In the dim public toilet, after pushing open the pit door, a person suddenly appeared on the toilet, which shocked Zhang Qiang and his girlfriend.

The girl saw that the shadow was motionless and had a pungent bloody smell, and she had a bad premonition in her heart.

And Zhang Qiang, who drank a lot of alcohol, scolded the shadow sitting on the toilet: "Oh, I'm a jerk, buddy, it's okay if you go to the toilet and don't say a word, return him and don't close the door. Close it."

"You're sitting here like a ghost, you almost startled Lao Tzu."

"Uh..." After speaking, Zhang Qiang burped.

Zhang Qiang waited for the shadow sitting on the toilet to answer, but the shadow remained motionless, as if he hadn't heard him.

"Fuck, I'm talking to you, you..." Zhang Qiang was about to scold, but was pulled by his girlfriend.

"Zhang Qiang, something is wrong, turn on the light on your phone and see." The girl held Zhang Qiang's hand tightly, her voice very nervous.

Zhang Qiang cursed again, then reached out and took the phone out of his pocket.

He quickly turned on the flashlight of the flash, and irradiated the tide watch towards the pit.

When the light fell in this pit, everything inside appeared in front of Zhang Qiang and his girlfriend.

At this moment, Zhang Qiang and her girlfriend stared, petrified in place.

I saw a long-haired man sitting on the toilet.

The man was naked, sitting on the toilet, with his head down, his long hair hanging down, and his face was not clearly visible.

His body was covered with scarlet blood, or, at this moment, he became a bloody bloody man.

Blood, for him at this moment, is not terrible.

The most terrifying thing was the skin on his body.

This man, the skin on his body has many scratches, and the skin on his body looks very weird and out of place.

Because the skin on his body was completely stripped off, and the bloody human skin was re-applied to him.

In order to fix the human skin that the man put on again, many iron nails were driven into his body.

Iron nails pierced into the human skin one by one, into the flesh, into the bones, and fixed the human skin on his body again.

The man's upper body looked like he was wearing a human skin coat. The knife slashed from his neck to his navel. After peeling off his skin, he put it on again.

The human skin that was put on again did not fit very well, and the flesh turned out in some places.

The man's lower body was naked, and the skin on his body was also peeled off with a knife from the waist to the calf.

It seems a little difficult to just peel off the skin of the body.

The murderer directly cut the man's skin with a knife, and then tore it to both sides.

After peeling off the skin of the lower body, put it on again, and fix it with iron nails.

A man dressed in human skin with dozens of nails all over his body was born.

This man just sat on the toilet like that, the human skin and nails on his body were so conspicuous.

"Da da……"

In the public toilet where the needles could be heard, blood dripping from the man's peeled human skin could be heard clearly.

The skin of his hands and feet was not peeled off. You can see that the skin of his hands and feet is a little dark, and the skin of his body is very fair.

The human skin on that body does not seem to belong to him, but to another person.


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511 The case of human skin nails [2 more subscriptions]


Zhang Qiang, the couple, screamed loudly after being stunned for a while.

Although Zhang Qiang used to be a gangster, he was good at fighting, and he used to stab people with a knife.

However, when he saw the corpse in front of him whose skin had been peeled off and put on again, he still screamed in fright. He seemed to wake up instantly after drinking a lot of alcohol.

Not to mention Zhang Qiang's girlfriend. After screaming, she dropped Zhang Qiang and ran out of the toilet.

Seeing this, Zhang Qiang hurriedly followed, not wanting to stay here for one more second.

It seemed that as long as one more second was left, the corpse sitting on the toilet would come to life.

After the two rushed outside, Zhang Qiang's girlfriend's first thought was to run and go home quickly.

Zhang Qiang shook off his girlfriend's hand and said, "You're stupid, you should call the police, let's just go back like this, maybe others will think we are the murderers."

Zhang Qiang immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed 110.

The police center received Zhang Qiang's report and immediately notified the local police station.

The police station in the jurisdiction immediately dispatched the relevant police and criminal police to come together towards the public toilet where the incident occurred.

The speed of police dispatch in Mohai City was very fast. Within ten minutes after Zhang Qiang made the call, three police cars stopped by the roadside where the public toilets were located.


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