057 Bus Stop【Subscribe】

Seeing that Lin Chen was leaving, Miao Yunfei hurriedly called out, "Hey, where are you going?"

Lin Chen didn't look back, and said, "Just walk around here."

"This nasty guy, asks some weird questions, and sells it." Miao Yunfei put her hands in front of Xiong and muttered, with dissatisfaction written on her pretty face.

Zhang Tianan hesitated for a moment, then she said to Miao Yunfei: "Sister Yunfei, Lin Chen should continue the investigation. Deputy Bureau Sun asked me to assist him, so I will go with him."

"Go." Miao Yunfei waved her hand, - didn't care.

Zhang Tiannan ran towards Lin Chen, Miao Yunfei looked at the backs of the two leaving, then looked at the bus whose driver died, and sighed softly.

Miao Yunfei hopes in her heart that the death of the bus driver has nothing to do with the murderer of the four bus stop serial murder cases. If there is a connection here, and the murderer wants to kill the reporter, it means that he has arrested Qi Hongyuan... It's very likely that you got it wrong.


When Lin Chen saw Zhang Tian'an following him, he glanced at Zhang Tian'an's bumpy figure and said, "Take off the police uniform on him."

Zhang Tianai understood what Lin Chen meant, so he took off his police uniform, turned it upside down, and held it in his hand.

The two quietly walked down the bus line of Baofeng 3 Road, and along the way, they saw some people walking home, some people waiting for the bus after the evening shift, and some scavengers.

After a long silence, Lin Chen began to ask Zhang Tianai about Baofeng Line 3 and Line 6.

Under Zhang Tianai's notification, Lin Chen learned that Baofeng Line 3 has a total of 31 stations, and Baofeng Line 6 has 22 stations.

The first dead person died at the seventh station of Line 3.

The second dead person died at the eleventh site.

The third deceased was at the fifteenth site.

The fourth deceased was at the nineteenth station of Baofeng Line 6.

Baofeng Line 3 is a very important means of transportation in this suburb. Most of the residents in the suburbs do not have a car at home, so they have to take Baofeng Line 3 to go to the urban area and to the subway station.

The four serial murder cases in the bus stop booth this time have a great impact on the surrounding residents, and the matter is spreading. Many people would rather take a taxi after get off work at night than go to the bus stop.

Even if you want to do a bus, you have to go in groups.

Zhang Tianan also said that this incident not only has a great impact on the surrounding residents, but also has a great impact on the drivers of Baofeng Bus Station. .

Some bus drivers have resigned, and some have no other way to survive, and still drive in fear at night.

After understanding this, the two walked to a food stall, Lin Chen glanced at the food stall with good business, and said to Zhang Tian, ​​"Are you hungry?"

Zhang Tiannan touched his stomach and said, "I've been running after you for a day, and I haven't eaten anything. I'm too hungry."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Then let me invite you to eat."

With Zhang Tian'an, he found a table and sat down. The boss immediately brought the menu. After Lin Chen ordered a few dishes, he quickly brought everything he ordered.

Beside the table where Lin Chen was sitting, there were six young people sitting on a table. These young people drank a lot of wine, all of them blushing and thick necks. The table and the ground were full of wine bottles.

"Have you heard about the four recent bus stop murder cases?" a bald young man, with a cigarette in his hand, asked his companion.

"I heard..." A young man with yellow hair said, "Three incidents happened on Line 3, and one happened on Line 6, right? The murderer is really cruel. I heard that the method of killing is very cruel. After killing people, they cut off the scalps on their foreheads and threw them on the ground."

"My family also said that the tin is evil, and told me not to go to the bus stop booth at night, saying that it is a wrongful ghost asking for my life, haha, what kind of wronged ghost would I be afraid of? If the wronged ghost is beautiful, she will appear in In front of me, Lao Tzu has to kill her." A young man couldn't raise his head, his head drooped on the table, and he still didn't forget to brag.

"Paralyzed, you are also a ghost, you and him have been hungry-thirsty-intolerant recently."

"Stop bragging. The murderer has never been caught and brought to justice. I'm a little scared, right? The police are a bunch of rice buckets. So far, the murderer has not been caught."

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The voices of the people at the table were very loud. At first, Zhang Tianan still listened carefully to what they said, but after hearing the last abuse, Zhang Tianan was a little angry and couldn't sit still.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand and pressed it on the back of Zhang Tian'an's hand, and said with a smile, "What do you care about with a group of drunkards?"

When he said this, Lin Chen muttered in his heart, the scolding guy seemed to be right...

Zhang Tian'an didn't bother to bother with the group of people. At this time, an old man walked on the road from a distance.

This old man looked like he was about sixty years old. He had a hunched back, and he didn't look very tall. His hair was short and gray, and the old face was full of traces left by the years.

..... .....

In the old man's hand, he was holding several woven bags, which were filled with the paper skins and bottles he had picked up.

When the old man saw that there were a lot of mineral water bottles on the ground next to the table where the group of young people were sitting at the food stall, he immediately stepped forward and walked over there.

After approaching, the old man bent down to pick up the mineral water bottle on the ground. His approach made the young man at the table very dissatisfied.

"Trash pickers, get out, get out, your body stinks." A young man yelled at the old man who was bending over to pick up things.

But the old man didn't leave. When he saw that there were still a few bottles under the table, he would go in and pick them up.

When the young man next to him saw this, he was immediately annoyed. He reached out and grabbed the old man's back collar and pulled him gently. The old man fell backwards and sat on the ground.

This young man drank a lot of alcohol, and his strength was also a little big. After sitting on the ground, his face showed pain.

The young man pointed his finger at the old man's nose and said viciously: "Oh, you are so dirty, don't come close to us, do you know, don't think we won't dare to beat you when you are old, I beat an old man two days ago. ."

Zhang Tianan, who was eating, witnessed all this. She slapped her chopsticks on the table and stood up.


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