No one lives here, and the place where Song Biaoguo and his son dumped their bodies was in a warehouse behind a building.

After arriving at the warehouse door, Guo Tongguang asked Song Biaoguo, "Do you have the key with you?"

Song Biaoguo's kowtow was so ruthless just now that he almost broke his skull, which shows how much he hopes to punish Di Feipeng and give them a belated justice.

The police had simply bandaged the wound on his forehead. Hearing Guo Tongguang's words, he shook his head: "The key is at home."

Guo Tongguang waved to several police officers, who immediately took tools and opened the shuttered door of the dilapidated warehouse.

As the rolling shutter door slowly opened, there was a stench in the room immediately, which was still within the acceptable range.

This warehouse is not very big, but it is enough for the father and son to kill and skin.

A peeling table, an old freezer for freezing corpses, and some peeling tools beside them were all displayed in front of everyone.

"Crack clap..."

The police officer in charge of filming the scene started filming the warehouse with a SLR camera.

After the murder and skinning scene was all filmed, all the others came in.

The floor in this warehouse is very clean. According to Song Biaoguo's account, the floor of the warehouse has been cleaned by him, using some kind of liquid. After cleaning the floor with blood left by this kind of thing, luminol cannot be detected. of.

There are several knives for killing tools, and the blades are all extremely sharp. Among those tools, there is also an electric shock stick, which is also a weapon that the father and son can easily catch people here.

Guo Tongguang, wearing gloves, walked to the old freezer and reached out to open the freezer.

The freezer was powered on, and it was still cold, and there were a lot of popsicles in the refrigerator.

The father and son once put the corpse in here. After killing the person, they took the ice lolly out of the victim. The father and son had one and the other, while admiring the corpse and eating the ice-cold popsicle.

Song Biaoguo acknowledged all the police's inquiries.

Later, Lin Chen and his party also came to the scene of the murder and skinning, and took a look around the warehouse.

Both murderers have pleaded guilty, and the murder weapon and the murder scene have also been found. At this moment, this case of human skin nailing can finally be brought to an end.

Guo Tongguang walked towards Lin Chen, he looked at Lin Chen, took a shot at Lin Chen, and said, "Mr. Lin, thank you very much, if it wasn't for your participation, I'm afraid we would only catch one murderer, let Song Biaoguo Get away with it."

Lin Chen and Guo Tongguang shook hands and didn't say anything more.

More than ten minutes later, the group rushed back to the Public Security Bureau.

Because the murderer's modus operandi was too cruel and bizarre, the police have always tried their best to block the news of this case.

Now that the case is solved, the case press conference is not required, but the process of the case and the process of solving the case will still be made into a news and case-solving documentary, which will be broadcast on the TV station in Mohai City.

In the conference room of the Public Security Bureau, the Bureau Chief and Deputy Chief Guo Tongguang once again expressed their thanks to Lin Chen.

The bureau chief didn't have much contact with Lin Chen, but he was also quite polite, because this case was a small one, and the other big one was naturally because of Lin Chen's background that made all the families fear.

Facing the public thanks from the chief and the deputy chief, and the gazes of hundreds of police officers, Lin Chen behaved indifferently, and did not appear too proud because he solved the case.

Ouyang Chuying took a big step, came to Lin Chen, and said to Lin Chen: "The case is solved, the material of the case is being sorted out, it is estimated that it will be broadcast on the news in a few days. Few people know you."

"There's a celebration party tonight, shall we?"

In the evening, the special case team held a celebration banquet in a certain restaurant. In order not to be extravagant and wasteful, the standard of the banquet was the most common, and the dishes at each table were also very cheap.


When the special case team was celebrating their achievements, Luliang County, far away from Mohai City, was also in the dark at the moment.

Compared with the noise and prosperity of the magic sea, Luliang County, a small county, cannot be compared with it.

The most luxurious KTV in Luliang County, in a luxurious private room, a middle-aged man is holding a microphone and singing songs to the big screen.

In the luxurious private room, in addition to the middle-aged man, there are several young people and some princesses who accompany the wine. 350

After the man sang the song, there was a burst of cheers and applause in the private room.

"Wow... Boss Di's voice is still so magnetic, and he sings well..."

"Boss, if I don't accept anyone singing, I will accept you."

"Boss Di, one more song, one more song, I want to hear you sing..."

Facing the compliments from his subordinates and the KTV princess, Di Feipeng was very useful. He waved his hand and said, "You guys can sing, I'll take a break, hahaha..."

After Di Feipeng sat down, a pony who was close to him approached.

Ma Zai smiled and said, "Boss, what happened in this private room about two years ago... Do you still remember?"

Hearing this, Di Feipeng thought for a moment, then smiled and said: "Your boss, my memory is not that bad, I was in this private room and gave the dance teacher to the sun, haha, don't say it, the dancing woman, get up in the sun It's just different,"

"Hehe." Ma Zai said with a smile: "At that time, we were all excited when we looked at her. That dance teacher is really good, but it's a pity that she couldn't bear it mentally. After three months in prison, she jumped into the river. Suicide."

Di Feipeng waved his hand and said, "A woman, if the sun passes, it will not be missed. If she dies, she will die. There are too many women in the world."

Just as Di Feipeng's voice fell, there was a knock on the door outside the private room.

A pony walked over to open the door, only to find a group of indifferent police officers standing outside the door. .


606 Arrest and Interrogation 【2 More Subscription】

The young man who opened the door, as Di Feipeng's horse boy, had a lot of dealings with the police.

After seeing a group of police officers standing outside the door, he was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that there were so many police officers outside the door. Immediately, he was puzzled.

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