Xia Miaoyan felt very embarrassed, she pushed Lin Chen away, turned around and ran towards the tent.

Looking at Xia Miaoyan's appearance of fleeing, (bbba) Lin Chen smiled bitterly, I thought there would be some progress, but I didn't expect this little girl to run away embarrassedly, her face is really thin enough .

Lin Chen was not in a hurry to leave, he stood there for a while before slowly walking back.

After returning to the tent, Zhang Tiannan, Miao Yunfei and the others were leaning against the guardrail to look at the stars. Xia Miaoyan was just like a child who did something wrong. After wen Lin Chen, she embarrassed to hide in the tent. went.

Xiaohui slept in the innermost part of the tent, and Xia Miaoyan slept next to her. When Lin Chen and the others were going to sleep in the tent, a question appeared in front of Zhang Tianan and the others.

That was who slept next to Lin Chen.

Zhang Tiannan said to Miao Yunfei, "Sister Yunfei, sleep next to Miaoyan, and I will help you separate Lin Chen."

When Miao Yunfei heard this, she said, "I'll do it. You won't know that you were taken advantage of by Lin Chen later."

Hearing Miao Yunfei's words, Zhang Tianan said goodbye and said that Lin Chen took advantage of me. I belonged to Lin Chen. If Lin Chen wanted to take advantage, let him take advantage of it.

The two talked a lot about who slept next to Lin Chen, all for each other's consideration, saying that they slept next to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen sat at the entrance of the tent, looked at the two women, and said, "Why do I think the two of you are competing for the place to sleep next to me?"

When Miao Yunfei heard this, she immediately glared at Lin Chen and said, "Cut, who would sleep next to you, I'm afraid Tian Heng will suffer."

After Miao Yunfei finished speaking, she got into the tent and lay down next to Xia Miaoyan.

Lin Chen chuckled and let Zhang Tian'an also enter the tent.

The zipper of the tent was zipped, and the moonlight fell in from the breathable mesh.

Zhang Tian'an was lying beside Lin Chen, and unconsciously slapped Lin Chen, looking at Lin Chen, Zhang Tian'an's face was full of smiles.

When Miao Yunfei opened her eyes the next day, she found that Zhang Tianan was far away from her, she sat up, turned her head and saw that Zhang Tianan's whole body was leaning on Lin Chen's body. Lin Chen posted it very close.

Miao Yunfei pouted, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart, thinking that if she slept next to Lin Chen last night, then she would be sleeping on Lin Chen's body at the moment.

Zhang Tian'an was the second to wake up, and then Lin Chen, Xia Miaoyan and the others also woke up one after another.

After taking a shower and eating something, in the expectation of everyone, the rising sun on the horizon finally came out.

Because of what happened last night, Xia Miaoyan was very embarrassed after seeing Lin Chen, and she never spoke to Lin Chen.

Under the rising sun, the girls took some pictures as souvenirs, and after watching the sunrise, they were ready to go down the mountain.

After climbing the mountain for a day yesterday, Xia Miaoyan and the others all had pain in their hands and feet, so they chose to take the cable car to go down the mountain.

Sit from the top of the mountain to the mountainside, and then sit on the mountainside to the foot of the mountain.

When Lin Chen and the others came down from the mountain and walked to the parking lot, a person appeared in front of them. .


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This person was standing next to the parking lot where Lin Chen was parked. When he saw Lin Chen and the others coming, his face was full of smiles.

This person is none other than Zhong Xiangfei, who was on the phone with Lin Chen last night.

"Officer Zhong, why are you here?" Lin Chen asked, looking at Zhong Xiangfei who was standing beside his car.

Zhong Xiangfei laughed and said, "Mr. Lin, isn't it that I don't have to go to work today, I thought of treating you to a meal, so I rushed over here, but I didn't expect to see your car as soon as I entered the parking lot. "

"Didn't I say no on the phone last night?" Lin Chen shook his head, not wanting to have dinner with the leaders of the police station in the original Gao County.

"Mr. Lin, what I said last night was that the director wanted to invite you to dinner, and I have already conveyed your intention to the director." Zhong Xiangfei said, "Now I want to invite you to my house for dinner, to be honest, I have a daughter who is in high school, but I like you so much that I must take you back for dinner, or else I will clean up."

Speaking of his daughter, Zhong Xiangfei's face was full of happiness.

When Lin Chen heard this, he smiled slightly, and Zhang Tianai said, "Lin Chen, since Officer Zhong is so polite, he came over early in the morning to wait for us, so let's talk to Officer Zhong and go."

"Don't talk, don't talk." Zhong Xiangfei said quickly.

Lin Chen's thoughts were similar to Zhang Tian's. Since Zhong Xiangfei came here on purpose early in the morning and waited here, he was so sincere that it would be unreasonable not to go.

After Lin Chen agreed, Zhong Xiangfei seemed very happy, he took out his mobile phone, called his daughter, and happily said to the daughter over the phone, "Dad has completed the task you gave me, and I'll be back in a while. come home."

After putting down the phone, Zhong Xiangfei greeted Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, my car is right in front, I'll show you the way in front."

"Well." Lin Chen nodded: "Okay."

Zhong Xiang flew off to drive his car, Lin Chen and the girls also got into the Audi Q5, the car started, and drove out of the parking lot.

Zhong Xiangfei was driving an ordinary car of tens of thousands of dollars, driving in front. Under his leadership, Lin Chen and his party came to the downstairs of Zhong Xiangfei's house.

Zhong Xiangfei's home is a three-story building. This building is not in the city. It's on a road outside the city.

Zhong Xiangfei's daughter, because her father is the influence of a criminal policeman, is very fond of criminal cases, and often looks for various unsolved cases on the Internet.

After seeing Lin Chen and the cases that Lin Chen solved on the Internet, the high school girl was immediately attracted by Lin Chen's ability and appearance.

Of course, for these girls still on campus, appearance is more important than ability.

After Zhong Xiangfei came back last night and told his daughter that she had seen Lin Chen who she liked, Zhong Xiangfei's daughter had been pestering him and asked him to bring Lin Chen home for dinner.

Zhong Xiangfei couldn't do anything about his daughter, so he had to get up early in the morning and drive to the foot of Huanya Mountain to wait for Lin Chen and the others for a long time.

After Lin Chen got off the car, Zhong Xiangfei's daughter Zhong Yan saw Lin Chen, her eyes lit up slightly, she thought that Lin Chen was much better looking than in the video, and Zhong Yan was so excited, she immediately trotted towards Lin Chen and came to follow Lin Chen. Chen shook hands.

"Detective Lin, hello, I like you. My name is Zhong Yan, and my father is a police officer." Zhong Yan said happily to Lin Chen.

"Just call me Lin Chen." Lin Chen responded with a faint smile on his face, which made the little girl Zhong Yan unable to look away.

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