"Yes." Lin Chen said there was nothing wrong.

"But..." Zhang Tiannan retracted his gaze towards the ground and asked in doubt, "But what does the heel print on the carpet have to do with solving the case? The deceased lived in the room on the third floor facing the entrance of the stairs. She walked from here. Go up, it's normal."

"Yeah." Miao Yunfei also said, "Others who walk up here wearing high heels will also leave these heel prints."

"Don't worry, follow me to the third floor." Lin Chen said, and walked towards the third floor.

While walking, Lin Chen pointed to the steps on the ground and said, "Pay attention to the steps. You can still see the traces of the deceased's high-heeled shoes in some places on the steps."

The three women carefully walked on the steps, and on the steps leading to the third floor, they saw a few more heel prints, but they were not obvious.

After all, a pair of shoes stained with mud and water, walking from the hotel lobby to the second floor, from the second floor to the third floor, the soil and water on the soles and the edges of the shoes will become less and less.

The prints on the high-heeled shoes leading to the steps on the third floor have obviously decreased, and some are so blurred that they cannot be recognized at all.

When he came to the corridor on the third floor, Lin Chen pointed to the room where the deceased lived, and said, "This room the deceased lived in, facing the stairs, next to the door of the room is the room where the bearded man lived..."

The three women knew that what Lin Chen focused on was shoe prints, and they saw the shoe prints left by the heels of the high-heeled shoes on the carpet at the door of the deceased's room.

At the door of the deceased's room, there are several imprints left by the heels. Because the plush carpet is somewhat resilient, it can be distinguished that there are heel marks on the carpet, but it is impossible to tell whether the heel marks are 'D' shaped. There is only a rough trace of being pressed down.

"The door of the house where the deceased lived has the heel print of her high heels. It's normal, what's wrong?" Miao Yunfei asked, wanting to know the reason for Lin Chen's heel print.

However, Lin Chen said unhurriedly: "Where there is a heel print, it proves that the deceased passed by. Yun Fei, you open the door of the room next to the deceased's room."

Before going downstairs, everyone was not allowed to close the door, and the door to the room was left open.

Hearing this, Miao Yunfei pushed open the door of the room next to the deceased's room. After pushing it open, Lin Chen stepped forward a few steps and pointed the light of her mobile phone at the wooden door. There was a heel print on the carpet: " Here, there is a heel print of a dead man."

The three girls looked at each other and saw another heel print on the carpet.

It's just that the position of the heel print is a bit special. The place where the heel print is located is almost a little bit below the crack of the wooden door.

"Pay attention to the heel print left by the deceased. Part of the heel print is 2.9 below the door seam, and part of it is outside the door seam. What does this mean?"

Lin Chen asked himself and answered: "When the door is closed, there is no way to leave the heel print under the door. If you want to leave this heel print, it means..."

Before Lin Chen finished speaking, Zhang Tiannan's eyes suddenly lit up: "It means that if you want to leave this heel print, the deceased must have entered the room next door."

"That's right." Lin Chen nodded: "From the print on the heel, we can tell that the deceased entered this room next door."

There was also a look of surprise in Miao Yunfei and Xia Miaoyan's eyes. Before, because the incident happened too suddenly, there was no time to look for clues, and because of the power outage, Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan didn't check the shoe prints. The thing is, I haven't found this half of the heel print under the door. .


465 Entered this room [4 more subscriptions]

"Lin Chen, do you think the murderer is the bearded man who lived in the house next to the deceased?" Miao Yunfei said.

Lin Chen didn't answer directly, but said, "I came to this hotel after our tire was punctured before. When I was opening a room, the bearded man on a motorcycle came, and he also opened a room."

"After I brought you to this hotel, we saw Xiaojian and the others who drove the Buick, the man in suit and the deceased. When Xiaojian and the others opened the room, the bearded man came downstairs, and he also bought it from the proprietress. A bucket of instant noodles."

"When the bearded man was eating instant noodles downstairs, the deceased and the man in the suit went upstairs. Do you still remember the sentence the man in the suit complained about the deceased, that the deceased liked to walk with his mobile phone, and often walked while playing cell phone."

