"I have a little clue about the murderer now, but it's all my inference. I want to find the murderer who poisoned the bus driver and prove my reasoning." Lin Chen whispered.

"What's your reasoning?" Miao Yunfei was full of curiosity.

Zhang Tian'an sighed in his heart, seeing Lin Chen's concentration on things, he knew that Lin Chen would not tell his reasoning, and he had asked him many times last night.

Sure enough, Lin Chen immediately stood up from his seat and said, "Go, take me to Baofeng bus station."


On the way to Baofeng bus station, Miao Yunfei asked Lin Chen several times, but Lin Chen put his hands in front of Xiong and sat on the back seat of the car, ignoring her at all.

Xia Miaoyan's little girl was also in the car, and she had to follow her.

The Baofeng bus station was temporarily out of service for a few hours today. All the drivers at the bus station were summoned to the lounge of the bus station.

The criminal police led by Fang Xinzhou conducted separate interrogations of these people. After investigation, none of the deceased Xu Yongjian's colleagues had any motives or suspicions.


PS: Brothers who want to gain weight, please set up an automatic subscription for this book. There will be a few chapters updated today, thank you. .


062 The source of mineral water 【Subscription】

After Lin Chen and his party arrived at the Baofeng bus station, they walked to the lounge under the leadership of an old detective.

The lounge was full of people, and the bus drivers who had resigned were all called back, and the logistics staff at the bus station were also there.

When Fang Xinzhou saw Miao Yunfei and Zhang Tianan coming, he immediately straightened his waist to make himself appear more energetic, but when he saw Lin Chen behind the two, he immediately frowned and his face turned up.

Under Miao Yunfei's gaze, Fang Xinzhou walked outside. Miao Yunfei looked at him and asked in a low voice, "How's the interrogation going?"

"The bus station's driver and logistics staff had a good relationship with the deceased. The deceased was also a good person before his death. There was no enemy. It is unlikely that they were the murderers." Fang Xinzhou replied.

"Seven Nine Seven"

"Where is the source of that mineral water bottle?" Miao Yunfei asked.

"This bus station does not sell mineral water. According to a logistics staff, the bottle of mineral water that the deceased had last night was brought back from outside." Fang Xinzhou said.

"Okay." Miao Yunfei instructed: "Immediately check the surveillance video and the surrounding shops to find the source of the bottle of mineral water. In addition, the family of the deceased should also be carefully interrogated."

"Yes." Fang Xinzhou agreed, and then did as Miao Yunfei said.

When Miao Yunfei and Fang Xinzhou were talking, Lin Chen's eyes kept looking at this Baofeng bus station.

This station in the suburbs is not large. There are only two lines in the station, Baofeng Line 3 and Baofeng Line 6, but Baofeng 6 seems to be called Baotai Line 5 before.

After Zhang Tianan saw Lin Chen look around the bus stop, she asked, "Lin Chen, would you like to personally interrogate the driver and logistics staff in the lounge?"

Lin Chen glanced at the lounge and said, "Help me call the manager or boss of this bus company."

The criminal policeman on the side heard the words and said, "The manager of the bus company is on his way, and he should be there soon."

Lin Chen said good, and stood there and waited.

Xia Miaoyan also learned the whole story of the case at this time. Although it was broad daylight, she always felt that the station was a little gloomy after hearing the murderer's killing methods and the bus driver who was poisoned to death last night.

Ten minutes later, the manager of the bus company drove in, and the police brought him over.

"I want to ask you something, you answer truthfully." Lin Chen looked at the manager and said.

The manager looked at Lin Chen and thought to himself why it wasn't the old policeman who asked himself, but the young man, but he didn't say anything, so Lin Chen could just ask.

"In recent months, has your bus company offended anyone, or any passengers?" Lin Chen asked.

"Who offended? Offended passengers?" The manager frowned and tilted his head. After thinking for a while, he said that their bus company did have a little conflict with people. As for the passengers, it was not clear.

The manager talked to Lin Chen about the offender, and Lin Chen looked at an old detective and said, "Excuse me, go and ask the driver in the lounge if he has had a big conflict with any passengers."

The old criminal policeman said yes, and went to the lounge to ask.

"Do you suspect that the death of the four female deceased, and the death of the bus driver last night, was because the bus company offended someone and others retaliated?" Zhang Tianan asked Lin Chen, looking at him.

"Well." Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "I can't rule out this possibility."

Lin Chen continued to question the manager, and the old detective in the lounge quickly took out the interrogation records.

After Lin Chen understood the situation, he nodded, indicating that he could leave.

Before leaving, Lin Chen looked at Miao Yunfei and said, "Find out who poisoned the driver last night as soon as possible, and then notify me."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he left, Miao Yunfei stood there, frowning her delicate eyebrows.

Zhang Tian'an was assisting Lin Chen in investigating this case, so he naturally followed behind Lin Chen, and Xia Miaoyan followed obediently like a kitten.

"Lin Chen, where are we going now?" Zhang Tianai asked Lin Chen.

Lin Chen said, "Go to the supermarket."

"Go to the supermarket?" Xia Miaoyan wondered, "Master, why are you going to the supermarket? Do you want to buy something?"

"Well..." Lin Chen gave a simple grace, and then asked Zhang Tianan to drive an ordinary car instead of a police car.

The three left the Baofeng bus station and went to a nearby supermarket. After reaching the entrance of the supermarket, Lin Chen said to Zhang Tian, ​​"The old man we met last night, do you think he is not pitiful?"

When Zhang Tianai heard Lin Chen mention the old man, she immediately came up with the picture of the old man walking on the street in the middle of the night, picking up the junk on the ground.

"Hey, he is indeed pitiful, what's the matter?" Zhang Tian'an just finished asking, she responded and said, "You asked us to come to the supermarket because you wanted to buy something for that old man?"

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