Ling Xiaoqiao hurriedly reached out to pick it up, and hurriedly caught the drink bottle.

Fortunately, her speed was not slow, otherwise the drink bottle would have smashed into her face, although it would not hurt much, but it was embarrassing.

After a short rest, Pei Qian looked at Ling Xiaoqiao and Ling Feng, and then said to Lin Chen, "...Lin Chen, the cave where the minced meat was found is not far away, do you want to go inside that cave and see? Look?"

"What minced meat?" Ling Xiaoqiao asked subconsciously when she heard Pei Qian's words.

Pei Qian explained: "It was a murder case six or seven years ago. The murderer cut the victim's body into pieces and threw it into a cave in Bixi Valley. In that case, the murderer has not yet been found."

"Uh..." Ling Xiaoqiao couldn't help frowning when she heard this.

Criminal investigation and business world, these are two completely different levels, her family daughter who is in the business world, the corpse and the scene of throwing the corpse (Lide Zhao) are terrifying to her.

Before Lin Chen spoke, Ouyang Chuying said, "Although it's impossible to discover or help the case, since you've mentioned it and you're here, let's go and have a look."

Lin Chen also nodded slightly, thinking about the same as Ouyang Chuying, so he went to have a look when he came.

Immediately, the group headed towards the cave where the murderer's body was thrown six or seven years ago.

The height of this cave is not low, about two meters high. Gu Peiqian said that this cave was manually dug by people who lived here before.

The passage of the cave extends all the way inward, and you can follow the cave to the other direction of the hill.

Six or seven years ago, there was a lot of minced meat in this cave. At that time, it scared a lot of people, and it was rumored.

But after all, that was six or seven years ago, the Internet was not as developed as it is now, and the scope of communication is also very limited. .


835 The scene of the year [3 more subscriptions]

In addition, six or seven years have passed, and the development of the scenic spot here has attracted people from all over the country to travel. No one has mentioned the cave where the corpse was thrown.

Because this cave can lead to the other side of the hill, many tourists will pass through the cave, and some light bulbs are also installed in the cave.

Lin Chen took a step and walked into the cave. It is broad day now, the sun is shining brightly, and the temperature is not low. Walking into this cave, Xia Miaoyan, Ling Xiaoqiao and the others will not feel any gloomy feeling.

The cave was in the shape of a 'V', and the location where the murderer had thrown his body was at the corner of the 'V' shape.

After coming to the corner of the cave, Pei Qian pointed to the location there and said, "This is where the murderer dumped his body."

Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying nodded slightly. Six or seven years have passed, and the place that was full of bloody corpses has long since returned to its original state. Bad detection.

Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying were fascinated by the location where the corpse was thrown. At this time, two men walked over to the tunnel on the opposite side.

The two men saw Lin Chen and his party of 430 people standing there, looking towards a place, and the two of them also followed the position where Lin Chen and the others were looking.

After reading it, the two men withdrew their gazes, and the two walked away while chatting.

In this cave, there are many tourists coming and going, and it is not unusual for some people to pass by.

After looking at the place where the corpse was thrown, Lin Chen asked Pei Qian, "Six or seven years ago, this was already a scenic spot, right?"

"Yes." Pei Qian nodded: "Back then, when the county government developed tourist attractions, Bixi Valley was one of the few scenic spots that focused on development. Six or seven years ago, the scenic spots in Bixi Valley had already taken shape, but the infrastructure did not follow suit. Go, if there was surveillance here, it would be much easier."

"How many roads did you have to enter this Bixi Valley back then?" Lin Chen asked again.

In the current Bixi Valley, the only way to enter here is the ticket office, and the entrances that can be entered from other places are fenced with barbed wire.

Pei Qian recalled slightly and said, "Well, there were a lot of entrances back then. Although the ticket-purchasing system was implemented, some tourists could still enter from other places..."

Pei Qian told Lin Chen and the others some more detailed things about the case back then. After Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying listened, they nodded slightly.

The police have checked the place where the corpse was thrown many times, but they didn't find anything. Looking at it six or seven years later, Lin Chen and the others won't find anything.

After staying in the cave for a while, Lin Chen and the others continued to follow the passage of the cave and walked to the other side of the hill.

After walking to the exit on this side of the cave, several tourists were standing on the side, taking pictures with SLR cameras.

Seeing the SLR cameras in their hands, Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying couldn't help thinking of Ma Fu and Gao Antong in the white chrysanthemum murder case.

Under the leadership of Pei Qian, the group continued to walk in the Bixi Valley. There were streams everywhere in the valley. When they came to a place with mountain spring water, Xia Miaoyan immediately took an empty bottle and filled it with mountain spring water. .

After filling a bottle of mountain spring water, Xia Miaoyan handed the mountain spring water to Lin Chen as if she had gone to Huanya Mountain before, and asked Lin Chen to drink it.

This mountain forest has never been polluted. Lin Chen tasted a mountain spring water, and it tasted good, which was comparable to the water quality of the mountain spring water around Yashan Mountain.

As Lin Chen and the others played, the poisonous sun began to set, and gradually the sun set in the west, and the sky became dark.

The valley of Bixi Valley is very large, and there are no street lights installed everywhere, but Pei Qian has experience and prepared some flashlights in advance.

All afternoon, Lin Chen didn't talk much to Ling Xiaoqiao and Ling Feng.

Ling Xiaoqiao and Ling Feng didn't say anything, but they were very anxious inside.

There is also Ling Xiaoqiao's rush to go out. She wears 8 cm high heels on her feet. Although she often wears high heels and can control them well, she is not walking on flat roads, but on mountain roads.

After walking in high heels for an afternoon, Ling Xiaoqiao's feet had blisters in many places, and the skin was frayed in some places and bleeding came out.

When Ling Xiaoqiao sat on the stone, took off her shoes, and saw the blood and blisters on her feet, she almost had a sore nose and tears fell.

Although her status in the family is not high, she is also a member of the Ling family. She Ling Xiaoqiao, how has she ever suffered like this.

But there was no way, Ling Xiaoqiao still put on her shoes and limped behind.

Ling Feng was the same, his feet hurt a lot, and he had to carry a bag of water and snacks. He felt like his hands were about to break.

The two of them had a hard time this afternoon, but Lin Chen didn't seem to see them and didn't pay much attention to them.

As the sky darkened, it was time to go down the mountain, and the group began to descend along the mountain road.

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