"Well, remember, the man in the suit said so." Zhang Tiannan nodded, saying that he had heard it.

Lin Chen said: "I think, with the character of a man in a suit, he is going upstairs with the key marked with the room number. It is impossible for him to go to the wrong room and open the door of the next room."

"After the deceased and the man in the suit entered the house, the deceased found that he forgot to bring the facial cleanser. She asked the man in the suit to help her take it, but the man in the suit did not."

"So the deceased went downstairs to get it by himself. At that time, the bearded man had already taken the ready-to-eat instant noodles and returned to his room."

"After the deceased Qian Minghui went to the car downstairs to get the facial cleanser, her high heels were wet again and stained with mud. She had a habit of walking while looking at her phone."

"Combining these and the heel print under the door, my guess is that when the deceased went upstairs for the first time, she never entered the bearded man's house, but when she went upstairs with the facial cleanser for the second time, due to The door of the bearded man's room was not closed properly, she lowered her head and played with her mobile phone, and the two doors were very close together, so she didn't pay attention to the way, pushed the door and walked into the bearded man's room."

Lin Chen pointed to the heel print under the door and said, "The heel of the deceased is 'D' shaped, the arc is the back of the foot, and the flat side is towards the toe, that is to say, the D-shaped The side that is sideways is facing that side, which is where the shoe goes, and the arc is toward the back of the shoe."

"Look at the heel print under the door seam. The arc of D is facing the inside of the house, and the flat side is facing out. It means that the heel print is left by walking from the inside to the outside of the house."

The three girls listened to Lin Chen's analysis quietly, and nodded from time to time, expressing their agreement with Lin Chen's point of view.

"That is to say, when the deceased went upstairs for the second time, he accidentally entered the bearded man's room." Zhang Tianan said, "Why did the bearded man kill the deceased?"

"Entering a room of a person, the owner of the room killed her, isn't it incredible?" Xia Miaoyan also echoed.

Lin Chen smiled lightly and said, "What is the state of the deceased's death?"

"Well..." Miao Yunfei recalled a little, and said, "After being strangled by the murderer, her eyeballs were pulled out, her clothes were not damaged, and there was no other injury on her body."

"Yes." Lin Chen said, "Judging from the death status of the deceased, the murderer did not kill her for money or sex, but simply wanted to kill her."

"The murderer took out the eyeballs of the deceased, and the deceased had entered the bearded man's room, so from the perspective of criminal psychology, I think that the act of taking out the eyeballs was because the deceased entered the bearded man's room after entering the room of the bearded man. , saw something that shouldn't be seen."

"I saw something that shouldn't be seen..." Miao Yunfei touched her chin: "The bearded man was seen seeing something that shouldn't be seen, so after the deceased went out in anger, he followed behind the deceased, looking for an opportunity to She was killed?"

"Since the deceased saw something that the bearded man couldn't let outsiders see, it must be very important to keep this secret." Zhang Tianan said: "But after the deceased came out of the bearded man's room and returned to his own room, why? Didn't you tell her boyfriend the man in the suit?"

Xia Miaoyan's eyes lit up: "Sister Tian Nui, this is a good explanation, have you forgotten, didn't the man in the suit say that he was watching the video from his wife with headphones on, he was wearing headphones and couldn't hear the deceased When the wrong door was opened, the deceased returned to the house and found that the man in the suit was looking at his wife and children. He was angry, and then got angry for a while, and then quarreled with the man in the suit, so he didn't rush to talk about what he saw in the bearded man's room."

"Miaoyan is so smart." Lin Chen praised Xia Miaoyan.

Hearing Lin Chen's compliment, Xia Miaoyan smiled slightly, and she felt a little proud that she could get the master's compliment.

"That's right... It should be like this." When Xia Miaoyan mentioned it, Zhang Tian'an immediately remembered it.

"The deceased went to the wrong room because she was playing with her mobile phone and the door was too close. She was in the bearded man's room and saw something she shouldn't have seen. What was it?" Miao Yunfei asked.

"Sister Yunfei, don't think about it." Zhang Tian'an pointed to the bearded man's room and said, "The bearded man's room is right in front of us. Let's go in and look for it, won't we find out?"

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