When Lin Chen heard the conversation between the two, his eyes were lost for a moment, and after the loss, he quickly regained clarity.

Miao Yunfei had already called to ask a policeman to drive a car to pick up Bao Qingshan's family. The policeman who came was the one who said yesterday that he would take off his police uniform and beat Lin Chen for Miao Yunfei.

Bao Qingshan's family of three got into the car driven by the detective, while the three of Lin Chen took another car.

The car drove towards the scene of the crime, and after the car drove a distance, Miao Yunfei said to Lin Chen, "Lin Chen, do you suspect that it was the deceased killed by Bao Qingshan?"


Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "Do you remember the first sentence you said when you first saw Bao Qingshan?"

"The first sentence you said?" Miao Yunfei pondered slightly, recalled for a moment, and said, "My first sentence just now seems to be Bao Qingshan asking us what to do with him. I said that I suspected that the deceased was murdered by homicide. I want him to cooperate honestly."

Lin Chen leaned on the seat and said, "Yes, I don't know if you two noticed that when he said this, he was tidying his sleeves."

Zhang Tianan squinted his eyes and recalled: "It seems that there was such a movement, Lin Chen, do you want to say that there is something wrong with this little movement of Bao Qingshan?"

Zhang Tianai thought of the last time Lin Chen interrogated Liu Xiaojing, so he asked this question.

"Yes, Bao Qingshan's sleeves are very neat, and when he came out, he didn't even tidy his sleeves. After Miao Yunfei said that the deceased was killed by him, he immediately reached out to tidy his sleeves. "

"Generally speaking, when a person is calming down his inner panic and restlessness, he will do such an action. This action of his makes me think he is suspicious." Lin Chen said.

"Just relying on a small action?" Miao Yunfei asked in a questioning tone, obviously feeling that this approach was a little unreliable.

"Of course it's not just a small action, but a person's small actions can often show his mood at the time." Lin Chen tidied up his sleeves and said, "Let's talk about the second doubt, before I ask How did he answer me when he was there before eight o'clock the night of the crime?"

"He said he and his wife were watching TV in the living room, and his wife and children could testify against him." Zhang Tian said.

"When he was saying this, he subconsciously stretched out his hand and put it on his wife's shoulder." Lin Chen said: "between husband and wife, friends, and relatives, putting one hand on someone else's shoulder can make People feel that they have something to rely on, and have someone beside them to support them.”

"Bao Qingshan did this, maybe he wanted to send a message to his wife, that is, wife, you can give me a false certificate, and the police can't see it."

Miao Yunfei held the steering wheel in both hands, turned her head suddenly and stared at Lin Chen, and muttered, "Really? Is it so evil? Can you see the clues from these places?"

Lin Chen smiled and didn't speak, and said in his heart that this is not evil, it's just that there is no relevant knowledge in this parallel world.

"Then why did you ask their family of three to go to the crime scene?" Zhang Tianai asked.

Lin Chen put his hands in front of Xiong casually, and said casually: "Speaking the truth of this case leaves Bao Qingshan speechless and admits that he is the murderer."

When Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up, Miao Yunfei said, "Do you have sufficient evidence to prove that Bao Qingshan is the murderer?"

"Well, yes." Lin Chen's answer was very succinct.

"Then tell me quickly what is the evidence to confirm that Bao Qingshan is the murderer." The coldness on Miao Yunfei's face turned into curiosity and anticipation.

Lin Chen frowned, and said in a displeased tone, "Don't always turn around and talk to me, drive your car well, I already said that the case will be solved soon, and I'm still asking questions."

"You you..." Miao Yunfei was reprimanded like this by Lin Chen, and slapped the steering wheel with a slap, she was so angry.

Lin Chen looked out the window, too lazy to pay attention to Miao Yunfei's angry look.

Zhang Tianan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, flattened her mouth. It was really hard to imagine that Miao Yunfei, who is usually so temperamental, would be reprimanded like this. This is in the Public Security Bureau, but you can't see it at all. of.

The atmosphere of the car became silent, and there was nothing to say all the way, and the car soon reached the downstairs of the rental house where the deceased lived.

Lin Chen and the others got out of the car and were about to take Bao Qingshan's family of three to the top of the building when two police cars drove up at the intersection ahead. The police cars stopped quickly, and the group walked out of the police cars.


PS: Speaking of a very embarrassing thing, many readers voted for an update of [-] words for this book. This kind of reasoning novel is really unpleasant to write. I want to ensure the quality and consider the plot. After each chapter is written, it is necessary to check it over and over again.

This book is now updated with three chapters every day. When it is on the shelves, I will try my best to write more for you and bring you more exciting cases. Thank you, brothers.


034 The things in the plastic bag【For collection】

The leader of the group was a tall man in a suit who looked to be in his forties.

His hair was meticulously combed, and with a pair of black leather shoes on his feet, he walked straight towards where Lin Chen and the others were standing.

When Zhang Tian'an and a group of criminal policemen saw the man, their eyes widened slightly, showing a look of surprise, and then they all saluted the man.

"Hello mayor!"

All the policemen called out in unison.

After hearing Zhang Tianan and others call the man in front of him the mayor, Bao Qingshan and his wife's eyes widened, and they felt unbelievable, the mayor... actually came?

And the daughter in their arms didn't know anything, holding a few candies in her hands.

This man in a suit is the mayor of Tianhai City and director of the Public Security Bureau, Miao Zhengxiong.

After Miao Zhengxiong nodded to Zhang Tianan and the others, he glanced at his daughter and finally landed on Lin Chen.

He looked at Lin Chen and said, "Are you that Lin Chen?"

When Miao Zhengxiong got off the car, Lin Chen knew at first glance that he was related to Miao Yunfei, and the two had many similarities in appearance.

Miao Yunfei can look so beautiful, and as her father, she looks very good.

"Yes, I am." Facing Miao Zhengxiong's gaze and inquiries, Lin Chen replied as usual.

"Hello, the last corpse case of Donglin University, you solved it very beautifully, the reasoning process is very exciting, and you are talented." Miao Zhengxiong stretched out his hand to Lin Chen.

"You passed the prize." Lin Chen also stretched out his hand and shook hands with Miao Zhengxiong.

Seeing Lin Chen's expression, Miao Yunfei muttered in her heart, "Is this guy really calm or just pretending, seeing my dad, he didn't even have a nervous expression at all, and he still looks annoying. "

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