"Magic Sea's surveillance is enough, can this be avoided?" Xia Miaoyan was surprised.

"There are still a lot of uncovered and dead spots in the suburbs." Lin Chen said.

Xia Miaoyan looked up at the sky, there were a lot of stars tonight, but there were lights of various colors all around, and the stars in the sky paled in comparison.

"I think of the guy sitting on the toilet now, wearing someone else's skin and nailing it with so many iron nails, I get goosebumps all over my body, master, look..." Xia Miaoyan said, reaching for Lin Chen In front of him, let him see the goose bumps on his hands.

Lin Chen stretched out his warm big hand and gently stroked Xia Miaoyan's goosebumps arm, and said, "Just think of something else."

"Yeah." Xia Miaoyan nodded: "It's just very (bbdd) strange. Why did the murderer skin them and then put them on interchangeably? It's really strange."

The two chatted while walking, and soon came to the Bund.

The Bund at night is much more beautiful than the Bund in the daytime. The tall buildings on the opposite side, the cruise ships on the Huangpu River, and all kinds of lights are dizzying.

Xia Miaoyan has also been to Mohai several times, but this is the first time for Xiaohui.

She held a cup of milk tea in one hand, raised the other hand high, pointed to a building opposite, and asked, "Brother, Sister Xia, what are those round, tall buildings? "

Xia Miaoyan stepped forward and explained to Xiaohui, "That... is called the Oriental Pearl."

"Oh, Oriental Pearl, she's so tall." Xiaohui's eyes were full of surprise.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Tomorrow, let Sister Xia take you to play there, okay?"

"Okay." Xiaohui clapped her little hands and yearned for that tall building.

Walking on the Bund, Xia Miaoyan's cell phone rang.

She took out her mobile phone and said to Lin Chen, "Sister Tian Nui is calling."

After speaking, Xia Miaoyan answered the phone and pressed the speakerphone.

"Miaoyan, where are you now?" Zhang Tiannan's voice came from the loudspeaker.

"I was on the Bund with my master and Xiaohui, watching the Oriental Pearl and the night scene." Xia Miaoyan smiled.

Zhang Tian'an immediately sighed and said, "I really envy you guys. I just got off work. I came back to this deserted home, made myself a bowl of instant noodles, and ate it here."

After chatting for a while, Lin Chen took the phone and said a few words to Zhang Tianan, telling her not to buy instant noodles anymore, it's better to just buy a quick meal.

Xia Miaoyan had already told Zhang Tianan about Lin Chen's purchase of more than [-] mansion. Zhang Tianan said on the phone, "Finish the villa, and then I want a big room."

"No problem." Lin Chen smiled.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan walked along the Bund for a long time, and after eating something, they returned to the hotel where they stayed.

The next morning, just as Lin Chen got up and was about to go to Xia Miaoyan's room, the phone on the table rang.

Lin Chen glanced at the caller ID, it was Ouyang Chuying who called.

After the connection was made, Ouyang Chuying's voice came from there: "Lin Chen, you are right."

"What are you talking about?" Lin Chen responded casually.

"That car mechanic, Tang Hong, he is not the murderer." Ouyang Chuying said solemnly, bringing the case, Ouyang Chuying naturally wouldn't bother with Lin Chen on the phone about what happened last night.

When Lin Chen heard Ouyang Chuying's words, he asked, "Listening to the tone of your words, could it be that the murderer came out to commit the crime again last night?"

"That's right." Ouyang Chuying answered quickly, she said, "We just received a report that a body was found in a public toilet in the suburbs. The reporter's description of the body was: The body was sitting on the toilet. , the skin on his body was opened, and many iron nails were nailed."

"These characteristics are the murderer of the human skin nailing case. We are now on our way to the place where the corpse was thrown."

Lin Chen frowned slightly and threw the body away. The murderer threw the body again last night.

As he said and deduced, Tang Hong was not the murderer, just an unlucky ghost with a motive and time to commit the crime.

"Address, I'll be right here." Lin Chen said.

Ouyang Chuying immediately told Lin Chen the address, and then asked, "Do I need to send someone to pick you up?"

"No." After Lin Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Lin Chen walked out of the room, Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui's room door was still closed, Lin Chen walked downstairs directly and got into his car.

On the way to the third place where the corpse was thrown, Lin Chen edited a text message to Xia Miaoyan, telling her that there was new progress in the case, so she would not accompany them to breakfast, and let Xia Miaoyan buy some food by herself .

The murderer of the human skin nailing case is really rampant.

The night before yesterday, Fan Yinghao's body was thrown out. Unexpectedly, it was only a day later that the body was thrown again, and a third body appeared.

According to the murderer's habit of committing crimes, the corpses he threw out were all skinned, and he threw a third corpse, which means there was a fourth victim.

Lin Chen's car was driving fast on the road, and soon, there were many police cars on the road ahead.


PS: A new month has begun. Many brothers who read books have started school, right?

In the new month, ask for monthly tickets, all kinds of requests, thank you brothers for your support. .


568 The corpse five days ago [2 more for subscription]

On the road ahead, many police cars were parked on the side of the road, and next to a forest on the side of the road was a public toilet with a concrete cover.

A big city like Mohai, even though it is a suburb, has many public toilets, and every small village has at least one public toilet.

This public toilet is on the side of the road, about a hundred meters from here, there is a house, and behind the house is a small village.

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