"It's time for this, don't quibble with me here."

Lin Chen's voice got a little louder, he pointed his finger at Song Wu's nose, and said, "You are sloppy, sloppy in person, sloppy at work, and it is impossible for your residence to be spotless."

"Your father, Huang Maode, cleaned up your clean house for you. He hopes that his son will live in a good environment and keep your house clean."

"Song Wu, your alibi is the old chess players downstairs. I saw that there are lights in your house and people walking around on the curtains, and Huang Maode's alibi is also heard by the neighbors. When he came back on his tricycle at night, the footsteps going upstairs and the door opening."

"... Four corpses, you divide the labor to throw the corpses. When you go to throw the corpses, Huang Maode quietly enters your home, turns on the lights, turns on the TV, and walks up and down the window with the curtains down."

"When Huang Maode goes to throw the body, you ride his tricycle back, go to his house, turn on the lights and TV in the house, and let the neighbors think that Huang Maode is back and at home."

"Fart, fart, fart." Song Wulian said three farts, and then he shouted: "All of your words are farts, none of them are true."

"Ha ha."

Lin Chen sneered: "Not only do I know that you and your father are divided into throwing corpses, but I also know that the body of the first beggar Huai Kang was thrown by you, the second body of Fan Yinghao was thrown by Huang Maode, and the third body was thrown by Huang Maode. The body was thrown by Huang Maode, and the body of the prostitute was thrown by you."

"Four corpses, each of you father and son tossed two corpses, is it wrong?"

The expressions on Song Wu's face were very rich, ranging from shock, panic, and anger.

Seeing Song Wu's expression, everyone understood in their hearts that what Lin Chen said must be inseparable.

"Mr. Lin..." A female police officer said, "How do you know which body was thrown by whom?"

"I see." As soon as the policewoman's words fell, Ouyang Chuying raised her head suddenly.

"Well, tell me." Lin Chen said to Ouyang Chuying.

Ouyang Chuying smiled and said, "I just thought of it too, you should tell it yourself."

"Then let me talk." Lin Chen smiled and said, "But before I say this, Song Wu, I want to ask a question, although blood was found in your house, the scene of the murder and skinning is not in your house at all, right? "


PS: This is the fifth update today, there is still more in the early morning, and this case will end tomorrow.

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Hearing Lin Chen's words, everyone was slightly stunned.

No bloodstains were found in Huang Maode's house, but a large piece of blood was found next to the refrigerator in Song Wu's house. Why did Lin Chen say that his house was not the scene of skinning and murder?

"Lin Chen..."

Ouyang Chuying looked at Lin Chen and asked, "How do you see that the murder scene of the murder and skinning is not in Song Wu's house?"

Guo Tongguang, Wu Tianyu, and the others also looked at Lin Chen, looking forward to Lin Chen's next answer.

"Because of several factors."

Lin Chen began to explain that Song Wu's home was not the scene of the crime, he said: "First, I learned from the mouths of the old chess players downstairs that they are all a group of chess friends. Every day I have to play chess on that tree until late."

"Secondly, there are people living next to and across from Song Wu's house. Based on the first and second factors, Song Wu's house is not suitable for killing and skinning, otherwise it will be easy to be discovered."

"Thirdly, when you didn't receive the call to find the murderer's fingerprints, Song Wu's expression was always calm. After hearing the fingerprints found on the female corpse, his expression changed."

"Fourth, Song Wu said that his skinning scene was in his home, and the murder weapon was in the kitchen. I have seen two knives in his kitchen, but they were not sharp enough."

"To sum up the four reasons, I speculate that Song Wu's house is not a murder scene where people were killed and skinned. The 800 murder scene is elsewhere."

"I see." Wu Tianyu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said, "Mr. Lin, those glowing areas near the refrigerator are because there is indeed blood on the ground, but it's not human blood, it's animal blood."

Lin Chen smiled, nodded and said, "That's right, for animals, Song Wu helps the cold and fresh food store to purchase goods. If the boss is not strict with the purchase and inspection of the warehouse, Song Wu can bring back a lot of things in the refrigerator. To eat at home, or on the way home from the delivery, I secretly took some home."

"The blood-stained ground is near the refrigerator. I think, when Song Wu stole those things back, for some reason, the blood of the frozen poultry melted and flowed to the ground."

"Luminol can identify bloodstains, but it also reacts when it encounters animal blood."

Hearing this, Guo Tongguang immediately said to a subordinate: "Go to Song Wu's house immediately, collect the remaining blood on the ground, and bring it back to test whether it is non-human blood."

"Okay, Team Leader Guo." The subordinates heard the words and immediately trotted out of the interrogation room to do it.

Song Wu, who was locked on the iron chair, had a fierce look on his face at this moment, and those eyes stared at Lin Chen.

If his eyes could kill, he would be able to smash Lin Chen into tens of thousands of pieces.

"From the look in your eyes at the moment, these speculations of mine should be correct." Lin Chen looked at Song Wu and smiled.

Song Wu gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Lin Chen continued: "Okay, back to the topic, why do I know which corpse you and Huang Maode threw."

"The forensic doctor has done a careful survey and record of the dumping site where each body was found, and I have sorted out the results of the investigation."

Lin Chen began to summarize the four corpse throwing scenes: "In the early morning of June 6, a couple found the first body of the human skin nailing case. The deceased was named Huaikang. On the toilet in a pit, with his head lowered, his legs spread apart, his arms lowered, his posture on the toilet is askew."

"There are five pits in the toilet. The doors without pits are locked. On each door, there are messy fingerprints, which are difficult to extract, and they should all be left by people who go to the public toilet."

"The second body, Fan Yinghao, was found. The scene was: the deceased was sitting on the toilet, with his legs close together, his hands on his knees, and his sitting posture was upright. Except for the pit where the deceased was, all the doors of other pits were locked. , on every door, no fingerprints were found."

"The third body, Zhu Jianguo, was found. The scene was: the victim was sitting on the toilet, his legs were at a [-]-degree angle, his palms were on his knees, and fingerprints were found on every door."

"The fourth body was found, Zhou Yuetao. The scene was as follows: the victim's body had a giant appearance, and for some reason the abdomen burst. The victim's body was leaning on the toilet, and the other doors of the toilet were not locked. The forensic doctor was in five toilets. A small number of fingerprints were found on the door."

After saying that this was the scene of the murderer throwing his body, Lin Chen paused slightly, pointed at Song Wu's leg, and said, "Everyone has seen that Song Wu's left leg is lame, although he can drive and walk. It's not very convenient, you have to hold on to the railing to climb the stairs."

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