Lin Chen said: "Because I have evidence to prove that you are still lying. You went out and came here when your wife was out."

Bao Qingshan was stunned for a moment. After he was stunned, he immediately said: "Comrade police officer, I lied to you only once, and I really didn't lie again."

Miao Zhengxiong, who was watching in the crowd, turned his head and said to his secretary, "Xiaozhu, can you tell from the expression on the suspect's face whether he is lying?"

When the mayor's secretary Xiao Zhu heard the words, he shook his head and said, "I saw the expression on his face, the expression in his eyes was very serious, it didn't look like he was lying, but that Lin Chen... but Xiong has a lot of confidence. Looking at him like that, I had the illusion that this case would be solved."

Miao Zhengxiong smiled slightly and said nothing.

"Give me the phone." Lin Chen extended his hand to Miao Yunfei.

Miao Yunfei hurriedly returned the phone to Lin Chen. After Lin Chen took it, he flipped through the album a few times, and a shoe cabinet appeared on the screen.

Lin Chen pointed the screen of his mobile phone at the Bao Qingshan couple and said, "Do you know this shoe cabinet?"

"Of course I do."

Bao Qingshan said: "This is my shoe cabinet, comrade police, when did you take the photo, and why did you take our shoe cabinet?"

Zhang Tianan and the others all saw the shoe cabinet on the screen. When they went to Bao Qingshan's house before, the two girls were about to see Lin Chen walking to the shoe cabinet to take pictures. After the shooting, Lin Chen said to himself, "Sure enough It is so.

Lin Chen slid - moved the phone screen, and the picture switched to the next one. In this picture, Lin Chen picked up the pair of leather shoes on the shoe cabinet.

"Is it your leather shoes?" Lin Chen asked.

Bao Qingshan's pupils shrank slightly and said, "Yes."

Lin Chen continued to slide and move, and another picture appeared. This picture was still Lin Chen holding the shoe, but the sole of the shoe was facing the camera.

The soles of these leather shoes were a little dirty, stained with some mud, and some dirt and sand were embedded in the anti-slip texture of the soles.

"Is there a problem with this shoe?" Miao Yunfei asked.

Lin Chen didn't answer Miao Yunfei, but said to Bao Qingshan, "Tell me, what's on the sole."

Bao Qingshan's eyes showed a blank look, and said, "Comrade police, didn't you see it? I haven't brushed these leather shoes for a long time, and they are a little dirty. Why, I have doubts about my shoes being dirty?"

"Yes, Bao Qingshan, your soles betrayed you." Lin Chen said.


036 A handful of sand【for collection】

Miao Zhengxiong also saw the photo on Lin Chen's mobile phone. After seeing this, he said softly, "Lin Chen, you said that these leather shoes betrayed the suspect, is it because the anti-slip texture of the sole has some embedded in it? Grains of sand, so you think the suspect has been here, there is a big suspicion."

After hearing the mayor's guess, Zhang Tianan and the others nodded slightly. Lin Chen's thoughts should be what the mayor said.

Lin Chen glanced at Miao Zhengxiong, nodded and said: "You are right, it is precisely because of the sand grains in the anti-slip texture of the soles that it is confirmed that Bao Qingshan has been to this rooftop, and Wang Xuefeng's death is related to him."

After Bao Qingshan was stunned, his eyes widened, and he said extremely angry and speechless: "Comrade police, is there something wrong with your mind, just because there is sand embedded in the soles of my shoes, you say that I have been here before, kill me? Wang Xuefeng?"

"Yes." Lin Chen said lightly.

"Ha ha……"

Bao Qingshan laughed, pointed his finger at Lin Chen, and said, "I really don't know what to say, and if I scold you something bad, maybe I will insult the police again after a while, comrade police, comrade police. , I ask you, is it true that in the entire Tianhai City, except for this roof, there is no sand in other places?"

"I'm walking on the street, going to other people's houses, walking in remote alleys, and these places are spotless and without a grain of sand?"

Bao Qingshan's voice was so loud that it rang the entire roof, so that everyone could hear his words clearly.

Although dozens of people present wanted to know who the murderer was, Bao Qingshan's rebuttal was really flawless.

Miao Yunfei frowned, looked at the scattered sand on the ground, and said, "Lin Chen, your reasoning is too unreliable, how could Bao Qingshan say that he has been here because of the sand embedded in the soles of his shoes, There are a lot of these things on the ground in the streets and alleys."

"That's right." A young detective stepped forward, looked at Lin Chen and said, "Your inference is untenable at all. Sand is embedded in the anti-slip texture of the sole, which is normal."

This young detective was the one who flattered Miao Yunfei before and wanted to beat Lin Chen up for her, and he was the one who went to pack the Qingshan family of three just now.

The landlord of this building and a few tenants who came to watch the fun also whispered, thinking that Lin Chen's inference is too unreliable.

"Mayor, this Lin Chen, doesn't it seem like that?" Secretary Xiao Zhu looked at Lin Chen over there and shook his head. The second inference made by Lin Chen was really ridiculous.

When Mayor Miao Zhengxiong heard this, he reached out and touched his chin with a look of contemplation.

Although Miao Zhengxiong also felt that this inference was untenable and baseless, Lin Chen's demeanor always made him feel that things were not so simple.

"The sand on the soles, what's suspicious about this..." Miao Zhengxiong squinted his eyes, thinking in his heart.

After Bao Qingshan heard their discussions and the expressions of the crowd, his voice became much calmer, and he felt that he had successfully refuted Lin Chen's inference.

"Comrade police, look, everyone thinks what I said is reasonable, your inference is not valid, Wang Xuefeng and I haven't seen each other for a week or two, how could I have been here and hurt him. " Bao Qingshan said.

Bao Qingshan's wife was holding her daughter with a relaxed expression on her face.

All the attention of everyone fell on Lin Chen. He wanted to see if Lin Chen could continue to refute, or if he was embarrassed and admitted that his reasoning was unreasonable.

"Lin Chen, speak up." Seeing that Lin Chen didn't speak for a while, Zhang Tian'an urged.

Lin Chen bent down unhurriedly, reached out and grabbed a handful of sand. He stretched the sand in his hand to Miao Yunfei and said, "Smell the sand."

Miao Yunfei frowned slightly, wondering why Lin Chen suddenly wanted to smell the sand by herself.

But she didn't ask much, she brought her face closer, her nose moved, and after a few sniffs, Miao Yunfei shook her head and said, "This sand is sand, what can it smell like?"

Lin Chen stretched out his hand to Zhang Tian'an and said, "She can't smell it, try it."

Zhang Tian'an also smelled it, and she said hesitantly: "My sense of smell is relatively sharp, but I haven't smelled other sands before, and I can't smell anything wrong."

Lin Chen nodded, his eyes glanced and fell on an old detective.

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