Looking at Xia Miaoyan's beautiful face, Jiang Yaxian sighed suddenly: "Miaoyan, in fact, with your appearance, if you come to our company as an artist, it is really easy to become popular."

Xia Miaoyan is very beautiful, and her beauty is very distinctive. In the entertainment industry, it is important to look good, but it is also important to have characteristics.

If you are an internet celebrity face and look similar to others, the audience's impression of you will not be that deep.

Like Xia Miaoyan, the audience can remember her face after seeing her once or twice.

"But I'm not interested in being a star." Xia Miaoyan smiled slightly.

"Really have no interest at all?" Jiang Yaxian said: "If you come to my company, with your figure and appearance, plus my packaging and hype, within a year, you will definitely become popular, Miaoyan, Being a star is very lucrative.”

Seeing this, Lin Chen said, "Don't pull Miaoyan into the fire pit, she doesn't need to be a star to make money."

Hearing that Lin Chen compared the entertainment industry to a fire pit, Jiang Yaxian suddenly became a little unhappy: "Why is the entertainment industry a fire pit?"

Lin Chen shrugged and didn't go to explain anything to Jiang Yaxian.

Xia Miaoyan is still very simple now, maintaining the habit and life attitude of coming out of the countryside. Lin Chen will never let her go to places like the entertainment industry.

In the future, it will be much better to assign Xia Miaoyan any position in the company than to be a star.

Lin Chen took out the key to open the door, and left Jiang Yaxian on the ground. Seeing that Xia Miaoyan was a little embarrassed, she hurriedly said, "Sister Yaxian, I don't want to be a star myself, thank you for your kindness."

Jiang Yaxian said: "It's okay, I just mentioned it casually."

Jiang Yaxian glanced at Lin Chen's back, pouted quietly, then got into her Porsche and drove away.

Zhang Tiannan, Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui all returned to the room. After a shower, they were all tired and went back to their respective rooms to rest.

The next day was the weekend, and the big fish that Lin Chen caught yesterday was taken out of the refrigerator by Xia Miaoyan.

With Xia Miaoyan's ingenuity, the big fish weighing [-] to [-] pounds was quickly cleaned up and started to cook.

Several of the dishes on the lunch table are fish, a pot of fish head soup, a plate of braised fish, a plate of sweet and sour fish, and a plate of fried fish.

Xiaohui eats too little. Her mouth is oily, and Lin Chen also devours her head.

Xia Miaoyan bit her chopsticks lightly with her white teeth, she asked with a smile, "Master, Xiaohui, is it delicious?"

"Delicious." Xiaohui said quickly.

"Don't ask, your dishes have always been delicious." Lin Chen said without raising his head.

When Xia Miaoyan saw that there were no outsiders, she blushed and said to Lin Chen, "Then... Master, I will cook you food for a lifetime."

Hearing this, Lin Chen raised his head and looked at Xia Miaoyan.

The eyes of the two met, Xia Miaoyan looked embarrassed, Lin Chen smiled and said, "Okay."

In the afternoon, Lin Chen received a call from Qi Hongyuan. Originally, Qi Hongyuan was going to Mohai City in the past two days, but because there are still some things to deal with here, it is not so fast.

When I called Lin Chen, Qi Hongyuan asked Lin Chen when he would go to Mohai City. If he could, he would go to Mohai City together at that time. There were many people on the road, and it was more lively.

"I'll go in two weeks." Lin Chen said, "My car has empty seats. You can go with me then."

"Okay, then you can call me when the time comes." Qi Hongyuan said.

As time passed, Lin Chen sent Xiaohui to school every morning, and Xia Miaoyan appeared on time at Lin Chen's door on Friday night.

In a blink of an eye, two weeks passed.

Xiaohui's holiday is earlier. After Xiaohui's holiday for a few days, Xia Miaoyan, a junior, also has a holiday.

This morning, Xia Miaoyan, who was carrying a schoolbag, pulling a suitcase, and a strap in her hand, came to Lin Chen's door.

Lin Chen's door was not closed. He was playing backgammon with Xiaohui on the coffee table. After seeing Xia Miaoyan coming, Xiaohui immediately stood up from the stool.

After calling out to Sister Xia, Xiaohui ran over to bring something to Xia Miaoyan.

It's just that Xia Miaoyan's things are too heavy, and nothing is moved by Xiaohui.

Lin Chen stood up, walked to Xia Miaoyan, took the backpack from her hand, and said, "Are you on vacation today?"

"Yes." Xia Miaoyan smiled happily: "I can finally get rid of the prison of the school and enjoy a free life for two months."

"It's good to have a holiday. In the future, there will be more free babysitters at home." Lin Chen threw Xia Miaoyan's backpack on the sofa.

Xia Miaoyan picked up Xiaohui and kissed her on the face.

At lunch, Xia Miaoyan asked Lin Chen, "...Master, your company has moved to Mohai City now, so are you going to buy a house in Mohai and settle down there?"

"Not necessarily." Lin Chen took a piece of pork belly and said, "It is estimated that he will buy a house in Mohai. Anyway, the transportation is convenient, and it will be the same wherever he wants to live in the future."

"Well, the magic sea is very good, and its development is much better than our Tianhai." Xia Miaoyan said that many of her classmates are planning to travel to the magic sea during the summer vacation.

After chatting for a while, Xia Miaoyan asked Lin Chen when to leave for Mohai City, Lin Chen thought about it and said, "The company over there in Mohai has already been set up, why don't we leave tomorrow morning? , you will be able to reach the sea of ​​magic at night."

"Then I'll clean up tonight." Xia Miaoyan said.

In the evening, Lin Chen called Qi Hongyuan to his house to have a meal, and told him to go back to pack his things and go to Mohai City tomorrow morning.

At the dinner table, Zhang Tian's mood was not very high. There was no other reason. Naturally, it was because Lin Chen, Xia Miaoyan (Wang Wang's) Xiaohui and the others had left. She was the only one left in this building, so deserted. what.

Zhang Tiannan looked at Lin Chen with resentful eyes from time to time. At night, it was close to one o'clock in the morning, Lin Chen's door was pushed open, and Zhang Tiannan walked in tiptoely.

Lin Chen, who was sitting on the chuang and playing with his mobile phone, immediately looked over there.

Zhang Tian'an, who walked in, was slightly taken aback: "Why haven't you slept yet?"

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