"What are you proud of, you look like the mistress of someone else's care." Another girl saw that her companion couldn't say anything about her, so she interjected.

When the red-haired girl heard the word "Little San", anger flashed in her eyes, but she suppressed it after a few seconds.

She curled her lips: "Which of your eyes can tell that I am a junior, let me tell you, he is my old (Zhao Zhao) father, and I am her wife, I have chosen a good husband, and I will work less for [-] years. Can not be done?"

Seeing the two groups of people quarreling like this, Miao Yunfei looked a little depressed, she muttered: "This can also quarrel, is this necessary..."

"It's the red-haired girl sitting in the Mercedes-Benz who is too ostentatious, and her words are unpleasant. It's normal to quarrel." Lin Chen responded.

Lin Chen and the others were all sitting on the table next to the front desk, waiting for the shop owner to bring out the water to make instant noodles.

"What kind of couple, the red-haired girl looks like a mistress when she looks at her." Zhang Tian'an said softly.

Xia Miaoyan thought about the female ghost she saw on the side of the road before, and now she has no mind to take care of other things.

The words these two groups said became more and more ugly. The boy in the blue striped jacket couldn't listen anymore. He pointed at the red-haired girl: "Fuck you, fuck you, keep your mouth clean. point.".


448 Doing a Road Business [3 More Subscriptions]

The red-haired girl with the bag squinted her eyes and said, "What is fierce? Do you really think I'm scared? If you have the ability, just hit me and try to see if I will put you in jail. ."

"Yeah, I don't believe it yet." The boy in the blue striped jacket yelled, raising his fist and rushing up to hit the red-haired girl.

This boy's girlfriend is the girl with a hot temper. When she saw her boyfriend was about to fight, the girl quickly reached out and grabbed the boy's hand, saying, "Xiaojian, just scolding, don't have the same knowledge as this kind of woman."

The girl is afraid that Xiaojian will be in trouble when he beats someone later. If he hurts someone, he will lose money, or he will be detained for a few days.

"Hmph." The red-haired girl was a little scared to actually do it, but when she saw that the young man named Xiaojian was stopped, she sneered: "Obviously, she didn't dare to hit me, and she still looked like she was pulling a frame.

"You!" Xiaojian, who was already calmer, opened his eyes and rushed towards her again when he heard what the red-haired girl said.

At this time, the middle-aged man behind the red-haired girl stepped forward, with a smile on his face, he smoothed out: "Hey, hey, don't say a few words, don't make any unnecessary noises, calm down. , Minghui, so are you, alright, alright, everyone, don't be unhappy about this trivial matter 613."

The middle-aged man smiled and called the girl's name, and the words were considered to have descended the steps for both sides.

The full name of this girl with long red hair and a bag is Qian Minghui. After hearing what the middle-aged man said, she curled her lips and stopped arguing.

After being tricked by this arrogant Qian Minghui, Xiaojian and the two couples didn't bother to negotiate the price with the proprietress.

They asked for two rooms for 300 yuan. Although this room has no bathroom, just make do with it. Compared with 500 yuan, it can save 400 yuan.

The proprietress smiled and ordered the money: "Two rooms, a total of 600, a deposit of 200, and you will be charged 800, just right, I will give you a receipt for the deposit."

As the proprietress spoke, she took out the thick receipt and began to write.

The middle-aged man and Qian Minghui were waiting by the side. They could only go forward to open the room after these young people were done.

Xiaojian glanced at the arrogant Qian Minghui, deliberately wasting time, and asked the proprietress: "Your shop is quite remote, how is business usually?"

The proprietress lowered her head and wrote, and replied, "Business (bbbb), it's alright, it's just a pass-through business, and there are no repeat customers."

When Xiaojian heard this, he thought to himself that you are so black, how could you have repeat customers? If it wasn't too late today and it was raining heavily, you wouldn't be staying here.

"This hotel looks quite old. How many years have you been running here?" asked another young man. This young man's name is Xiaodong. He and Xiaojian are roommates in the same dormitory. In the family car, I took my girlfriend to Dongming City to play.

"It's been many years." The proprietress replied without raising her head as she wrote.

At this time, the door of the room next to the front desk opened, and the shop owner came out of the back room with a kettle in his hand.

Zhang Tian'an and Miao Yunfei had already put away the seasoning package for the instant noodles, just wait for him to come over and pour the boiling water.

Xiaojian, who was wearing a blue striped jacket, glanced at the store owner: "Are you and your husband in this store?"

"Yeah, just the two of us." After the proprietress opened the receipt, she handed it to Xiaojian.

Xiaojian's eyes fell on the receipt, and after a glance, he stuffed the receipt into his pocket: "It's really not easy for you and your wife to do business in such a remote place."

"Hey, there's no way, just to make some money." The lady boss had a bright smile on her face.

'Da da da……'

There were footsteps on the stairs. Everyone's eyes looked towards the stairs, and they saw a man in his thirties who looked fat with a beard. He walked down the stairs. This man Lin Chen had seen before. It was the one who came by motorcycle just now.

After the bearded man came down, he asked the proprietress, "Do you have anything to eat? I'm hungry."

"Yes, yes." The proprietress pointed at Lin Chen and the others, and said, "There is instant noodles, they are eating them, and boiled water is provided for free."

"Okay." The bearded man walked to the side of the counter and stretched out his hand to take out the money: "Here's a bucket of spicy."

The proprietress put a bucket of noodles in front of the bearded man: "20 yuan."

The bearded man's hand holding the money paused, then raised his head and looked at the lady boss in surprise: "You... what did you say?"

"20 yuan." The proprietress blinked, looking like this price.

The boss holding the hot water bottle was not very good-tempered. After pouring hot water for Zhang Tianan and Miao Yunfei, he said coldly, "They bought it for 20. If you can buy it, you can buy it. If you can't buy it, you will be hungry."

The fat bearded man reached out and touched his stomach, then looked at the instant noodles on the table in front of him. He gritted his teeth and handed the twenty dollars to the proprietress.

This bearded man looks like a migrant worker working on the construction site. It seems that he is used to saving money. The 20 yuan of instant noodles makes his flesh aches.

"The hot water is here, pour it yourself." The shop owner poked the kettle in his hand on the ground, and after he finished speaking, he went back to the back room. The back room seemed to be busy.

The couple also opened the room. Although they deliberately delayed a bit of time to make the arrogant Qian Minghui wait for a while, but since they already got the key, it is not good to continue standing here.

Qian Minghui and the middle-aged case in a suit walked to the counter and started paying for a room. Naturally, they wanted a room for 500 yuan a night.

"I'll ask them to borrow a car." Lin Chen said to Zhang Tianai and the others, then stood up and walked towards Xiaodong Xiaojian and the others.

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