This kind of simple bet, simple competition, for them, they are all very happy.

After several competitions, the young man lost. In the end, he knew that he was not Liu Gang's opponent, so he stopped the competition.

Liu Gang felt a little tired, so he sat on the rocks on the shore to rest.

As for Liu Gang's other friends of the same age, they were wearing swimming goggles and fishing nets near the center of the river.

The Daqing River is very long, and they have never swam in this area before. They will choose this place today because they are thinking about the section of the river where few people come, and there should be more fish here.

Just when Liu Gang was about to go into the water for a swim, one of the swimming companions over there suddenly stuck his head out of the water, he swam here twice and shouted: "...a major discovery, a major discovery, I have a major discovery. Find."

After hearing this companion's words, Liu Gang's group immediately asked him curiously: "What did you find, tell me quickly."

The companion hurriedly said, "I just dived deeper, as if there was a car under the water."

"What car?"

"Why are there cars under the water?"

"Whose car fell off? How can there be such an unlucky person (Li Haohao)."

"Car? It's very valuable to sell iron now. Can you dismantle the car and sell it?"

There was a lot of discussion, and Liu Gang put on his swimming goggles and said, "I'll go take a look."


Liu Gang jumped into the water, and the companion who was holding the net bag immediately led him towards the location where he found the car.

Among this group, Liu Gang's water is the best, and the water of his companion is also good, but he can't dive too deep, just saw a car under the water just now, and he didn't see it very clearly.

After Liu Gang came to that position, he immediately took a deep breath, then swung his body and dived toward the depths of the water.

As the body dives deeper, the pressure of water on the human body is also greater.

Liu Gang has good water, and after diving to a depth of a few meters, he saw the car that his companion said.

Moreover, there seems to be... a person sitting in that car. .


845 Underwater situation 【Subscription】

As the depth increases, the underwater visibility also decreases a lot, and the light is not very good.

Liu Gang vaguely saw that there seemed to be a person sitting in the car.

After feeling that there might be another person sitting in the car, Liu Gang's eyes widened slightly, and he was a little scared, and immediately went upstream towards the water.

He swung his legs quickly, allowing himself to reach the water faster.


A few seconds later, Liu Gang returned to the surface of the water, shook his head vigorously, and shook the water with the faces of his companions beside him.

"How is it, is there a car down there?" asked the young man who was swimming with Liu Gang before.

"There is a car." Liu Gang nodded.

"Wow, that's good. Let's dismantle the car and sell it for scrap, so we can get money online."

"Fool, the car is underwater, how did you get it up, and sell it for money, can you take it down?"

"Yeah, don't move your head."

The companions discussed that some people have strict control at home and have no money to surf the Internet, so they all think of buying scrap iron.

Liu Gang's next sentence frightened the other companions present.

"Don't be arrogant, I not only saw the car just now, but I seem to see... there is a person in the car..."

Liu Gang's words first made the companions stunned, and then these companions screamed. 597

Liu Gang once again asked them to be quiet. He said loudly: "What is it, quiet, the light below is not enough, it is very dark, I can't see it clearly, I just see it vaguely, and I can't be sure myself."

"What now?" asked the first boy to spot the underwater vehicle.

"Why don't you call the police." Another boy said.

Liu Gang waved his hand and said, "Don't call the police first. I don't know if there is anyone in the car. What if the police blame us for calling the fake police?"

"You guys are waiting for me here. I have a strong light flashlight at home. I'll get it and dive in to see it."

Immediately, Liu Gang swam to the shore, put on his clothes, rode an electric car parked on the side of the road and left.

When he returned home, he found a strong-light flashlight in his schoolbag, then found two transparent plastic bags, wrapped the flashlight in it, got on the electric bike again, and rushed back to the river.

After Liu Gang returned to the river, his companions stayed in the water near the bank one by one, and did not dare to approach the center of the river.

In case there is really a person in the car under the water.

What if that person (bbed) is a water ghost?

Among the people, there are many rumors of water ghosts, such as a girl's parents wanting her to marry a man she doesn't like. The girl resisted, but it was useless.

The wedding was arranged by her parents, but on the day of the wedding, the girl jumped into the big river in front of the village and drowned.

After the girl died, villagers who lived by the river often heard cries coming from the river at night, and some people said that they saw a girl in a dress sitting by the river at night, crying there.

In that river, people often drowned, and those who drowned were pulled down by the girl.

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