Wu Tianyu looked thoughtful and said: "According to observation, the man does not seem to have the strength to kill, but he has no alibi, and the last alibi was not particularly sufficient, I feel , you can check him."

After Wu Tianyu finished speaking, he immediately looked at Lin Chen and asked Lin Chen for his opinion: "Mr. Lin, what do you think?"

Ouyang Chuying and Wu Xuan also looked at Lin Chen, facing the gazes of the three of them, Lin Chen said, "We speculated some characteristics of the murderer before. I really have nothing to do with the murderer when I get up, but there are exceptions to everything. Now that the police force is sufficient, I will send two police officers to follow him secretly."

"Yeah." Wu Tianyu said: "That's what I planned. The murderer has been hidden so deeply that there has been no gain so far."

After chatting for a few words on the skinny man, Lin Chen muttered to himself: "Our current investigation direction is that the murderer's motive is vendetta. If this direction doesn't work, we can only start from the murderer's motive. Randomly picked the target to start."

"Mr. Lin." Wu Xuan looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Do you think the murderer may have killed randomly?"

"No." Lin Chen shook his head and said, "My judgment is that the murderer has a very purposeful and targeted crime, and it is unlikely that random killing is possible. Random killing is only the last motive for killing. If there is really no vendetta. Breakthroughs can only start with random killings."

"However, there is another possibility..."

Originally, the three of them, Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu, and Wu Xuan, were still listening to Lin Chen's analysis and words while nodding slightly. When they heard no more than two words, they immediately looked at Lin Chen, but the following (bbff) That sentence also filled their hearts with curiosity.

"What's the possibility?" Wu Xuan asked, her eyes burning brightly, she wanted to hear this other opinion from Lin Chen.

"We'll talk about it later." Lin Chen said, without any intention of saying it.

"Uh..." When Wu Xuan heard Lin Chen's words, she was stunned for a moment, and was waiting for Lin Chen to say it, but she didn't expect such a response.

Wu Tianyu also scratched his head, looking very eager to know what another possibility was in Lin Chen's mouth.

Seeing Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan's expressions, Ouyang Chuying knew what they were thinking.

Ouyang Chuying looked at the two of them and said, "Lin Chen is like this. Last time in Guangyu County, during the investigation, he didn't say anything. He didn't say anything until the end and identified the murderer."

"It's not bad now, I just said so much analysis, you just get used to it."

Although Ouyang Chuying didn't have much contact with Lin Chen, the contact in Guangyu County gave her a deep understanding of Lin Chen, until this guy had a temper.

Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan nodded slightly when they heard Ouyang Chuying's words, indicating that they understood.

Seeing that Ouyang Chuying said in a mocking tone, Lin Chen looked at Ouyang Chuying and said, "Sometimes it's not that I don't say it, but I'm not sure yet, and I need to further verify and collect clues."

"Oh, that's it..." Ouyang Chuying had no expression on her face, when she said this, she gave Lin Chen a meaningful glance.

From the time she came out of the branch to the present, Ouyang Chuying, the daughter of the big family, has always had a straight face and no expression on her face. She is known as the iceberg goddess. Her cold and beautiful face and personality are really like a piece of paper. Like ice that never melts for thousands of years.

Lin Chen didn't say more, Cang Donglan, the proprietress who went to the toilet, also came back. She had just said a few words to Lin Chen and the others, and then the phone rang and there was a text message.

Cang Donglan was standing next to Wu Xuan. Wu Xuan used to be Wu Tianyu, Lin Chen, and Ouyang Chuying. The four stood in a row.

Cang Donglan took out her phone and tapped it twice on the screen. Originally, her hand was holding the phone flat, but Wu Xuan could see the screen of her phone as long as she turned her head.

However, after seeing what was on the phone screen, Cang Donglan subconsciously tilted the phone screen slightly, so that the phone screen was facing the other side of her side. At this angle, even if Wu Xuan turned her head, she couldn't see it. something on the screen.

After doing this, Cang Donglan blinked while looking at the screen, she exhaled slightly, then pressed the power button and put the phone back in her pocket. .


543 The Boss in the Eyes of the Employee 【Subscription】

Cang Donglan flipped the phone slightly and turned the screen to the other side. Wu Xuan, who was on the side, didn't notice this small movement.

Wu Tianyu didn't notice when he was talking to Lin Chen, and Ouyang Chuying was standing at the very edge, so naturally he didn't notice either.

Lin Chen noticed this little detail, he glanced at Cang Donglan's face, narrowed his eyes slightly, and then withdrew his gaze.

A few minutes later, the drivers of the four refrigerated transport trucks in the slaughterhouse all stood in front of Lin_chen.

The four drivers, the youngest 21 years old, looked very young, the oldest 35 years old, also very energetic.

They came to the front and saw Wu Tianyu and the others in police uniforms, and they immediately understood.

"Boss, you called us here, what's the matter?" The youngest young man yawned, as if he had just woken up and rushed over.

The proprietress Cang Donglan pointed at Lin Chen and the others, and said, "It's still about the case, you cooperate with the police to investigate."

The young man looked at Lin Chen and the others, and sighed lightly.

Wu Tianyu said to them: "From 7:11 to 30:[-] last night, where are you during this time period, and do you have proof of your absence?"

"7:11 to 30:[-] last night?" The youngest young man rolled his eyes and said, "Alibis, what are you asking about this alibi? Could it be that something happened last night?"

"That's right." Another person also asked, "Did something happen last night, or the date and time period your police asked the last two times wasn't the same."

In the first two interrogations of the special case team, the forensic doctor judged the specific time of death of the deceased, and then interrogated them whether they had an alibi at the time of the deceased's death.

If someone was the murderer, he was skinning the body during that time, and there would be no alibi.

This time the alibi has been changed to a different time and date. Anyone with a slightly more flexible mind can imagine whether something happened last night.


Wu Tianyu said to them: "Your boss has disappeared for more than three weeks. Last night, the murderer threw his body into a toilet, so we want to investigate. Last night from 7:11 to 30:[-], this time Duan, where are you, and can you provide an alibi?"

"Huh?" said an employee who was driving: "After so long... the boss's body has finally been found."

The youngest driver asked, "Aren't your police officers under strict control? Why didn't you catch the murderer when he dumped his body?"

"The murderer is very cunning, so I didn't catch it." Wu Tianyu was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, and asked again: "The four of you, do you have an alibi?"

"I watched a basketball game at home last night. Can I tell how many matches I played? Is this an alibi?" the youngest driver asked. He was very calm and didn't panic at all.

The second driver said: "The three of us were together last night. We had a barbecue on the street ahead, and I paid for it."

The third driver: "Yes, we had a barbecue together last night, and we can prove each other."

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