"Sister Tianan." Xia Miaoyan asked, "Then the hidden meaning in your words is to say that I am thick-skinned?"

"Hee hee, I didn't..." Zhang Tianan said with a smile.

Everyone was talking and laughing, eating the barbecue prepared by Xia Miaoyan. In this barbecue area, many people gathered around the barbecue grill, enjoying the scenery and eating at the same time.

Some people are sighing that they haven't seen a water monster this time, and they don't know if the big monster under the water will come out today. Some people also responded that they don't believe in water monsters. Of the ten, "six, seven, and zero" are hyped by the scenic spot itself. of.

After eating a barbecue at noon, Lin Chen cleaned up the garbage and said to the three women, "I have been to Tianhai Lake, and I have eaten the barbecue. Can you go back?"

Jiang Yaxian was the first to respond: "I finally came out. I think I can play until the evening before leaving."

"Yes." Xia Miaoyan also agreed: "Master, we are here anyway, let's go in the evening, and let's have another barbecue with the wind blowing in the evening."

The words of the two women fell, Xiaohui walked in front of Lin Chen, stretched out a small hand to grab Lin Chen's trousers, she raised her face, and said to Lin Chen, "Brother, Xiaohui still wants to play here, can you? "

Since Xiaohui and the others all want to stay and play, Lin Chen can have any opinion, anyway, it's fine, so stay and play.

The rented barbecue was returned to the scenic spot, and a few people walked slowly along the shore of Tianhai Lake towards the distance.

Walking to an open platform and standing still, there is a little road built towards the lake. Many people stand here and enjoy the scenery of Tianhai Lake.

Lin Chen and the others also stood here, looking at the tourists driving electric boats on the lake.

Next to him, a man in his [-]s looked at the other people beside him, and said brightly, "About the three tourists who mysteriously disappeared back then, I'm sure they must have been captured by water ghosts."

"Are you so sure? I don't believe in ghosts." A young man retorted.

The middle-aged man smiled disdainfully, and said, "Of course I'm sure, because I live near here. I know how many people died under the sea lake this day. In those years, the haunted place was very haunted."

At first glance, this middle-aged man is the type who likes to brag and talk big. When Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan heard the tone of his words, they felt that this person was very interesting, so they turned their attention to him and listened to him there. Say.

"There are no less than fifty people who died under Tianhai Lake today, and many people regard it as a suicide spot." The middle-aged man recounted: "A few years ago, when I came to Tianhai Lake with my friends to play at night, we went to From the position in front, we saw a girl in white clothes floating towards us in the water."

"She didn't have any feet, she just floated on the water, with a little ripple on the water. As she approached us, the girl was crying to us."

"Did you guys turn around and run away in fright then?" asked a tourist who was fascinated.

"It was my friend who turned his head and ran away." The man said proudly, "Although I am also afraid of ghosts, I have a lot of courage. After my friend ran away, I still stood there and stared at me. Look at that female ghost."

"When she got closer and closer to me, I reached out and rubbed my eyes hard. When I opened my eyes again, I found that the crying female ghost was gone."

"I still had the courage to look around, but I didn't see her again, and then I went to my friends, they were all frightened, I told them that after rubbing their eyes, they couldn't see the ghost. , they all said that ghosts are probably afraid of bold people."

"After that time, a few of my friends went to the temple and asked for an amulet, which they still wear now."

He spoke very vigorously, and his voice was contagious, and the people around him felt relish.

"Really? Is there really a ghost in this lake?" Someone asked.

"Of course it's true. What I'm lying to you for won't do any good." The middle-aged man snorted, looking dissatisfied with others questioning him.

He continued to speak, Lin Chen shook his head, too lazy to listen any longer, and prepared to continue walking forward.

"Lin Chen." Jiang Yaxian looked at Lin Chen and asked, "The middle-aged uncle said it well, it looks like a real thing..."

"But he gives me the feeling that he is someone who is pushy and likes others to pay attention to him." Lin Chen said with a smile: "What about him, when he says that, just listen to him, believe it or not."

"Master said there are no ghosts, and I don't think there are ghosts." Xia Miaoyan said.

Walking along the road by the lake, several people are walking, and the speed of walking is relatively slow.

Time passed quickly, evening came soon, and the sky gradually darkened.

Some people left, and some people set up barbecue grills by the lake, ready to have a picnic, and then go back.

For the sake of safety, Tianhai Lake is not allowed to rent a boat at night, but because there are many people who want to rent a boat at night, the person in charge of the scenic spot still chooses to rent a boat at night for the benefit of money.

After Lin Chen and the others finished the barbecue, they also rented a boat and drove to Tianhai Lake.

When the night came, the whole Tianhai Lake was shrouded in darkness. The lake water, which seemed blue and clear during the day, became dark at this moment.

Sitting on the boat, looking at the dark lake, it seems that something will pop out of the water at any time.

There are lights on every boat, and there are many boats floating on the lake. Most of them have to take boats at night. Most of them are lovers of water monsters.

"It's 2.8 at night, what's there to do?" Lin Chen muttered softly while sitting at the back of the boat.

Lin Chen wanted to leave at noon, and the three girls said they would have a barbecue in the evening before leaving, but after the barbecue, they thought about coming to the boat again.

"There's really nothing to do." Jiang Yaxian controlled the electric boat and said with a smile, "However, sailing in this lake at night is a bit exciting."

Lin Chen smiled and stopped talking, leaning on the seat, tilted his head and glanced up at the sky.

There is no moon in the sky tonight, and there are only a few stars.

After strolling around the lake, it was getting late, and Jiang Yaxian and the others were also ready to go back.

The electric boat drove towards the shore, and halfway through, the dark lake water outside the boat suddenly splashed with a splash, and something jumped out of the water. .


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This splash of water without warning appeared beside the boat that Lin Chen and the others were on.

At the same time, the electric boat swayed a little under the rippling water waves.

Jiang Yaxian, Xia Miaoyan, Zhang Tianan and the others were all startled by the sound of water splashes.

I saw that a fish about half a meter long jumped out of the water and landed at Xia Miaoyan's feet with a crackling sound.

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