So after Miao Yunfei and the others entered the house, the bearded man grabbed the pistol and went upstairs.

He walked towards Miao Yunfei's door step by step and knocked on the door. He didn't want to shoot, he just wanted to use the pistol to deter Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan.

It was just when he was about to break in, the bearded man heard Miao Yunfei's conversation about asking Zhang Tiannan to get a gun.

The bearded man was very tangled. He didn't know whether Miao Yunfei was bluffing himself or whether he really had a gun. For safety reasons, he finally retreated and returned to his room.

It was not until Lin Chen came back that he found the traces left by the heel of the shoes on the ground, confirming that she had something to do with Qian Minghui's death.

After saying this, Chuan, the bearded man with a mouth full of blood, took a few breaths and leaned against the wall: "I've said everything I need to say, you can hand me over to the police."

The others were silent, and the man in the suit was crying while rushing to beat the bearded man.

It's just that the bearded man has already been beaten hard, and if he continues to beat him, he will be beaten to death, and he is stopped by Miao Yunfei.

Everyone present, at this moment, their eyes on Lin Chen have changed. Fortunately, Lin Chen is here today, otherwise, even if Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan can find the murderer, they will not be able to deal with the Type 77 pistol on the bearded man.

The shop owner found a bundle of ropes from downstairs and tied the bearded man on the ground firmly, preventing him from having a chance to escape.

The proprietress stood by and pointed at the bearded man who was tied up with five flowers: "You damn bastard, you murdered in my hotel and ruined the reputation of my hotel. People like you should go to jail and be caught and shot. ."

The shop owner straightened up, clapped his hands, and said, "Tomorrow morning, you should send the murderer to the Public Security Bureau, and take the dead man with you."

"Okay, the murderer has been caught, and you can go back to the house to sleep in peace." The young woman in her thirties was ready to go back to her room to rest.

The short man also stretched and yawned.

Xiaodong came forward and apologized to Lin Chen. He had said before that Lin Chen might also be the murderer of 840.

"Husband, watch this murderer tonight, I'm really sleepy, I'm going to bed." The lady boss said with a tired face.

"Don't worry, it's not over yet." Lin Chen's voice rang at this time.

When the proprietress heard Lin Chen's words, she was the first to ask suspiciously, "It's not over yet? Isn't the murderer caught? Why isn't it over yet?"

The shop owner and others also looked at Lin Chen with a puzzled look, not knowing what Lin Chen meant when he said it wasn't over yet.

I saw Lin Chen's eyes swept over the boss and his wife, and landed on the boss's face: "Boss, I have a question to ask you."

"You ask." The proprietress didn't know what Lin Chen was going to say.

"Now that the murderer of Qian Minghui has been caught, I want to know where the owner and wife of this hotel are buried." Lin Chen said lightly.

After others heard Lin Chen's words, you look at me one by one, and I look at yours, they don't know what Lin Chen means.

The boss couple heard the words, but the face of the boss changed suddenly: "What do you mean, I don't understand."

Lin Chen said: "My meaning is very simple, you are not the owner and wife of this hotel at all, the real owner and wife have been buried by you."


471 This is not true [2 more subscriptions]

In this blackout hotel, the light was dim, except for the sound of rain outside, it was Lin Chen's voice.

After the boss couple heard Lin Chen's words, they looked at each other instantly. The expression on the boss's face was a little flustered, but the strong boss was still very calm.

"That... Mr. Lin, what did you just say?" Xiaodong wondered if he heard it wrong, he stepped forward and asked Lin Chen to repeat.

Before Lin Chen could speak, Xiaodong's girlfriend said, "He said, the two people in front of you are not the owner and wife of this store. The real owner and wife have been buried by them..."

Xiaodong's girlfriend repeated Lin Chen's words. Suddenly, everyone present looked at me, I looked at you, and felt extremely incredible about Lin Chen's words.

Li Erzhuang, who was tied up with five flowers and lying on the ground, also cast a startled look.

"What do you mean, this boss couple is not the real shop owner?"

"Uh...the real boss was buried by is this possible..."

"Is he joking, can the boss pretend to be?"

Everyone present began to discuss curiously, and it was no wonder that these people did not accept this matter for a while.

It’s like you stayed in a hotel, talked to the hotel owner and met, but then someone told you that the boss was a fake, and that the real boss was killed by the fake boss, you would be a little unbelievable.

"Why don't I understand what you said?" The sturdy shop owner stood there, looking bewildered.

The proprietress also said, "Young man, what are you talking about? You caught the murderer just now, and I think you are smart. Why did you say such nonsense words all of a sudden?"

"Lin Chen, he wouldn't say this for no reason." Zhang Tianan said at this time, "You couple, there are indeed strange things, and this hotel also makes me feel strange."

The sturdy store owner's face turned gloomy, and he said, "This hotel is my wife and I's life. Although it is very old and makes some customers dissatisfied, there is no need for you to say such things. You can live if you don't like it."

"Yeah, do you think I charged a high room rate, so you said that on purpose?" The lady boss's tone became teasing.

"I would say that you are not the owners of this hotel, and there is a reason." Lin Chen said, "Now, come with me to the first floor, I can prove that you two are not the owners of this hotel at all."

The proprietress had an unnatural expression on her face and did not speak, but the shop owner snorted coldly and said, "I really don't understand what you are thinking. You are not sleepy, but everyone is still sleepy."

The owner of the store looked at the others and said, "It's getting late, everyone, go back to the house to rest, and leave the responsibility of taking care of the murderer to me tonight."

Those people were sleepy and wanted to go back to the room to sleep, but they were not stupid. After thinking about it, they thought that Lin Chen would say this, there must be his reasons.

Xiaojian yawned and said, "It's okay, it's not very sleepy anyway, so let's go to the first floor and have a look."

"Well, I'll go too." Xiaodong said.

The men who brought the umbrellas back from the deceased said, "It won't take much time. I'm curious, how could Brother Lin think you're not the owner of this store."

"Everyone wants to know, do you have anything else to say?" Lin Chen asked the boss and his wife.

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