Lin Chen's eyes immediately fell on the other pits of the toilet, and saw that the wooden doors of the toilet were all open.

Lin Chen asked the forensic doctor, "Did you open these doors~?"

The forensic doctor shook his head and said, "No, it was open when we came. This time the murderer didn't lock the other doors."

Wu Tianyu said: "In the first scene where the body was thrown, the murderer did not lock the wooden doors of other toilets. In the second and third scenes, the wooden doors were locked. In the fourth scene, the murderer did not lock the door."

Lin Chen pondered in his heart, and after recalling the words that Wu Tianyu had arranged, he was a little uncertain in his mind.

Lin Chen took a step forward and walked towards the inside of the toilet, starting from the fifth hole in the innermost hole, then the fourth, and then the third.

After reading all five pits, Lin Chen asked the forensic doctor if he found anything at the scene.

The forensic doctor shook his head and said that the four bodies in this case have not been found yet. This one is in the worst condition, and the evidence is not easy to extract.

Lin Chen looked at the forensic doctor, and then looked at the corpse in the second pit, and he said, "When examining this corpse, try to be as careful as possible, maybe there will be major discoveries on this corpse. of."

Hearing this, the forensic doctor was stunned for a moment, and then responded with a hello.

He promised Lin Chen, but the forensic doctor secretly shook his head in his heart. He did not agree with Lin Chen's words, because he was involved in the first three corpses, and nothing was found on the corpses. Surely no useful clues could be found.

Wu Tianyu glanced at Lin Chen, wondering why Lin Chen would say this to the forensic doctor.

At this moment, footsteps came from outside the toilet, and Ouyang Chuying walked in from outside.

Ouyang Chuying pressed the back of her index finger to her nostrils. She looked at Lin Chen and said, "Lin Chen, there is a new clue."

"New clues?" Wu Tianyu's eyes lit up and muttered.

Lin Chen stepped outside and asked Ouyang Chuying, "What new clues?"

Ouyang Chuying hurriedly explained: "I just received a call from Cang Donglan, the owner of the slaughterhouse, who said... before the accident, her husband gave a female employee in the factory... to Qiang. raped..."

"Raped the female employee?" Wu Dongfang took off the mask on his face and asked, "Why didn't she talk about such a big thing before, but only now?"

Ouyang Chuying explained: "Cang Donglan's dictation is... It's not that she didn't say it before, it's that she didn't know about it before. When we were investigating in the factory yesterday, we didn't hear the young driver reveal that he said There is an employee in the factory that we haven't investigated?"

"The incumbent is the director of the slaughterhouse, Du Yuan. Today Du Yuan came back. After he learned that the boss Fan Yinghao died, he immediately told the matter."

"Du Yuan?" Wu Dongfang nodded and remembered: "Oh, I see, Cang Donglan said that this Du Yuan is his husband's cronie, and has worked in the factory for many years, because his wife is going to have a child, he My mother was walking and wrestling again, and she had no choice but to go back to her hometown to take care of her wife and give birth to a child."

"Well, we called him at the time, but we didn't get through." Ouyang Chuying said.

Lin Chen also spoke at this time. He looked at Ouyang Chuying and asked, "Did her boyfriend of the girl who was raped originally drove a refrigerated truck in the slaughterhouse?"

"That's right." Wu Xuan stepped forward, a little surprised in her eyes: "Mr. Lin, how did you know it was these two people?"

"It's simple."

Lin Chen said: "I investigated the driver of the refrigerated transport truck before. Cang Donglan said that there were originally five drivers, but now there are only four left. The driver resigned. The reason for his resignation was his girlfriend who also worked in the slaughterhouse. I'm pregnant, and the two have to go back to their hometown to get a marriage certificate."

"When talking about this at the time, Cang Donglan also mentioned one thing, that is, a few days after the couple resigned, her husband came home one day and told her that she lost [-] in stock trading. , Cang Donglan said that she was heartbroken when she heard this number."

"At the time, I felt that the couple resigned, and Fan Yinghao lost [-] yuan a few days later. It seemed a little strange. Now you say that Fan Yinghao raped a female employee and connected these things together. "

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"That is Fan Yinghao. After raping the girl, he didn't want to be arrested by the girl's boyfriend, so he gave the couple a compensation fee of [-] yuan to let them leave the slaughterhouse, which is not a small amount of [-] yuan. , After Fan Yinghao went back, he found a reason for losing money in stocks to explain the [-] yuan."

Wu Xuan looked at Lin Chen's eyes, full of admiration, some things, give them some time, they may be able to think of the twists and turns.

But Lin Chen's speed of connecting all kinds of small clues and things together is really fast.

Just now, based on the bungalows in the village that were not rented to migrant workers, he deduced that the locals had toilets at home and would not use public toilets, so the body was thrown here and would not be found for a long time.


Now I told him that Fan Yinghao once raped a female employee, and he connected several other little things together.

"Yes, what you said is absolutely correct." Ouyang Chuying said: "The supervisor named Du Yuan said that he was going to send an order to Fan Yinghao that day. When he walked upstairs, he heard Fan Yinghao's office inside. There was a voice, and he didn't speak at first."

"I heard that Fan Yinghao raped the girl, and after paying them compensation, the supervisor Du Yuan quietly left. He understood that Fan Yinghao didn't want this kind of thing to be known to outsiders, so he pretended not to know. this matter."

"After that, after his mother fell, he went back to his hometown to take care of his mother and pregnant wife."

When several people were talking, Guo Tongguang and several police officers from the special case team also came over, and they already knew this new clue.

A police officer standing beside Guo Tongguang said: "My girlfriend was raped, and she swallowed her breath with compensation of [-] yuan. It's really useless. If this happened to me, I would definitely call the police and punish him severely. , In the face of this kind of thing, what is money?"

The young police officer didn't say a word, that is, if he encounters this kind of thing, he will kill the guy if he doesn't call the police. A man can't tolerate being raped by someone else.

Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at the toilet behind him, and looked in one direction: "Go!".


579 Positioning Number [5 more for subscription]

Lin Chen and the others got into the car, the car started and headed towards Fan Yinghao's slaughterhouse.

After a while, the car came to the door of the slaughterhouse.

Originally, Lin Chen's car could be driven in directly, but at this moment, the big iron gate of the slaughterhouse was closed, so he could not drive in.

"During the day, what door are you closing?" Ouyang Chuying, sitting in the passenger seat, muttered.

Lin Chen parked the car aside, and a few people got out of the car and came to the front of the iron gate.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand and pushed it. The iron door was only closed, and it was not locked from the inside. After pushing open a gap, he walked in.

A few people went straight to the office of the proprietress Cang Donglan. When they walked to Cang Donglan's office on the second floor, Lin Chen immediately saw Cang Donglan sitting on the office chair, and on the sofa beside her, there was a thirty-something sitting there. aged man.

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