"It's a spam message. When I encounter a spam message, I just delete it." Cang Donglan said.

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "It seems that you don't know much, it's pointless to lie like this. The police have already asked the communication company to retrieve the text messages and communication records of your mobile phone, and we'll know right away. Who texted you?"

"Cang Donglan." Ouyang Chuying began to call Cang Donglan's name directly, she said, "You cheated on a man, and he sent you a text message and you deleted it, you didn't want us to know his existence, you Such an approach will make our police suspect that your husband's death has something to do with the two of you."

Cang Donglan tightly clenched the corners of her clothes with both hands, her brows were deeply wrinkled, and she stopped talking.

Lin Chen said to her: "on the edge of your room, there is a pair of leather shoes. Those leather shoes are two or three sizes smaller than your husband's leather shoes. Those shoes are not your husband's, but another man's."

"In your closet, there is a stack of men's clothes. With your husband's physique, you can't wear those clothes. Those clothes belong to another man."

"In the trash can beside you, at the bottom of the trash bag, there is a contraceptive condom. There is still sperm left in the condom. It was left behind for about a week. Your husband has been killed three times. It's been more than a week, and the condom is obviously not his, it belongs to another man."

Cang Donglan's face became more and more ugly after hearing Lin Chen's words.

Lin Chen continued: "In the stack of clothes in the closet, the bottom black clothes have the smell of engine oil, and there are traces of engine oil on them that have not been washed. If I guessed correctly, that man's occupation is repairman. Turner, right? Ms. Cang?"

Cang Donglan originally seemed very nervous, but after Lin Chen's voice fell, her shoulders drooped down, and she leaned against the sofa weakly.

At this time, Wu Tianyu's voice rang, and he immediately took out his mobile phone to answer.

After saying a few words, Wu Tianyu put down his mobile phone and said: "The text message deleted by Cang Donglan has been found. The number ending in 3721 and the number holder's name is Tang Hong. According to satellite positioning, the location of this number is at the moment. , in a private repair shop."

After Wu Tianyu finished speaking, he looked at Cang Donglan.

It seems that Lin Chen's observations and inferences are correct. The man who cheated on Cang Donglan is a car mechanic.

"Now, can I tell the truth?" Lin Chen looked at Cang Donglan, who seemed to be drained of strength, and asked.

"Tell me, was your husband, Fan Yinghao, murdered together by you?" Wu Xuan asked.

It was okay to hear what Lin Chen said. After hearing Wu Xuan's words, Cang Donglan, who was leaning on the sofa with a slumped look, immediately sat up straight and said, "No, no, we didn't kill me. Husband, don't wrong people."

Cang Donglan's words were regarded as admitting the existence of that lover.

"No?" Wu Tianyu said, "Judging from your series of lies, I think it's possible that you and that car mechanic, Tang Hong, are the murderers in this case."

"No, really not." Cang Donglan said anxiously: "How could I kill my husband, I can't kill him, although he is not good to me, but I have never had that kind of thought from beginning to end. "

"You don't have that kind of thought, it doesn't mean that Tang Hong doesn't." Ouyang Chuying said: "You cheated on your husband with Tang Hong, a car repairman, you two are getting on well, and he also knows your family's situation. , Your family's conditions are very good, in this case, if your husband dies, wouldn't it be a great benefit to him?"

"When your husband died, he married you, took Fan Yinghao's money, lived in Fan Yinghao's house, slept with Fan Yinghao's wife, and beat Fan Yinghao's son. I think he wanted Fan Yinghao to die."

· · Flowers · ·

Cang Donglan, who had refuted fiercely a few seconds ago, had a erratic expression on her face at this time.

Under the questioning of Ouyang Chuying and the others, Cang Donglan had no choice but to tell everything about herself and Tang Hong, the car mechanic.

After Cang Donglan married Fan Yinghao, the two were very affectionate at first. Fan Yinghao loved her very much and was very considerate to her.

There is just a saying that a man becomes bad if he has money. He started to make money in the slaughterhouse. After Fan Yinghao had money in his hands, he started to mess around.

Please cover him with the relevant department leaders to find the young lady, play in this club today, and play in that hotel tomorrow. Fan Yinghao, who was originally devoted to Cang Donglan, began to be sloppy and messed with women everywhere.


After Cang Donglan found out that her husband was wrong, she asked him if he was messing with women outside and doing something wrong to her.

The two began to quarrel, and the relationship became worse and worse.

Later, Cang Donglan found out that her husband had raised a female college student in her early twenties. She rented a house for the female college student in a high-end residential area, and went to her for a tryst every three days.

Cang Donglan was very sad, Fan Yinghao was very strong at home, quarreling was not as good as him, let alone fighting, Cang Donglan could only swallow all the bitterness and boredom.

During a quarrel, Fan Yinghao pointed at her nose and scolded her: "If you don't want to let it go, get a divorce, keep your son, get out, don't even think about taking a penny away."

After the quarrel, Cang Donglan was completely desperate for Fan Yinghao.

Her car often had problems for a while, so she drove to the repair shop to repair the car. The person who repaired her car was called Tang Hong, a young man who was much younger than her.

Tang Hong looks a bit handsome, and his attitude and tone when talking to Cang Donglan are also good. The two are from the same place. After going here and there, the two are familiar with each other. One night, Fan Yinghao went to the caregiver. College students spend the night there.

Cang Donglan was very uncomfortable, so she asked Tang Hong to come out for a drink, and the two had that kind of relationship that night.

Cang Donglan felt that her husband was sorry for her first, and she did that kind of thing with Tang Hong outside, and it was not that she was sorry for him. .


559 Go to a car repair shop 【Subscription】

As a result, the couple who seemed to be loving to outsiders, the man was outsourcing a female college student, and the woman had a good relationship with a worker in a car repair shop.

Every time Fan Yinghao went outside for a tryst with a female college student, Cang Donglan would call Tang Hong and ask him to open a good hotel, and go find him by himself.

Before going out, Cang Donglan would put her son to sleep, and after having a good time with Tang Hongfeng Liu, she would hurry back to avoid being caught by Fan Yinghao.

This kind of stealing continued for a long time, and Fan Yinghao didn't even notice it.

When she said these words, Cang Donglan spoke in a low voice for no other reason. Naturally, she didn't want to be heard by the son in the room.

Although the son is young, he knows that this kind of thing is not good for his growth.

Cang Donglan wiped away tears and said, "The night of Yinghao's disappearance on "June [-]", he didn't come back, and he couldn't get through on his cell phone. I thought he was with that vixen again, so I contacted Tang Hong, and He opened a room once."

"It wasn't until the next day that I couldn't get in touch with him, so I called the police, and then the police told me to go to the Public Security Bureau to take my son's hair for DNA testing..."

"After learning of Yinghao's death, I also doubted whether Tang Hong did it. I asked him, but he said he absolutely didn't. Although he wished Yinghao died so that he could marry me, he would not do the impulsive thing of murder. "

"You chose to believe him?" Lin Chen asked.

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