Then, Lin Chen turned to look at Deputy Bureau Sun, and said, "Call the reporter Liu Xiaojing to me!"


PS: The new book data is very important, ask for flowers and evaluation tickets, thank you.


004 Interrogation of Liu Xiaojing 【For Collection】

After Lin Chen said that to Deputy Bureau Sun, Fang Xinzhou, the team leader of the serious crime team standing aside, immediately said, "Are you going to interrogate Liu Xiaojing? Don't be so troublesome, we treat everyone involved in this case. All investigations and interrogations have been conducted, and I will show you the transcript."

Zhang Tian'an heard the words and was going to get those records.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "your records are useless. I want to interrogate him in person, stop talking nonsense, and let her come over quickly."

Fang Xinzhou gritted his teeth, with deep dissatisfaction in his eyes. If Deputy Bureau Sun was not here, and he still protected Lin Chen so much, he would have gone up to teach him a lesson based on Lin Chen's rude attitude.

Vice President Sun's expression turned positive, and the other party Xinzhou said, "Xiao Fang, whatever Mr. Lin says, do what you do. Don't have so many questions, do you understand?"

Fang Xinzhou was dissatisfied, but he still bowed and said that he knew.

Immediately, Fang Xinzhou walked out of the 311 dormitory, and after a while, he brought the reporter Liu Xiaojing back from the classroom.

Lin Chen's eyes fell on the reporter Liu Xiaojing.

This is a girl in her early twenties with long messy hair. She has a plain appearance. Because of the impact of the corpse dismemberment case, her face is not very good-looking.

After Liu Xiaojing walked into this dormitory, she seemed very scared and nervous, her eyes were full of panic.

"She is the reporter, the roommate of the two deceased, Liu Xiaojing." Zhang Tianai pointed at Liu Xiaojing and said to Lin Chen.

"There are some things about this case, I want to ask you again." Lin Chen put his arms in front of xiong, and his eyes swept across Liu Xiaojing's body calmly.

Liu Xiaojing was watched by so many criminal policemen. She seemed very restrained. She said in a trembling voice, "This place is so scary, can you go outside and ask?"

"It's alright, so many of us are here, it's still broad day, don't be afraid." Seeing Liu Xiaojing's frightened look, Zhang Tianai immediately overflowed with sympathy, stepped forward and patted Liu Xiaojing's back lightly.

After being soothed by Zhang Tian'an, Liu Xiaojing calmed down a little.

"Liu Xiaojing, do you have a good relationship with the two deceased?" Lin Chen began to ask.

Hearing this, Liu Xiaojing looked at Lin Chen, shrugged her shoulders slightly, and said, "Yes, I am classmates with them, and they are also very kind to me. Every time they buy a late-night snack, they will give me something to eat. When they are lazy, I also help them wash their underwear. We have a good relationship."

"You and the two of them have never had a festival or had any conflicts?" Lin Chen continued to ask.

"No." Liu Xiaojing shrugged and said, "We have a very good relationship. Even if there is a conflict, it is a small conflict. We will be reconciled within a day."

Lin Chen nodded and said, "On the night of the crime, you and some people had a dinner outside the school. After the dinner, which way did you return to the dormitory? Some people saw you on the way. I haven't spoken to anyone."

"On the evening of February 2, a friend of the same department's birthday, my friend's boyfriend, reserved a table for her in a restaurant outside the school. We started eating at around 18 o'clock."

"At 9 o'clock in the evening, I had already drank a lot of alcohol, so I left the hotel and walked towards the dormitory. My head was dizzy, and I saw some people on the way back. , but I can't see their faces."

"When I got back to the dormitory, it might have been 9:[-]. I was afraid of waking them up. After opening the door, I lay on the chuang to sleep."

Speaking of this, Liu Xiaojing's body trembled and she said: "I really didn't expect that the murderer was actually in the dormitory at that time, he was so close to me, and now as long as I think about it, I will feel I'm so scared, so scared..."

Lin Chen asked again: "On the night of the 18th, why did you go back to the dormitory alone after dinner, and no one else came back with you?"

"Well, in addition to inviting us to dinner, my friend's boyfriend also invited us to sing on KTV. I don't like singing. They all want to go, so I came back alone." Liu Xiaojing replied.

Zhang Tianai put a hand on Liu Xiaojing's shoulder and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, according to the forensic autopsy, the death time of the two deceased was between 18:8 and 9:[-] on the evening of the [-]th."

"During the time when the deceased was killed and dismembered, Liu Xiaojing was eating in the restaurant and on the way back. She had an alibi and had no time to commit the crime."

"Officer Lin." Liu Xiaojing said to Lin Chen, "I have a good relationship with them, how could I harm them."

Lin Chen smiled from Liu Xiaojing and said, "I'm not a policeman, you can call me Mr. Lin, or Lin Chen. Well, according to the time, you really don't have the time or motive to commit the crime, you won't be murderer."

"Hmph, I said that there was a record before, and it was a waste of time." Fang Xinzhou folded his arms, with dissatisfaction in his eyes, feeling that Lin Chen's re-examination of Liu Xiaojing was a waste of time.

The expressions on the faces of the other old detectives in the room were similar to Fang Xinzhou, and they also felt that Lin Chen was superfluous.

Lin Chen ignored their expressions, and after asking Liu Xiaojing a few more questions, he said with a smile, "Okay, I'll disturb you in class, it's alright, you can go back."

Liu Xiaojing nodded, turned and left the dormitory.

After Liu Xiaojing left, an old detective glanced at Lin Chen and said, "We have interrogated Liu Xiaojing many times, and she is not suspected."

"Mr. Lin, what do you think?" Deputy Bureau Sun asked Lin Chen, wanting to hear Lin Chen's opinion.

Lin Chen's face was calm, he said, "You are wrong, this Liu Xiaojing, she has a problem!"


PS: Brothers, can you give me a reward?Not too much, just 100 VIP, let the data in this book look better, thank you.


005 Certificate of Absence【For Collection】

Lin Chen's words shocked everyone. The old detectives, Zhang Tianni, Fang Xinzhou and Wang Tao, all looked at him suspiciously.

Liu Xiaojing was the reporter, a classmate and roommate of the two deceased. It seemed that she was the only one who entered the dormitory on the night of the crime. It can be said that their investigation and interrogation of Liu Xiaojing were very strict before, but they did not think she had anything to do with her. question.

I don't know why Lin Chen said that she has a problem.

"What's wrong with Liu Xiaojing?" Fang Xinzhou raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong with her? She has no motive and no time to commit the crime."

Zhang Tianan looked at Lin Chen with doubts on her pretty face, and asked Lin Chen, "Yes, Mr. Lin, you said just now that Liu Xiaojing is not the murderer. Why do you say she has a problem when she leaves?"

Lin Chen ignored Fang Xinzhou, he said to Zhang Tianan: "I said she was not the murderer, of course I said that on purpose. When I asked her a question just now, Liu Xiaojing lied."

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