh..."

Ge Xiangdong howled miserably, and he flew out backwards, even with his wheelchair.

His jointed legs were broken again, and the jointed arms were broken again. Lin Chen kicked several bones in his mouth, and his face hit the ground, swollen a lot.

The second generation at the scene thought that Lin Chen would say something sarcastic to Ge Xiangdong, but they didn't expect Lin Chen to be so straightforward, kicking when he raised his foot.

Chai Haoqiang 697, who was halfway there, stopped immediately after seeing Ge Xiangdong's tragic experience.

He felt that his legs were filled with lead, and he couldn't move a step.

Lin Chen looked at him and said, "Young Master Chai, it's your turn."

Chai Haoqiang shuddered and said, "Mr. Lin, I...I..."

"What are you, come over quickly." Wan Ruiqiang called quickly.

Chai Haoqiang gritted his teeth and approached Lin Chen a few steps. When he was about to say something to beg for mercy, Lin Chen also raised his foot and kicked him away.

Chai Haoqiang flew more than ten meters away and smashed his body on a dining table.

There were all kinds of delicious dishes on the table. After he landed on it, he smashed the table over, and the fragments of the dishes were embedded in his back, and a large amount of blood flowed out.

In the entire reception hall, except for the screams of Lu Tengfei, Ge Xiangdong and Chai Haoqiang, there was no other sound.

Lu Weiwei didn't dare to see Lin Chen anymore, she was afraid that Lin Chen would hit the woman and kick herself away.

Those wealthy daughters at the scene, at the moment they look at Lin Chen's beautiful eyes, each has a different meaning.

Lin Chen is more handsome than Wan Shao, and the power behind him is stronger than Wan Shao, and his acting style is so straightforward and decisive. In fact, there is no need to always think about attracting Wan Shao's attention. Isn't Lin Chen in front of him the son-in-law of the golden turtle? .


323 The Rich Daughter Who Picked Up [5 More Subscriptions]

The wealthy daughters at the scene each made small calculations in their hearts.

Lu Xiong looked at his son who was lying on the ground with a face of pain, and he asked Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, I will go back immediately to prepare money for you, can we leave?"

Lin Chen gave Lu Xiong his card number and waved his hand, indicating that they could leave.

Lu Xiong took his son and daughter and left quickly.

Chai Haoqiang and Ge Xiangdong, who fell to the ground, were also carried away by their respective people and sent to the hospital.

The people who should be cleaned have been cleaned up. When Wan Ruiqiang saw this, he said to Lin Chen: "Mr. Lin, that Chai Haoqiang and Ge Xiangdong, I will help you clean up the enterprises behind them, and I will not let Lu's Real Estate They're just fine..."

Speaking of this, Wan Ruiqiang's tone became a little hesitant: "Then look, can this matter end like this?"

Wan Ruiqiang put his posture very low, and also said that he would handle the following matters, Lin Chen nodded and said, "Well, it's none of your business."

"Okay..." After hearing Lin Chen's words, Wan Ruiqiang breathed a sigh of relief.

This matter subsided, and I could have an explanation to my grandfather.

Wan Ruiqiang came in a luxury motorcade worth over [-] million. Now he wanted to leave quickly, but was slapped twice by Lin Chen, making him shameless to stay here.

Immediately, he and Lin Chen said goodbye temporarily, and left in a hurry to deal with Chai Haoqiang, Ge Xiangdong, and the Lu family.

"Lin Chen, in the end you..."

As soon as Wan Ruiqiang left, Jiang Yaxian opened her mouth to ask Lin Chen what his background was.

It's just that as soon as she spoke, Miao Yunfei, who was beside her, tugged at the corner of her clothes and interrupted: "Don't ask, he won't say anything if you ask. I've tried many times."

Miao Yunfei had told Jiang Yaxian about Lin Chen's strange temper before. After Jiang Yaxian heard the words, her pretty face was a little disappointed, so she didn't ask any more questions.

Lin Chen turned around and took another glass of juice on the table. Before coming tonight, Zhang Tianan made a very salty noodle soup at home, which made Lin Chen still a little thirsty.

At this time, a few wealthy daughters with relatively good family conditions, they stretched their long legs and came towards Lin Chen.

The girl who wanted to talk to Wan Shao a little more before, looked at Lin Chen and said, "Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm the general manager of Haifeng Group, nice to meet you"".

She stretched out her fair little hands to Lin Chen, hoping to shake hands with Lin Chen.

Lin Chen held a glass of juice in his hand and took a sip, turning a blind eye to the girl's outstretched hand.

"Mr. Lin, you and your company's social media software is also downloaded on my mobile phone, but I don't understand some functions very well. Can I ask you for some advice?"

She didn't say that she was glad to know Lin Chen or something, but used the software of Lin Chen's company to get close to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen glanced at her and said, "You have to ask for advice on even using a software. What else do you use? Just uninstall it."

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