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433 Meet Tao Hongguang 【Subscription】

Director Li and the others want to clean up the Ma family, so they naturally want to create public opinion.

Shortly after Lin Chen left the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the former suspect Dong Jun, the police asked people from the TV station to interview him, revealing what Dong Jun had experienced at Ma Zhiyu's hands and his bruised injuries.

This news report is naturally aimed at Ma Zhiyu and Ma Yong. Director Li personally reviewed the report, and the content is strictly critical of Ma Zhiyu's actions and his smearing of the people's police.

When Ma Yong learned about Director Li's actions, he was stunned. Director Li's actions were too ruthless. Once the news report was broadcast, people who saw the news would be extremely disgusted and hated for their son.

After the build-up, the liquidation begins.


In the car back to the hotel, Miao Yunfei glanced at Lin Chen: "You have solved a case again. Is this the first case you have solved?"

Before Lin Chen could speak, Zhang Tian'an counted with his fingers: "The first case that Lin Chen broke was the corpse dismemberment case of Donglin University, then the building fall case, the bus stop serial murder case, and the smiling corpse case. There are nine cases in total, including the murder case, the murder case with human figures, the movie theater murder case, the rainy night serial murder case, the lunatic asylum case, and this street lamp hanging corpse case.”

Hearing Zhang Tiannan's words, 567 Miao Yunfei sighed softly: "Time really flies, I got to know Lin Chen because of the building crash case. Ever since I met Lin Chen, I have There is no less anger.”

"Sister Yunfei, I was earlier than you, and I met Lin Chen in the case of Donglin University's corpse dismemberment." Zhang Tianan said.

"When the two of you first got to know me, you didn't talk a lot to me." Lin Chen muttered.

"I don't have any." Zhang Tian'an said hurriedly.

Miao Yunfei said, "Uh... I have, but only a little bit."

All the way to laugh, and soon returned to the hotel.

At the moment, Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui are sitting in the room watching TV. Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui are each holding a big white steamed bun in their hands and nibbling on them one by one.

After seeing Lin Chen and the others coming back, Xia Miaoyan immediately stood up from the chuang: "Master, you are back."

"Brother, Sister Zhang, Sister Miao, you are fat..." Xiao Hui held the big steamed bun, her big eyes curved into crescent shapes.

Zhang Tiannan and Miao Yunfei walked towards Xiaohui with smiling faces, and Lin Chen looked at Xia Miaoyan: "Why, haven't you eaten yet? Eating buns here?"

"Master, you've left Xiaohui and I here for a day. We don't have money to buy food. We are pitiful. We can only eat steamed buns." Xia Miaoyan deliberately pretended to be pitiful.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand and pinched lightly on Xia Miaoyan's pretty face: "I'm so fat, it's better to eat some steamed buns."

Lin Chen just joked casually, but Xia Miaoyan was very nervous, and asked Lin Chen if she had really gained weight, she muttered, "I feel that my ass has gotten bigger recently, but it turns out that I have gained weight, no, no, I have to start losing weight."

Hearing Xia Miaoyan's muttering, Lin Chen was speechless, thinking that your ass has always been so upturned, how can you gain weight.

Immediately, Lin Chen looked at Xia Miaoyan and said, "You posted the video of that night on the Internet today, didn't you?"

"Yes." Xia Miaoyan giggled: "Master, am I very capable? Ma Zhiyu and the others don't even know that I have videotaped."

"Well, very capable, I will reward you with a chicken leg in the evening." Lin Chen said.

"No, I'm going to lose weight." Xia Miaoyan looked at her figure, and when Lin Chen said it, she always felt that she was gaining weight.

Lin Chen was speechless again, so he had to say that he was joking when she said she was fat and didn't need to lose weight.

After chatting for a while, Lin Chen's cell phone rang at this time, and three words were displayed on the screen of the cell phone: Tao Hongguang.

"Mr. Lin." After the call was connected, Tao Hongguang's voice came from there.

Lin Chen and Tao Hongguang got acquainted because of the humanoid murder case in Guangyu County. Tao Hongguang is a good person, and Lin Chen is willing to make him a friend.

After the case was over, the two exchanged mobile phone numbers. Tao Hongguang also said that after Lin Chen went to Dongming City, he must find him and he would be the host.

(bbfc) "Officer Tao." Lin Chen also said hello.

"Hehe, Mr. Lin, you solved another major case this time." Tao Hongguang laughed.

"I can't talk about a major case, this case is not difficult." Lin Chen said.

After the two said a few words, Tao Hongguang said that he had just returned from out of town because of a case. Now that Lin Chen came to Dongming City, he wanted to be a dong in the evening and invited Lin Chen to dinner.

Lin Chen did not refuse Tao Hongguang's invitation, so he agreed.

Said to have dinner with Tao Hongguang in the evening, and then Lin Chen went back to his room.

When it was time for dinner, Lin Chen and his party met Tao Hongguang in a restaurant.

Tao Hongguang shook hands with Lin Chen enthusiastically, seeing the three beautiful girls following Lin Chen, Tao Hongguang had surprise and envy in his eyes.

"Mr. Lin, order whatever you want, I'll be the host of this meal." Tao Hongguang generously handed the menu to Lin Chen.

Everyone ordered a few dishes, and then Tao Hongguang lowered his voice and said, "Mr. Lin, this time, Ma Zhiyu will be finished."

Miao Yunfei was silent, and Lin Chen said lightly, "I know."

Tao Hongguang sighed in his heart, but he didn't know that Ma Zhiyu was finished because of Lin Chen's background. He thought it was Director Li who took the opportunity to clean up Ma Yong and his son.

After learning that Lin Chen and the others were here to travel, and it was clear that they were going to go back for a day tomorrow, Tao Hongguang said, "Mr. Lin, since you have all come here, there is a place I recommend you to visit."

"Where?" Lin Chen asked.

The place Tao Hongguang mentioned is a famous mountain. It is a few hours' drive from Dongming City. Lin Chen has no interest in climbing the mountain.

But when the three girls heard the name of the mountain, they all expressed their interest and wanted to go there. Anyway, it only takes one day to climb the mountain. The city where the famous mountain is located also has a highway that leads directly to Tianhai City, and it is convenient to go back then. .

Seeing the three girls' enthusiasm, love, high, rising, Lin Chen looked at Xia Miaoyan: "Miaoyan, don't you want to study?"

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