556 There are guests [2 more subscriptions]

Ouyang Chuying was thinking about the relationship between the owner of this shoe and Cang Donglan, whether it was an adulterer. The two worked together and designed to kill Fan Yinghao, so that he could get the money Fan Yinghao had earned over the years.

When Lin Chen mentioned the garbage bag, she caught a glimpse out of the corner of her eye. After hearing Lin Chen say "Look at it," Ouyang Chuying immediately looked over the garbage bag.

This is a red garbage bag. The garbage bag is not thick and thin. You can see what kind of garbage is inside.

There is a lot of garbage in this garbage bag. At the bottom position, there is a ring-shaped rubber object. One end of this object is closed, and the other end is a ring-shaped rubber ring.

After seeing such a thing, Ouyang Chuying's face became slightly embarrassed.

Although Ouyang Chuying has never used this thing, she has seen it before, commonly known as Smurfs, also known as contraceptives.

Usually, Ouyang Chuying's face will not be embarrassed when he sees this kind of thing, but when he sees this kind of thing in front of Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying is inexplicably embarrassed.

The contraceptive condom at the bottom of the garbage bag still has some ye body left in it, and a small torn square packaging bag can be seen next to it.

"The contents of this garbage bag haven't smelled yet, and there is sperm left in the contraceptive condom." Lin Chen said: "Your police came to her house a week ago, that is to say, this condom is left within a week."

"Cang Donglan's husband, Fan Yinghao, disappeared three weeks ago. The last thing her family should have seen was using a condom with sperm left behind."

"Used condoms, shoes two or three sizes smaller than Fan Yinghao, this Cang Donglan, after her husband was killed, had sex with other men at home."

"That's right." Ouyang Chuying nodded and began to take out her mobile phone to take pictures of shoes and garbage bags. Perhaps, these things could be useful in solving the case.

"This Cang Donglan looks like she cares about her husband very much on the surface, but he is doing this kind of thing in the dark.'" Ouyang Chuying glanced outside the door. Cang Donglan and her son's cries, Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan were in that room, it would take a while for them to come over.

Lin Chen put the garbage bag back into the trash can, Lin Chen clapped his hands, and said slowly: "My husband is dead, and the body has not been found. For ordinary women, she is heartbroken during this time, let alone In terms of sexual desire, I can't even eat it."

"When her husband died, she was still able to have sex with other men at home, which shows that her feelings for her husband were not as deep as she showed. Her cheating with that man must have happened before Fan Yinghao died. Now, her husband's body has not been found, and she can still be with someone, it seems that Cang Donglan's relationship with this man is also very deep."

"Nine times out of ten the text message that I sent to Cang Donglan and was deleted by her was sent by the owner of this shoe." Ouyang Chuying pointed to the pair of leather shoes on the ground and said, she wanted to say something shrewd The master's, but in front of Lin Chen, it's a little hard to say.

The two immediately checked the rest of the room. When Ouyang Chuying opened the wardrobe and checked it, she said to Lin Chen, "Come here."

Lin Chen walked over, Ouyang Chuying took out a few clothes from the closet, she said: "The deceased Fan Yinghao is relatively big, these clothes on the side look smaller, let Fan Yinghao If you go to wear it, you will definitely not be able to wear it."

Lin Chen also picked up a piece of clothes: "The clothes are very new and clean. They were not worn by Fan Yinghao when he was thin."

"The man left his shoes and some clothes here. It seems that he intends to move here."

Lin Chen immediately took out the stack of clothes one by one. After holding the bottom black clothes in his hand, Lin Chen's nose moved, and then he brought the black clothes close to his nose, and again. Sniff twice.

"What's the matter? What's the smell?" Ouyang Chuying asked when she saw Lin Chen sniffing the black dress.

"This dress smells of organic oil." Lin Chen said, and sent the dress to Ouyang Chuying.

Ouyang Chuying didn't reach out to pick it up, but lowered her head and smelled it on her clothes.

After smelling it, Ouyang Chuying raised her head and said, "Yes, the oil smell is very strong."

Lin Chen put down the other clothes and walked to the balcony with this black dress.

There is not much light in the room, but the light from the balcony is very abundant.

After coming to the balcony, Lin Chen quickly found traces of engine oil on the clothes.

"This dress belongs to that man. Ordinary people's clothes don't have oil on them. This man, his occupation, may be a car mechanic. Those clothes without oil are worn when they are not working. This black one is for work. It was stained with oil." Lin Chen speculated.

The two said a few more words, when they heard the doorbell ring from the living room.

Ouyang Chuying walked over and put the clothes back in the closet, while Lin Chen threw the black clothes on chuang.

Cang Donglan, who was holding her son crying in another room, took her son down from the security window of the balcony after hearing the doorbell, hugged her son, and went to open the door.

She carried her son from the room to the living room, where Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying were already standing.

Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying saw that Cang Donglan's expression on her face was a little unnatural at the moment, and it looked like she was nervous.

"...There are guests here." Lin Chen said.

"Well..." Cang Donglan glanced at Lin Chen, smiled awkwardly, put it on her son, clasped her hands together slightly, and walked towards the security door.

Both Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying could see that Cang Donglan was a little nervous at the moment. As for the reason for her nervousness, it was very obvious. There are policemen at home. Cang (Wang Li's) Donglan was probably worried about pressing The one who rang the doorbell was the man who came to her house and did that kind of thing with her.

If so, that's fine, and save yourself the time to find that person.

Cang Donglan stretched out her hand to open the door. There was a man and a woman standing outside the door. When she saw the person who came, she let out a sigh of relief, let go of her tightly clasped hands, and called out, "Sister, brother-in-law, you are here..."

The man and woman standing outside the door are Cang Donglan's cousin and brother-in-law.

My cousin nodded: "Well...I heard that Yinghao's body was found, hey...I and my brother-in-law, come to see you, Donglan, don't be too sad."

The cousin and brother-in-law stood outside the door and comforted Cang Donglan. After entering the house, the couple was slightly stunned. They didn't expect that there were police officers in the house.

"Cousin, brother-in-law, sit down, these police officers came to the house to find clues." Cang Donglan explained to them. .


557 Do you understand [3 more subscriptions]

After Cang Donglan's cousin and cousin-in-law heard Cang Donglan's words, they nodded and came forward to ask Lin Chen and the others how the investigation of this case is currently, and how long will it take to catch the murderer.

Wu Xuan replied to the two people's questions, saying that the murderer was very cunning, the case was still under investigation, and the police would catch the murderer as soon as possible.

The cousin and cousin-in-law didn't seem very satisfied with the police's answer. They sighed and sat down on the sofa over there under Cang Donglan's greeting.

Cang Donglan went to the kitchen to prepare tea, and Ouyang Chuying put her mouth close to Lin Chen's ear and said, "Cang Donglan's cousin-in-law has a medium build and can wear those clothes in the closet, that Could the man who cheated on her be her cousin-in-law?"

"will not."

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