Ma Zhiyu's family in Dongming City, because of Lin Chen, Ma Zhiyu was dismissed and severely punished, Ma Zhiyu's father was also implicated, and now lives in dire straits.

Although the Miao family and the Ma family have a good relationship, Miao Zhengxiong knows Lin Chen's character, and in the conversation, nothing about the Ma family was mentioned.

After Miao's mother made the meal, Lin Chen and several people went to the table and started eating.

Because of her aunt's pain, Miao Yunfei went back to the house to rest after a few bites of food. Miao's mother followed her to take care of the two daughters, leaving only Lin Chen and Miao Zhengxiong on the dining table.


Miao Yunfei was lying on the chuang in her bedroom, holding a hot water bottle in her hand and sticking it to her stomach, the painful expression on her face did not subside.

Seeing her daughter's distressed appearance, Miao's mother reprimanded: "I told you not to eat ice cream when you were young, and told you not to bathe in cold water in the school dormitory, but she didn't listen. Now you're comfortable."

Miao Yunfei pouted: "Mom, it hurts so much that you can stop talking about me, okay?"

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about you." Miao mother sighed, unable to take her daughter.

"Mom, give me a cup of brown sugar water to drink." Miao Yunfei said.

Miao mother agreed and was about to go out of the house to make brown sugar water for Miao Yunfei.

Unexpectedly, after walking two steps, Miao Yunfei stopped her: "Mom, give me the bag on the table."

Miao mother followed the direction Miao Yunfei pointed to and saw the package of brown sugar on the table.

Mother Miao walked over, took a look at the package of brown sugar, and said, "This is just ordinary brown sugar, and the effect is not very good. How can it be as good as the one I bought for you, do you want to drink this?"

"Yeah." Miao Yunfei said, "Just drink this, just make me a cup."

Mother Miao looked at Miao Yunfei up and down and said, "Girl, Lin Chen bought the hot water bottle, and Lin Chen bought this package of brown sugar for you, right?"

"Yes... yes." Miao Yunfei admitted.

"Hum." Mother Miao smiled and snorted lightly, "I said, why don't I buy the best brown sugar, but want to drink the ordinary ten-yuan package of brown sugar, so it's because Lin Chen gave it to me. You bought it."

"No way, you think too much, mom." Miao Yunfei quickly defended: "I just think that the brown sugar you bought is too much, and it might be better to change it."

"Don't argue with your mother here, you were born to me, and I still can't see your little thought?" Miao mother said.

Miao Yunfei was speechless by what her mother said.

Mother Miao looked at the hot water bottle on Miao Yunfei's stomach, and then looked at the brown sugar in her hand: "My dad and I have been pampering you since childhood, but I didn't expect that Lin Chen just spent ten yuan to buy a hot water bottle, ten Buying a few pieces of brown sugar will buy your heart, girl, can you make some progress?"

Miao Yunfei knew her mother's character and understood that she was deliberately making fun of herself.

She hurriedly pretended to be in pain: "Mom, don't talk here, quickly soak me in brown sugar water, I'm going to die of pain."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Mother Miao said no more, and hurriedly went to make brown sugar water for Miao Yunfei.

Mother Miao had just soaked a cup of brown sugar water, and Lin Chen was just too full, ready to leave.

Mother Miao handed the cup to Lin Chen: "Lin Chen, send it to Xiao Fei, while Auntie cleans up the dishes."

Lin Chen took the cup and walked towards Miao Yunfei's room.

Coming to the door of Miao Yunfei's room, Lin Chen knocked on the door, then pushed the door and walked in.

Miao Yunfei, who was lying on the chuang, was a little surprised when she saw that it was Lin Chen who came in.

"Drink." Lin Chen handed the cup to Miao Yunfei.

"Thank you." The bloodless Miao Yunfei took the cup and took a sip.

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After seeing Miao Yunfei drink a few mouthfuls of brown sugar water, Lin Chen said, "It's getting late, so I'll go back first."

"Would you like to sit for a while?" Miao Yunfei insisted: "I have a TV in my room, do you want to watch TV before leaving?"

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "No, next time."


Under Miao Yunfei's gaze, Lin Chen walked out of the room, looking at the back of Lin Chen's departure, a smile appeared on Miao Yunfei's face.

Lin Chen said goodbye to Miao mother and Miao Zhengxiong again, and then left the municipal party committee compound.

There was no traffic jam on the road, and it didn't take long for the car to stop at the gate of No. 168 Changpo Road.

Pushing the door into the house, a faint scent came from the house.

Zhang Tian'an, Xiao Hui, and Xia Miaoyan had already taken a shower and were sitting on the sofa watching TV. On the dining table were some tableware and chopsticks that had not been cleaned up.


Lin Chen glanced at the tableware and chopsticks on the table, and asked Xia Miaoyan, "You didn't go out to eat, do you cook at home?"

If you can make dishes with the aroma of vegetables in the house after eating, who else is there except Xia Miaoyan.

"Yes." Xia Miaoyan said, "I saw that there were still some things left in the refrigerator, so I made them all. I made a lot of them. At first I was worried that I wouldn't be able to finish them all, but fortunately, they were all wiped out by us. already."

Lin Chen sat down and chatted with them for a while, and asked Xia Miaoyan if she went to school tonight or early tomorrow morning.

Xia Miaoyan's answer is very straightforward, that is, she will leave tomorrow morning.

Lin Chen nodded, stood up and went upstairs to take a shower.

The next morning, when Lin Chen was still asleep, a hand fell on his shoulder, shaking him gently.

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