The police below the conference room were speechless. These people did not know the Wanshao incident in Tianhai City, and were a little curious about Ma Zhiyu's apology to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen directly ignored the father and son, which surprised them even more.

When Ma Yong and Ma Zhiyu saw this, their faces were very ugly, but they didn't say anything, they found a place and sat down.

Lin Chen looked at the on-site evidence collected by the police, and a policeman asked Lin Chen: "Mr. Lin, I heard another colleague say that after you heard Dong Jun's information, you said that Dong Jun was not the murderer, then At that time, no one reported the body of the second street lamp hanging, so how did you determine that he was not the murderer when you didn't know Dong Jun?"

After the police questioned, everyone's attention shifted from Ma Yong and his son, and fell on Lin Chen.

"It's not that I don't know Dong Jun." Lin Chen looked at the policeman who asked the question, and said, "I learned about Dong Jun's physical characteristics from Ma Zhiyu. He is 178 in height, weighs 72KG, and has a small flat head."

When they heard Lin Chen's first sentence, everyone thought that Lin Chen knew Dong Jun or something, but they just knew the physical characteristics of the murderer.

"He's 178 and provides 72KG, so that proves that Dong Jun is not the murderer?" The policeman frowned slightly, and the eyes of the others also showed curiosity.

Lin Chen nodded and said to the policeman in front of the computer: "Let's put out the footprints left by the murderer at the murder scene last night, and the high-resolution photos of the murderer's footprints at the crime scene tonight."

"Okay." The policeman made a quick operation, and two pictures appeared on the large LCD screen in the conference room.

"The photo on the left is left by the murderer at the scene of the first street lamp hanging corpse case, and the photo on the right is tonight's..." the policeman who operated the computer explained.

This case was handled by Ma Zhiyu and his subordinates. Many other police officers had not seen the photos of the scene.

Everyone looked at the first photo. It was a footprint left under a tree. The footprints were a little messy. Two of the footprints were stepped on by Lin Chen, and they were marked with red lines in the photo.

Everyone's attention fell on the footprints of the murderer.

I saw the footprints of the murderer. The heels were deeply sunk, and the toes were very shallow. There was a shoe print and the toes didn't even leave a mark on the ground.

In the first photo, there are 13 shoe prints of the killer.

Eyes fell on the second picture, the first picture is in the mud, and the second picture is on the grass.

There are 11 shoe prints left by the murderer in the second photo. Compared with the shoe prints at the first crime scene, the size of the shoe prints at the second scene is exactly the same.

The heel of the shoe print sinks deeper into the ground, and the middle and toe prints are lighter.

Director Li, Ma Yong, and all the police officers in Dongming City were all staring at the two shoe print photos.

After watching for a while, a policeman asked, "Mr. Lin, is there any problem with the shoe print left by the murderer?"

"Mr. Lin, the shoe print left by the murderer is a size 43 shoe, and the shoe size of the suspect Dong Jun's shoe size 3.3 is a size 44. The two are very compatible." Another policeman said.

"Dong Jun's shoe size is exactly the same as that left by the murderer." Lin Chen nodded slightly: "Ma Zhiyu judges that Dong Jun is the murderer, one is the motive, the other is the alibi, the other is the rope, and the last is the shoe. code."

"But... the shoe prints left at the scene are just the murderer misleading us."

The meeting room was very quiet, Lin Chen continued: "When the murderer was hanging the body, the shoe prints he left were his small feet wearing big shoes, and the murderer couldn't wear size 43 shoes at all!"

"Small feet wear big shoes?" A policeman stared at the photo and said in surprise, "Mr. Lin, how did you know that the murderer had small feet and couldn't wear size 43 shoes?"


PS: Brothers, I have been watching four consecutive days for many days. Do you want me to rise up and watch five times a day....


