"What's the reason for not calling the police in the mental hospital?"

Regarding Lin Chen's speculation, what everyone doubted was also what Lin Chen said.

Lin Chen stretched out his finger to the short and stout Nurse Zhu, and said, "Nurse Zhu, take a step forward."

After Nurse Zhu stepped forward, Lin Chen asked, "Tell me what Captain Xin and the others said to you after they saw the body."

Nurse Zhu recalled slightly: "Captain Xin asked me to confirm the identity of the deceased immediately. He urged me in a hurry, so I ran back to inform the head nurse and them. We went to wards one by one, but it was not easy to confirm it for a while. Afterwards, Captain Xin and the others came back with a photo of the deceased's head, and a nurse recognized the patient."

"Captain Xin asked the nurse if the patient had any family members. She said yes, and then Captain Xin called the police."

"Okay." Lin Chen said a good word to Nurse Zhu, and he said to Captain Xin, "I'm curious why there is a murder case in the hospital, so we don't call the police directly. We must first find the head of the deceased and determine the identity of the deceased before calling the police. Woolen cloth?"

"Because...because..." Captain Xin said because of two sentences, "because...after confirming the identity of the deceased, his family can be notified."

"There is a conflict between calling the police first and notifying the family later?" Lin Chen asked.

"It doesn't exist." Captain Xin said.

"No. Why did you not call the police after you found the deceased's head, and you still need to confirm the identity of the deceased?" Lin Chen asked again.

"I did that at the time. I can't tell the reason. Anyway, this is the first time this kind of thing has happened in our hospital." Captain Xin said.

Nurse Zhu looked hesitant. She said, "Officer, Captain Xin is right. This kind of thing has never happened in the hospital before."

Lin Chen laughed, and she said to Nurse Zhu, "remember when I asked you and Captain Xin how long they worked?"

"Remember." Nurse Zhu nodded.

"You have been working in the hospital for less than five months, and Captain Xin and the others have all started for at least two years. How can you, a person who has worked for less than five months, prove that such a murder has never happened in the hospital before? "Lin Chen asked.

Nurse Zhu stopped talking, and the head nurse stepped forward at this time. She said, "I have worked in this hospital for four years. I can prove that there has been no caesarean section in the hospital."

"You have the same problems as the security guard, the dean and his wife. You are not testifying, you are just protecting them together." Lin Chen's face sank.

"Uh..." The head nurse didn't expect Lin Chen to say this, she hurriedly said, "I have a problem? What can I have a problem with? Can we still be the murderer?"

"No, you are not the murderer. All the staff in the hospital are not murderers, because you all have proof of alibi." Lin Chen said, "I said, who the murderer is, we will talk about it later."

"After I noticed that there was something wrong with these people in the hospital, I thought that it would be impossible to get useful information from the hospital staff, so I turned my attention to the mental patients in the hospital."

Under Lin Chen's gesture, the two mentally ill patients were brought to the top of the steps.

Two mental patients, one is the Ge Mu who gave Jiang Yaxian a plastic stool and took Lin Chen to the archives.

The other is Zhong Xiaoyi, who suffers from delusional disorder and says that he can control a car.

After the two came to power, Lin Chen pointed at the Ge Mu and said, "I learned from this patient by chance that he has a friend who was discharged from the hospital a few months ago. Before he was discharged, the nurse asked them to go to the archives to find Ge Mu. A friend's file, hand over the file to the nurse, and he can be discharged."

"Gu Gemu recalled that it was three months ago. It was raining heavily that day, and their pants were all wet."

Lin Chen pointed at Zhong Xiaoyi, who had a delusional disorder, and said, "He is a delusional patient and feels that he has the ability to control a car. Some time ago, after he woke up in the middle of the night, he saw that there was a car downstairs that he did not have. I have seen a car that does not belong to the hospital, and several people are walking around the car."

"Zhong Xiaoyi couldn't recall the specific time when he saw the car. I gave him a pack of cigarettes and let him remember it well. He remembered it and said that it was raining heavily on the day he saw the car."

"And three months ago, the weather was very sunny. The rainstorms were only on the 21st and 22nd. On the 21st, it was a heavy rainstorm. It could happen on the same day."

"Ge Mu and his friend searched for his friend's file during the day, and they had dinner together in the evening. The next day, Ge Mu never saw his friend again. He went to ask the nurse, and the nurse said that his friend had been discharged from the hospital. "

"And that night, Zhong Xiaoyi, who has hallucinations, saw an unfamiliar car parked downstairs, and some people were walking beside the car."


PS: This is the fifth update of the day. Today, the electricity at home has been cut off for a day. I wrote that the notebook was out of power, and there has been no call. I had to carry the notebook to go to a small store elsewhere, buy a popsicle, and put it in The boss charged the laptop and sent it over the network of the mobile phone.

This case will be all over tomorrow, thank you brothers for your support. .


362 Is there this person 【Subscribe】

After hearing that Lin Chen put these two things together, Miao Yunfei, Jiang Yaxian and the others all had thoughtful expressions on their faces.

After Lin Chen paused for a few seconds, he said: "Combining what Ge Mu and Zhong Xiaoyi said, that is the friend Ge Mu is going to be discharged from the hospital. He was not discharged during the day, but that night, there was a strange car. The car picked up Kuzumu's friend."

"Patients in the hospital can be discharged, don't they want their family members to pick them up? Why did a car come in the middle of the night and take the patient away?"

Everyone thought about it.

Lin Chen asked Ge Mu, "What's your friend's full name."

Ge Mu didn't speak, he didn't like to talk to Lin Chen, and Lin Chen had no choice but to look at Jiang Yaxian.

"Ge Mu, what's the name of your good friend?" Jiang Yaxian felt that her role was quite big.

Ge Mu glanced at Jiang Yaxian and said shyly, "His name is Wang Haihai."

"Wang Haihai." Lin Chen repeated, he looked at the head nurse, and said, "Do you have Wang Haihai in your hospital?"

The head nurse didn't think about it, and shook her head vigorously: "No, our hospital has never had a patient named Wang Haihai."

"Head Nurse, your answering speed is too fast, right?" Lin Chen said, "After I finished asking, you answered within 0.5 seconds. In such a short period of time, your brain has no time to think. He recalls, you answered that there is no such patient Wang Haihai in my hospital, is that the answer that you have already made a conclusion in your heart?"

"I..." The old woman, the head nurse, was a little sluggish.

"What are you? Tell me, why did you answer without even thinking about it? Did you already think about it? It's because Wang Haihai has been killed by you, don't you dare to admit it?" When the head nurse he questioned heard the sentence of killing Wang Haihai, her pupils shrank suddenly.

Miao Yunfei, Zhang Tian'an, and the criminal police and the family members of the deceased also made a noise when they heard this.

After more than ten seconds of noise, under the signal of the police, those people all quieted down again.

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