Those cases he once committed were all carried by the people under his hands, giving them money and giving them benefits, and the cases have been closed for a long time.

The matter that has been closed for a long time now has been turned over by these police officers again, which means that some people have to clean up themselves.

Di Feipeng's heart beat faster than ever before. He glanced at him and usually smiled at him, but today, Bureau Chief Qian looked very indifferent.

He glanced at the young man with a high police rank next to Director Qian. It must be this unfamiliar man who was going to mess with him.

For more than a year, I have been very careful, and I haven't done anything major. Why did I get into such a big man who can make me?

Di Feipeng's forehead was sweating, his thoughts were spinning quickly, he was thinking about strategies, thinking about how to avoid this section in front of him.

He had several lives in his hands, and even raped a 16-year-old female student to death, and asked his men to turn himself in. Just for these few things, he would be shot, not to mention other things.

After thinking for a while, sweating profusely, Di Feipeng didn't think of any way to deal with it.

The interrogating police began to show Di Feipeng the confessions and evidence that had been reversed. Those subordinates who had originally pleaded guilty on his behalf all reversed their confessions, saying that they were ordered by Di Feipeng.

After reading all the evidence, Di Feipeng felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat.


Director Qian slammed his fist on the table and waited for Di Feipeng: "Di Feipeng, all the evidence is in front of you, do you plead guilty?"

Di Feipeng was so frightened that his whole body trembled.

Director Qian and others then interrogated Di Feipeng for several hours. During the interrogation process, Di Feipeng was not very cooperative, so the interrogating police officers used some means of interrogation against Di Feipeng.

In the end, Di Feipeng finally let go and confessed to several crimes, but some still refused to admit it.

The man with a high police rank looked at Di Feipeng lying on the chair, and said, "Okay, take him away first, and continue to interrogate him tomorrow."

Director Qian agreed and let Di Feipeng take him to a nearby detention center.

On the way, Di Feipeng thought in his heart, tonight, he must think carefully about the countermeasures. It is fine to be sentenced to ten years, as long as it is not the death penalty.

But when he arrived at the detention center and opened the door of the room where he was detained, Di Feipeng was stunned.

I saw seven or eight men sitting on the chuang in the detained room. All of them were not bad. When they saw Di Feipeng, seven or eight people showed desire and greed in their eyes.

A few men are already gearing up, showing a wretched smile.

Di Feipeng used to bully people, how could he not see that the seven or eight men in this room were gay.

Look at their eyes looking at them, if they stay in this room tonight, how miserable it will be, it is conceivable.

"No... change a room for me, I don't want to live here, I'll apply for a room..."

Di Feipeng yelled, but the policeman holding him was unmoved at all.

Several policemen pushed Di Feipeng into the room, and then with a bang, they closed the big iron door.

In the detained room, seven or eight men stood up one after another.

"The richest man in our county, I don't know what it feels like to be the richest man," said one person.

"It must be cool, I can't wait, I'll be the first to come..." Another said.

"I've been holding back for a few months, I can have a good night." said the largest man.

They pinned Di Feipeng, who used to be intimidating to outsiders, to the ground, made him stick his ass up, and then smashed his chrysanthemum.

These guys are all gay, some of them have been holding back for a few months, and this night, they can send xie to their heart's content.

The room was filled with Di Feipeng's screams. Every time he screamed, he would be punched in the face. After a few blows, Di Feipeng's teeth were broken.

This big boss with many horses under his command was turned into battle by seven or eight men. After this one is finished, the next one is finished, and the next one is ready for the next one.

When the first round is over, the first one recovers and can continue.

There were pools of blood and filth on the ground. At this moment, Di Feipeng understood how those people felt when they were cleaned up by him. For the first time, he had the idea of ​​dying, only seven or eight. A man surrounded him, and it was impossible for him to die.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

After turning Di Feipeng around for more than an hour, a man reached out and grabbed his hair, pulling his blood-stained face off the ground.

He looked at Di Feipeng and said, "I can't wait that long, use your mouth, if you dare to have bad thoughts, be careful and I will beat you to death, I tell you, I am a death row prisoner, I am more Killing one person is not too much..."


In Mohai City, in an ordinary hotel, the celebration banquet is almost over at this moment.

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Xuan and the others all had a few drinks because they were happy, and they all drank with flushed faces and were very happy.

... ...

Lin Chen seldom drinks, so he ate some vegetables.

After the celebration banquet was over, the director and deputy director of Shanbao District Public Security personally sent Lin Chen to the door of the hotel, and they talked to Lin Chen about the scene.

When they were about to leave, Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan came over to greet Lin Chen.

Wu Tianyu said: "Mr. Lin, the skin nailing case is over. I don't know if I'll be free tomorrow. I want to invite you to dinner."

"I don't think there is much time these days. Let's go another day." Lin Chen responded, just now in Mohai City, he encountered this case. He has been involved in solving the case for the past two days, and he did not go to accompany Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui.

Now that the case is solved, Lin Chen naturally wants to play with Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui for a few days before dealing with other matters.

"Alright." Wu Tianyu smiled and said, "We've been busy for so many days, so let's go first."

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