416 Judging height [2 more for subscription]

This street lamp hanging corpse case happened in the jurisdiction of the branch where Ma Zhiyu was located, and because Ma Zhiyu was solely responsible for the case, he wanted to take the credit alone and prove his reasons to Miao Yunfei and Lin Chen.

Many details and clues at the scene of the crime are known only to Ma Zhiyu and the detectives under him. The detectives in the conference room, as well as Director Li and Deputy Director Ma, did not intervene in the evidence collected at the scene, and did not interfere. unfamiliar.

It was a female police officer who asked Lin Chen the question.

Lin Chen looked at the policewoman and said, "It's very simple, I judged it from the footprints left by the murderer."

Below the conference room, some old detectives who have been investigating cases for many years, groping their chins, stared at the two photos and pondered.

Without waiting for them to think about it, Lin Chen continued, "Look at the shoe prints on these two photos. The murderer left 13 shoe prints at the scene of the first case, and the murderer left 11 prints at the scene of the second case. a shoe print."

"These shoe prints have a common feature, that is, the print on the heel part is relatively deep and obvious, while the middle part of the shoe is shallower, and the toe part has a lighter print."

"A person, when 11 is pulling the rope, how hard does he usually use?"

After Lin Chen asked a question, a criminal policeman said, "Hold the rope tightly with both hands, and rely on your own weight and strength to pull down to hang the body up."

"That's right." Lin Chen nodded and said, "The way you said, people face the rope head-on, relying on their own weight and strength to pull the rope, and when the arms are straight and raised, the rope is pulled down. At this time, the foot of the person stepping on the ground should have more contact with the ground by the heel, and the trace left by the heel on the ground is relatively deep."

"After pulling the rope down a certain distance, then the toes are exerting force. Regardless of one's habit of pulling the rope, the force is always on the heels and toes."

"In addition to pulling the rope frontally, there is also a common method, which is to turn your back to the rope, put the rope on your shoulders, grab the rope with both hands, jump forward, and use the strength of your shoulders and body to hang the corpse. go up."

"This second method of suspending the corpse is almost always on the toes. There is nothing on the heel. The footprints left by the murderer are the heel of the shoe. The method is the first method, grab the rope frontally, and hang the dead body on the rope, with the heels and toes being the focal points."

"Since the murderer used the first method of pulling the rope from the front, why are the shoe prints left on the ground only the heel is darker, and the middle and toe of the shoe are shallow?"

"The reason is very simple, that is because the killer's feet can't wear size 43 shoes. He has small feet and a pair of large shoes, and deliberately left a size 43 shoe print."

"Judging from the shoe prints, this should be a pair of sneakers, a pair of small feet. When he wears it inside a large sneaker, when the shoelaces are fastened, his toes cannot touch the toe of the large sneaker. The murderer of the shoe, when he was pulling the rope, the heel of the big sneaker left a shoe print on the ground when he was pulling the rope. The position of the shoe, so the trace of the toe on the ground is not obvious."

"It's not very convenient for small feet to wear big shoes to pull the rope. If the soles are hard, the toes will not be able to exert force. Therefore, when the murderer hangs the corpse, he chooses to use more force on the heels."

After listening to Lin Chen's analysis of the shoe prints on the ground, everyone nodded slightly, indicating that they understood and agreed with Lin Chen's point of view.

Lin Chen looked at the crowd and said, "It's not difficult to find out about the shoe print of the murderer's small feet and big shoes. I believe that the old detectives who have been working in this conference room for many years, as long as they analyze and compare well, they can see the shoe print. Bullshit."

The police solve the case based on various details. As Lin Chen said, give those professional old detectives and forensic doctors some time to analyze, and they can also know that the shoe print is abnormal.

However, this case was taken over by Ma Zhiyu. After taking over the case, the police officers in Ma Zhiyu's criminal police team were supposed to analyze these things, but the appearance of the number one suspect, Dong Jun, made them focus on solving the case. It was on Dong Jun, not the dead and the clues left at the scene.

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