Although Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan did not hear the content of Ouyang Chuying's call, they heard Lin Chen say that the fourth corpse was thrown at the scene.

When Huang Maode saw that Lin Chen and the others were leaving, he hurriedly said, "Comrade police, are you leaving? Are you on the way? If you do, put me in the place where I got on the bus before, so I can continue to work."


576 The Fourth Human Skin Nailed Corpse

When Lin Chen heard Huang Maode's words, he turned around, looked at Huang Maode, and nodded: "By the way, close the door, and we will send you back to the place before."

"Okay." Seeing that he could go back in Lin Chen's car, Huang Maode seemed very positive, he quickly closed the door, and followed behind Lin Chen and the others.

Originally, after checking Huang Maode's house, Lin Chen and the others had something to discuss, but now that Huang Maode followed, Lin Chen and the others didn't say anything, and sat in the car one by one, silent.

The fourth corpse was found in the toilet of another village, which means that the murderer was very likely to throw the fourth corpse after throwing the third corpse last night.

There was nothing to say all the way, Lin Chen drove very fast, and soon returned to the road where Huang Maode worked before.

The garbage truck was still parked there. Huang Maode got out of the car and said to Lin Chen and the others, "Comrade police, thank you."

Ouyang Chuying smiled slightly: "We should say thank you to you, thank you for cooperating with our investigation."

"It should be, it should be." Huang Maode nodded, the smile on his face affected the scars on his face, the face didn't feel oozing, but it looked even older.

After closing the car door, Lin Chen started the car and walked towards the fourth place where the body was thrown.

As soon as the car drove out, Wu Tianyu asked, "Did you find anything when I went to the rooftop with him to dry clothes?"

Wu Tianyu wanted to ask just now, but Huang Maode didn't say anything in the car.

"I didn't find anything." Wu Xuan shook her head and said.

"Luminol didn't react?"


Wu Tianyu touched his chin: "It seems that even if Huang Maode is the murderer, his family is not the scene of skinning and disposing of the body."

After a pause, Wu Tianyu said: "I was on the rooftop with him just now, and we talked about some things about his family. He only said that he was alone and had no relatives."

Wu Tianyu would follow Huang Maode to the rooftop to hang his clothes. One was because Huang Maode was so eager to hang his clothes. He wondered if there would be any problem with those clothes.

Wu Tianyu has observed Huang Maode's clothes, and they are all work clothes and older clothes, and there is no problem.

"We overlooked a detail before." Ouyang Chuying, who was sitting in the passenger seat, said, "When we got off the car to find Huang Maode and said we were going to his house, his first reaction was to worry about deduction of wages. , and then I was happy to be able to go home to hang clothes, and finally asked us to investigate him, if we doubted..."

"It was Lin Chen who told me just now. Now that I think about it, there are indeed some problems..."

Ouyang Chuying shared with Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan all the analysis of Lin Chen's reaction to Huang Maode.

After the two listened, Wu Xuan said, "Before, I was thinking of going to Huang Maode's house to find clues, but I didn't care too much about that."

Lin Chen drove the car and said, "You call the other police officers now and ask them to investigate the neighbors in the building where Huang Maode lives. The murderer throws his body for the second time, and when he throws the body for the third time, take a look. Is Huang Maode at home?"

"Okay." Wu Tianyu said, "I'll send someone to follow him around the clock."

Wu Tianyu went to call someone to investigate Huang Maode. The car was driving fast, and there were fewer and fewer houses and communities on both sides of the road. After arriving in some secluded suburbs.

Ouyang Chuying contacted Guo Tongguang again and determined the specific location. Seven or eight minutes later, the car drove from the road into a concrete road with woods on both sides.

The urban greening of Mohai City is very good. Trees are planted on large tracts of land in the suburbs. One of these trees can beautify the suburban environment, and the other is that where trees are needed in the urban area, they can be transplanted from here.

The place where the fourth body was thrown was on the edge of a village, behind the village, there was a public toilet.

Compared with the first three corpse dumping sites, this corpse dumping site is very remote.

The toilet is behind the village, more than [-] meters away from the nearest family.

The toilets are built on the side of the road in the woods, where the sun doesn’t get in very much during the day. At night, the woods are gloomy, and people with ordinary courage may not dare to come here alone to use the public toilets.

Lin Chen and the others arrived at the toilet. In addition to the many cars parked on the roadside, a cordon was drawn around the toilet.

No way. After the villagers in this village knew that there was a corpse in the toilet here, they came to see it very curiously. More than a dozen villagers gathered around the toilet and talked a lot.

Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying and the others got out of the car. Guo Tongguang, who was standing on the periphery, saw this and immediately greeted them here.

"Mr. Lin." Guo Tongguang said hello to Lin Chen with a solemn expression.

It is not a good job to be the team leader of the special case team in charge of the skin nail corpse case. Today, two bodies were found in a row, and the pressure on the special case team is increasing.

At present, it is not known that the two bodies were found today, but they must be reported before this evening.

Guo Tongguang thought that there would be two more corpses to be reported, but he still felt an unusual headache when the murderer was still not caught, and he might have to bear the scolding from above.

"Tell me about the situation." Lin Chen stood still, glanced at the villagers who were watching over there, and said to Guo Tongguang.

Guo Tongguang sighed slightly and said, "I just received a report from a villager in this village. He said that when his little granddaughter went to the public place at the back of the village, he found a body in the pit inside, and we rushed over immediately. Come here, I'll call you when you're on the way."

"After we got here, before we entered (Li's) toilet, we were standing at the door when we smelled a foul odor. The forensic doctor found the body in the second pit of the women's toilet."

"Mr. Lin." Guo Tongguang's tone suddenly became higher, and said, "The third body found by the toilet cleaner this morning is actually the fourth body thrown by the murderer."

Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan were slightly stunned when they heard the words, and did not understand what Guo Tongguang meant for a while.

After Lin Chen heard the words, he immediately said, "Then according to what you said, the second corpse thrown by the murderer I discovered the night before yesterday may... can only be regarded as the third corpse."

Guo Tongguang's eyes widened slightly: "Mr. Lin, do you know the reason?"

"Well." Lin Chen nodded, looked around, and said, "Well, it's very simple. The location of this toilet is very remote. The man found in the toilet in the morning was frozen and died within five days. forward.".


577 The corpse thrown before then [3 more subscriptions]

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