Xiaohui jumped off the sofa and followed Xia Miaoyan like a little follower: "Sister Xia, Xiaohui cooks for you."

Xia Miaoyan laughed, reached out and touched Xiaohui's head: "Xiaohui, you are still sitting and watching TV with your brother. If you come to help sister, you will only be more busy..."

"No." Xiaohui's face was full of seriousness: "Xiaohui can wash vegetables and dishes. I used to help my father when my father cooked for me."

Hearing Xiaohui mentioning her father again, Xia Miaoyan was afraid that she would ask when her father would pick her up, so she quickly changed the subject and took her into the kitchen.

Lin Chen also went into the kitchen to help, and the kitchen was full of laughter. .


513 Several People Who Disappeared in the Lake [4 More Subscriptions]

Lin Chen, Xia Miaoyan, and Xiaohui are happily busy in the kitchen. Xia Miaoyan is in charge, while Lin Chen and Xiaohui are in charge of washing dishes and dishes.

The food that Xia Miaoyan cooks really has no taste. Lin Chen feels that compared with those chefs in the restaurant, it's not too bad.

The three of them were eating with relish around the table, and Zhang Tianan, who had been busy all day, also returned from the Public Security Bureau.

"Wow..." Seeing the dishes on the table, Zhang Tian's eyes lit up slightly: "Why don't you wait for me, don't finish eating my favorite braised eggplant."

Xia Miaoyan immediately said, "Sister Tianan, I wanted to wait for you, but the master said no, so he started eating."

After Zhang Tian'an washed his hands, he came to the table and smiled, "It's alright, Miaoyan, every time I think of your cooking, I hope to come soon on Saturday and weekend."

"Hee hee." Xia Miaoyan said with a smile, "in a few days, it will be winter and summer vacations. I will cook food for you and the master every day."

"Okay." Zhang Tianan smiled.

After dinner, Zhang Tian'an insisted on asking her to wash the dishes, but Xia Miaoyan couldn't beat her, so Zhang Tian'an had to go to the kitchen to work.

After everyone took a shower, they gathered around the TV and watched a movie.

Lin Chen ordered a ghost movie. When watching a ghost movie, Xiaohui and Xia Miaoyan covered their eyes with their hands from time to time, not daring to watch it completely. Zhang Tianan was fine, but Lin Chen directly regarded the terrifying ghost movie as a horror movie. I watched the family drama, and the whole process was smooth.

After watching the movie, Xia Miaoyan muttered to Lin Chen, "Master, why are you not afraid of such a terrifying ghost movie?"

"Because I don't believe in ghosts." Lin Chen's answer was very simple.

The next day was Saturday, because Xia Miaoyan, Xiaohui and the others were very tired after going out to play, so Lin Chen and the others did not go out this weekend, but stayed at home.

Either watch TV, play chess with Xiaohui, or Lin Chen takes them to the nearby street market.

On Sunday evening, a local news from Tianhai City swept the headlines of all news websites and online forums.

The headline of the headline read: "Mysterious black shadow found in Tianhai Lake, suspected to be a water monster."

Tianhai Lake is located in the southernmost outskirts of Tianhai City, at the junction with the neighboring province.

Tianhai Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Qingyang Province. The lake is 30 kilometers long, 2.1 kilometers wide at its widest point, with an average depth of about 200 meters and a deepest point of 328 meters.

Tianhai Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Qingyang Province, with clear water and steep mountains and forests on both sides, making Tianhai Lake one of the famous scenic spots in Tianhai City.

When you arrive at the Tianhai Lake Scenic Area, you can go fishing by the lake, have a barbecue, and have fun in the lake. You can also rent boats or motorboats to play on the lake.

In the past few years, many people went to Tianhai Lake to play, but after it was reported that tourists by boat mysteriously disappeared in the lake, various conjectures and rumors came from everywhere.

Some people say that Tianhai Lake has drowned many people, and those who were mysteriously missing while sitting on boats were dragged down by underwater water ghosts.

Some people say that the few people who disappeared without a trace were hit by a ghost and were trapped inside and could not get out. In the end, they jumped into the lake and sank to the bottom of the lake.

Some people also say that Tianhai Lake is so big and the water is so deep, there must be water monsters in the water, and those who disappeared were eaten by water monsters, so no trace of them could be found.

After those few tourists disappeared, only the tin boats they had ridden floated on the lake. The police cooperated with the staff of the scenic spot to conduct an all-round search for Tianhai Lake.

If those tourists drowned in the lake, their bodies should have floated on the water, but the police found nothing on Tianhai Lake, not even the life jackets they were wearing.

After this incident, some people avoided Tianhai Lake when they chose a place to travel. There was no other reason. The most important thing to go to Tianhai Lake was boating and motorboating. Since there are rumors that there are unclean things in the lake, it is impossible to do so. Just kidding with your life.

And fishing and barbecue, there are many places, why go all the way to Tianhai Lake?

Because of some other factors, the tourism industry of Tianhai Lake has been in a downturn in recent years. There are not many people visiting there, and the scenic spot can't make much money.

Today, the headline news in Tianhai City has attracted the attention and attention of many people.

Deep lake, water monster.

People are full of curiosity about unknown things and unknown creatures.

Clicking on this news, you can see that under the shimmering water of Tianhai Lake, there is a huge black shadow. According to the trees next to it as a reference, the black shadow in the water is at least ten meters long.

· · Flowers · · ·

This shadow doesn't look like a fish, and its shape is a little weird. If you have to think of a creature, it's the plesiosaur that has become extinct on earth.

The plesiosaurs began to appear in the late Triassic, and have spread all over the world in the Jurassic, and became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous.

The Cretaceous period is about 1 million years ago, and the plesiosaurs have long since become extinct. Now after such rumors appear, some people are extremely excited and decide to go to Tianhai Lake to find out, maybe it is a plesiosaur.

There are also people who are dismissive of this, thinking how is it possible that the plesiosaurs have long since become extinct.

This news has attracted mixed opinions.

As for the picture of the scene taken at that time, a more blurred one appeared later, in which a creature raised its head from the water, very much like a plesiosaur.


Xia Miaoyan, who was watching the news on her mobile phone, turned her head, looked at Lin Chen, and said, "Master, look at this news, you found a water monster in Tianhai Lake, it might be a plesiosaur."

Lin Chen took the phone and looked at it on the screen.

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