Many people are scolding this Han Yi Taekwondo gym, saying that the stick has no brains.

However, after the Guarantee Army defeated the two martial arts gym owners in a row, the audience who criticized Han Guo Taekwondo in the live broadcast room stopped talking. .


436 Come to the stage to discuss [4 more subscriptions]

"Hey, those who say that Han Guo taekwondo is useless, why don't you say anything?"

"I'm currently learning Taekwondo. Han Guo's Taekwondo is really good. In my opinion, it's better than some fancy martial arts."

"I originally wanted to go to Hanguo to learn Taekwondo, but I don't need it now. I'm a native of Dongming City, and I'll go to Hanyi Taekwondo Hall tomorrow to report."

In the live broadcast room, some netizens who prefer Han Guo began to launch a barrage.

Although the words Park Zhengjun said on the stage were excessive and looked down on Huaxia's martial arts, but Park Zhengjun easily defeated the two pavilion owners. He had the strength to look down on them.

Netizens who originally thought that Han Guo Taekwondo was not as good as Huaxia Wushu began to doubt their opinions. Someone posted a bullet screen and said, "Uh... Are the masters of those martial arts halls trusting? Is that Park Zhengjun really that strong? ?"

Someone quickly replied to the barrage: "I'm from Dongming City, and I can tell you very clearly that the martial arts street is just like that, and the martial arts halls inside are not very authentic."

"I'm also a local. Don't praise Han Guo Taekwondo so well. This martial arts street is too watery, and none of the martial arts halls in it have real skills."

"No way, you can open a martial arts hall, do you have any real skills? Did you say that on purpose when you saw those hall owners lose?"

"This martial arts street really doesn't have any real skills. There is a martial arts hall that still cheats money. My friend was cheated by thousands of dollars in tuition."

The anchor of this live broadcast room is a subordinate of Jin Junhao. After the subordinate informed Jin Junhao of the content of the barrage chat in the live broadcast room, Jin Junhao laughed proudly.

On the stage, Pu Zhengjun continued to speak harshly to other martial arts halls. At this time, the owner of another martial arts hall followed many apprentices and walked towards this side.

When everyone saw the master of the martial arts hall, they immediately gave way to the master.

"This is the owner of the Yamato Martial Arts Hall. I have seen him on TV shows. I think he should be the Park Zhengjun who can beat the stage." Someone recognized the owner of the Yamato Martial Arts Hall.

The owner of the Yamato Martial Arts Academy is often on TV shows, many people know him, and his reputation is not small.

Many people are full of confidence in the owner of the Dahe Martial Arts Hall. They feel that the owner of the Yamato Martial Arts Hall will definitely be able to recover the face they lost twice just now, and slap Han Guo Bangzi in the face.

"The third pavilion owner has come to power." Xia Miaoyan muttered, "Looking at the calm look of Pu Zhengjun, I don't know if this pavilion owner can defeat him."

"It's difficult." Tao Hongguang shook his head: "The pavilion owner in this street is not the kind of master with real strength. Most of their strength is hyped up."

"Huh..." Zhang Tianan was surprised at this moment.

"What's the matter, Sister Tianan?" Xia Miaoyan asked curiously.

Zhang Tianan pointed his finger at Park Zhengjun who was facing here, and said, "Look at his face, we saw him when we were looking at Liugu."

When they were in Wangliu Valley, when Lin Chen and the others were playing, they saw a group of Han people wearing taekwondo taking photos and videos.

At that time, Lin Chen and the others just glanced at them casually and left without paying much attention.

Now that he saw Park Zhengjun's face, Zhang Tianyi immediately remembered this Park Zhengjun.

After Zhang Tiannan said this, Xia Miaoyan and Miao Yunfei also thought about it one after another.

"Mr. Lin, have you seen that Park Zhengjun?" Tao Hongguang asked.


Lin Chen nodded: "I saw it in Wangliu Valley. At that time, they took pictures and videos again, which should be to prepare for today's opening."

"I see." Tao Hongguang nodded, indicating that he understood.

At this time, the eyes of everyone on the scene were focused on the owner of the Yamato Martial Arts Hall and Park Zhengjun who had walked to the stage.

A beautiful woman from Han Guo brought the agreement and asked the owner of the museum to sign it. If she was injured, she would take care of it by herself. As long as it did not touch her life, the other party would not be held responsible.

The owner of the Yamato Martial Arts Hall wrote a few big characters in a dashing manner. He spread his hands to Park Zhengjun, put on his air, and shouted: "I call you Han Guo Bangzi, Bangzi, come on."

Being provoked by a group of Han people like this, the people in these martial arts halls are full of fire.

When Pu Zhengjun heard the pavilion's owner calling him a stick, a wickedness flashed in his eyes: "You succeeded in making me angry, be careful of your bones."

"Humph." The owner of the Yamato Martial Arts Hall snorted coldly, and immediately attacked Pu Zhengjun.

Park Zhengjun's taekwondo movements are very handsome. After exchanging both hands, he used several roundabout kicks in succession, and the master of the Yamato Martial Arts Academy stepped back again and again.

'boom! '

After another combination kicked out, the pavilion owner failed to defend, and Xiong took a solid kick from Park Zhengjun.

He groaned and stepped back.

Pu Zhengjun didn't give him a chance to breathe, he shouted, clenched his fists and rushed towards the pavilion owner with punches.

When the pavilion owner was knocked to the ground, Park Zhengjun did not stop, he jumped high, his left leg bent, and his knee slammed on the pavilion owner's arm.


The sound of bone cracking sounded, and those who came close could hear the sound clearly.

"Ah ah ah..."

The owner of the Yamato Martial Arts Hall screamed, his eyes widened, and he was writhing on the ground in pain.

Pu Zhengjun knocked the pavilion owner to the ground. He had already won, but he did not stop. This knee broke the pavilion owner's arm. In half a year, the pavilion owner's hand would not recover. .

"The owner..."

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