"But..." Ouyang Chuying said two words but, ready to refute Lin Chen's point of view.

Lin Chen raised his hand to stop her rebuttal, looked at Ouyang Chuying's beautiful face, and said, "Are you trying to say that Tang Hong's nervous reaction is normal, because when the murderer is facing the police, , He has a guilty conscience, so he is so nervous that he trembles, his forehead sweats when he is interrogated, and he keeps relying on some body movements to relieve the pressure in his heart?"

This is what Ouyang Chuying wanted to refute, after being told by Lin Chen, she had to nod her head: "Yes, that's what I think, no matter how ruthless the murderer is, when he is about to be arrested, he will inevitably appear guilty. and nervous."

"Well, some murderers may be like this, but I don't think the murderer of the human skin nailing case would be like this..."

Lin Chen said slowly: "I think there is another reason why Tang Hong will not be the murderer."

"What's the reason?" Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan asked almost at the same time, their eyes fixed on Lin Chen.

Lin Chen picked up a cup of tea and took a sip, without explaining the reason.

When Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan saw this, they looked very disappointed and sighed in their hearts.

Ouyang Chuying glanced at Lin Chen, thinking about the case handling with Lin Chen today, thinking about the case handling process today, what can be sure that Tang Hong is not the murderer.

After thinking about it, Ouyang Chuying didn't think of the specific reason, and finally shook her head slightly and simply stopped thinking about it.

Several people continued to eat. Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan, who were in a good mood originally, were not as emotional as before after Lin Chen said that Tang Hong should not be the murderer.

When the meal was about to finish, Wu Tianyu's cell phone rang.

He picked up the phone and glanced at it, and said to Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying, "It should be news from Tang Hong's hometown."

After speaking, Wu Tianyu pressed the answer button and started talking to the person over the phone.

More than a minute later, Wu Tianyu put down the phone and said to Lin Chen, "After we made a request to the public security bureau where Tang Hong's home is located, they immediately sent someone to investigate the situation at Tang Hong's home."

"Tang Hong is the only child at home, and his parents are only his son, and they dote on him very much. They are both from the countryside. Although they can't make much money, the old couple gave Tang Hong a down payment for a house in the county seat of their hometown. It is for Tang Hong's marriage."

"In the mouths of Tang Hong's relatives and neighbors, Tang Hong has a bad temper and sometimes quarrels with his parents, but overall, he is still a filial son."

"Tang Hong has no criminal record. His parents are also honest and responsible rural people. He has no criminal record and has never had any major conflicts with others. Tang Hong's second aunt said that he would come to Mohai City to work in order to earn money. To repay the mortgage, the salary in my hometown is not high, so I come to work in a big city and make money to repay the mortgage.”

Having said this, Wu Tianyu paused slightly: "The situation of Tang Hong's family is almost like this, Mr. Lin, do you need to know anything else?"

"Well, no need." Lin Chen said, his eyes were a little lost, and he looked thoughtful.

After Ouyang Chuying heard this, she asked Lin Chen, "Did you investigate the situation of Tang Hong's family, do you want to know if his family is very short of money? The current investigation result is that he lives in a not rich, But in a good family, the family gave him a down payment for the marriage room, you think he has such an economic foundation, and there is no need to kill people, right?"

Lin Chen was still thinking about his own affairs, and didn't answer Ouyang Chuying's words.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't speak, Ouyang Chuying thought that his mind had been told by herself.

So Ouyang Chuying continued: "Tang Hong's parents saved half their life's money, gave him a down payment for a house and bought a house, his family's economic conditions are very poor, and the pressure to repay the mortgage is also great. In this case, it is possible for him to kill Cang Donglan's husband for the money and for the house..."

"Yeah." Wu Xuan also said, "Mr. Lin, if Fan Yinghao doesn't die, he will still be working in a car repair shop, earning several thousand yuan a month, and after paying off the mortgage, he has a little money left to live on. ."

"But if Fan Yinghao died, it would be completely different. When he died, Cang Donglan belonged to Tang Hong, the money belonged to Tang Hong, and the house belonged to him. It can be said that after Fan Yinghao's death, The benefits that Cang Donglan can get are not as big as that of a male junior like him."

Although Wu Tianyu didn't speak, his views were the same as Ouyang Chuying and Wu Xuan.

Lin Chen came back to his senses at this time, and the words they said lingered in his ears.

Immediately, Lin Chen looked at them and asked, "Then explain to me why Tang Hong wanted to kill the beggar Huaikang?"

"After Fan Yinghao's death, it's good for Tang Hong. After that beggar Huaikang's death, is it good for him too?"

"One more thing, why did he skin the two of them, then exchange the skin for the other, and then throw the corpse?"

"Uh..." Wu Tianyu hesitated: "If Tang Hong is a psychopath, it is normal to do these strange actions..."

Lin Chen shook his head: "If it was Tang Hong who killed him, he should only kill Fan Yinghao. We assume that the reason why Tang Hong wanted to kill the beggar was because he was kidnapped by the beggar when he kidnapped Fan Yinghao. I met him, so I killed him."

"Even if this assumption makes sense, after killing the man, he should choose to bury the body instead of throwing it in a public toilet and locking the wooden door, so that people will find out sooner that all he wants is Fan Yinghao's death, the more silent the death. The better it is for him, the better it is for him, what good is it for him to provoke the police by doing so?"

"I've been speculating about the specific intention of the murderer to kill like this... I have some eyebrows, but I'm not sure..."

After saying this, Lin Chen raised his head and looked at Wu Tianyu: "The members of the special case team from the other team should have gone to Tang Hong's house, right?"

"Well, they should have arrived at Tang Hong's residence now." Wu Tianyu nodded.


While Lin Chen and the others were having dinner, another member of the special case team had already arrived at Tang Hong's door. .


565 Strange voice [3 more please subscribe]

Tang Hong's home lives in a rental house in a village close to the town.

He lives on the first floor, and the key to the room has been taken from him. The member of the special case team who walked in the front immediately took out the key and opened the door of the rental house.


The ordinary wooden door of the rental house was pushed open, and a faint smell came from the house immediately. The first policeman who walked in reached out and touched the door, touched the light switch, and immediately turned on the light.

This is a room of more than [-] square meters, a bedroom, a bathroom, and the kitchen is outside the house, built with wooden boards.

The facilities of this house are very simple, with an ordinary iron frame, a dilapidated table, the floor is dirty, there are a lot of tissues and black garbage.

On the dilapidated table, there were the leftover instant noodles that were eaten together, and there was a little duck neck with sauce in the plastic bag next to it.

The police walked over and saw that the bowl of instant noodles and the duck neck with sauce had gone rancid. According to the degree of rancidity, it was judged that these two things were left over at least two days ago.

Chuang has a Swiss Army Knife on his head. It's not genuine. It can be bought online for 11 or [-] yuan.

The police walked over and opened the Swiss Army Knife. Although the blade inside was sharpened, this kind of knife is of average quality and not sharp. If you use this knife to peel the skin, let alone cut the skin so perfectly, you just want to cut the skin off. It is time-consuming to cut.

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