When Xia Miaoyan heard this, she looked at Lin Chen.

She is at will, and wherever Lin Chen goes, she will follow.

Lin Chen said: "Whatever you want, you can stay for one night, or go back immediately."

"Officer Ouyang, how about you?" Pei Qian asked Ouyang Chuying.

"Anyway." Ouyang Chuying replied.

"Then stay in Pingwang County for one more night. I am the host tonight. You have been here for so many days, and I have not invited you to a good meal." Pei Qian smiled.

While speaking, everyone had come to the ticket office, and after exiting the exit, they headed towards the parking lot.

The traffic in Bixi Valley was not small, and the parking lot was already full of cars. As soon as Lin Chen drove out the car, someone else's car drove in immediately and occupied that parking space.

Lin Chen was driving a car with Ouyang Chuying, Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui in the car.

Pei Qian came in a police car before, but she still drove the police car and walked in front of Lin Chen's car.

In the car, there was nothing to say all the way. After a long time, Ouyang Chuying looked at Lin Chen who was driving: "What are your plans after going back?"

Lin Chen said: "I don't have any plans. The company doesn't need me to worry about it. I'll be idle all day and just live a simple life."

When Ouyang Chuying heard Lin Chen's words, she looked at the rear-view mirror inside the car. In the rear-view mirror, you could see Xia Miaoyan's pretty face in the back seat.

After seeing Xia Miaoyan's face, Ouyang Chuying thought that your life is not easy at all, Xia Miaoyan is with you all day, and there are so many beauties in the company.

For some reason, every time Ouyang Chuying thought that Lin Chen was surrounded by so many beauties, she felt very uncomfortable.

"You are so good at solving cases and so interested, why don't you come to our city bureau special case team and be a consultant." Ouyang Chuying sent an invitation to Lin Chen.

"Consultant of the special case team?" Lin Chen glanced at Ouyang Chuying and muttered.

"Yes." Ouyang Chuying nodded and said, "Now the Municipal Bureau is planning to convene professionals to set up a special case team. This special case team is specially responsible for various difficult and unsolved cases. The special case team is not only for The magic sea police system service, if there is a serious case that is difficult to solve in the country, the special case team will immediately go to assist the local police in handling the case."

After Lin Chen heard Ouyang Chuying's words, he nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

He asked, "Are you going to join your city bureau's special case team?"

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

"I haven't thought about it yet." Ouyang Chuying said: "If you join the special case team, you may have to run around the country for various cases. I joined the serious crime team to work, and my family was not so supportive. I joined the service for the whole country. The special case team, it is estimated that they will not agree."

"By the way, Wu Tianyu of the Wu family, he has already joined the special case team."

Wu Tianyu of the Wu family, Lin Chen got along well with him when he was investigating the skin nailing case. Later, Wu Tianyu also invited Lin Chen to dinner twice, but because Lin Chen didn't have time, he didn't go there. .

"Well, anyway, your company doesn't need you to worry about anything, and you're not a poor person. How about joining the special case team to solve all kinds of serious and unresolved cases?" Ouyang Chuying looked forward to it again. I asked Lin Chen a question.


When Lin Chen was about to speak, Xia Miaoyan, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, pointed her finger in one direction and said, "Hey, master, there seems to be a situation by the river in front."

When Lin Chen heard Xia Miaoyan's words, he immediately looked towards the river in front.

Immediately, Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying saw that there were many people standing by the river in front and many cars parked.

On the edge of the river, there is also a crane, the telescopic arm of the crane extends long, and a wire rope falls into the water from the top of the telescopic arm.

In the water, there were several people swimming, as well as people in wetsuits.

Lin Chen and the others are still a bit far from the front. People with poor eyesight can't see this clearly, but Lin Chen and the others have good eyesight and can see everything by the river very clearly.

After reading it, Ouyang Chuying said, "They are salvaging things in the river."

"What are you salvaging, so many people?" Xia Miaoyan muttered again, looking over there.

Xiaohui, who was sitting beside her, also stretched her neck and looked over there. The little girl was also very curious about this kind of thing.

"With a crane, the crane should be a 12T class. There are no big rocks in the river. The height of the road and the river is not much different. The car can still drive to the river. It is estimated that whose car is not small. I went into the river, salvaging the car." Lin Chen made a simple guess based on what he saw. .


847 Focus on solving the case [3 more subscriptions]

Xia Miaoyan and Ouyang Chuying nodded slightly after hearing what Lin Chen said.

Ouyang Chuying said: "If I'm not mistaken, there seems to be a cordon over there, and there are a lot of police standing there. If it doesn't work, people will die."

"Yeah..." Xia Miaoyan said, "I hope no one is killed..."

In the police car in front of Lin Chen's car, after seeing the situation over there, Pei Qian immediately increased the speed and headed over there.

When he came, he took the same road.

After the position near the river, Pei Qian stopped the car and walked towards the police officers guarding the cordon.

And Lin Chen in the back stopped the car after seeing Pei Qian parked.

"Let's go, get out of the car and have a look." Lin Chen unfastened his seat belt and said to Pei Qian and Xia Miaoyan.

Pei Qian "[-]" also quickly got out of the car, and the group walked towards there.

After Pei Qian came to the cordon, she could hear the discussions of many nearby villagers. The villagers pointed at the Daqing River, but their voices were very mixed, and Pei Qian could only hear a few words.

Ordinary people were stopped outside the cordon, and there were several policemen standing inside the cordon.

After Pei Qian walked over, she opened the cordon and was about to go inside.

"Hey, what are you doing, don't come in and make trouble, go out." The policeman who was guarding here immediately became displeased and told Pei Qian to go out.

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