Before Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying could speak, he ran to Lin Chen, bowed to Lin Chen, and said apologetically, "Sir, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I hit your car, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

This young man said sorry while bowing to Lin Chen. No matter how he behaved or looked, he was full of apologies.

Originally, Lin Chen and Pei Qian were a little angry when he bumped into him like this, but after seeing the young man's sincere apology, most of the anger in their hearts disappeared.

Lin Chen looked at the young man and said, "Are you tired driving?"

Just now when the electric tricycle suddenly turned around, Lin Chen looked at the young man on the tricycle, and saw that his eyelids were about to break, and his face was tired, it was obviously driving fatigue.

Hearing this, the young man straightened up with a bitter look on his face. He nodded and said, "Well... I work in a hotel, and now is the peak summer travel season. I work overtime every day, work late, and I don't get enough sleep during this time. "

"I just went to the vegetable market to buy, and I felt sleepy. I didn't expect that I would suddenly hit your car. I'm sorry, sir, I'm really sorry."

When the young man said these words, Lin Chen and Ouyang Chu (bbfi) Ying also saw the dishes in the electric tricycle. This young man was obviously a buyer of the restaurant.

Moreover, looking at his clothes, the conditions should be very general.

It is impossible for an electric tricycle like this to have insurance. Now that Lin Chen's car worth hundreds of thousands of dollars has been hit, a maintenance fee is indispensable.

After the young man bowed to Lin Chen again, he raised his head, frowned and looked at the dent in Lin Chen's car, and asked Lin Chen, " car was hit like this by me. , I want... I want... How much do I have to pay?"

Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui also got out of the car at this time, and Lin Chen asked Xia Miaoyan if she was okay. After she said it was okay, Lin Chen set his eyes on the young man.

"Forget it, drive carefully in the future, let's go." Lin Chen said to him.

Hearing this, the young man was instantly overjoyed: "Sir, you, is what you said true?"

"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." The young man bowed several times to Lin Chen again and again, and after a thousand thanks, he returned to the electric tricycle and backed away.

The young man drove an electric tricycle and quickly disappeared from Lin Chen's sight.

This young man's conditions seem to be average, and his attitude is also very sincere. Naturally, Lin Chen will not ask him to lose money.

Lin Chen walked to the front of the car, raised his foot and kicked the sunken part of the front of the car, and said, "Yes, I was talking to you about buying a car in the car just now, now it's alright, this car has been broken with me for several months. It's really going to be replaced."

Ouyang Chuying smiled and said, "Then you have to thank the young man who drives the electric tricycle. It is he who has strengthened your idea of ​​changing cars."

Xia Miaoyan rubbed her shoulders and said, "it scared me to death, I thought what was wrong, fortunately it was just a small car accident, huhu..."

The front of the car was only smashed, which only affected the appearance of the car and had no effect on the driving.

The car continued to drive forward, and the few people quickly left the little episode just now behind.

Soon, the car came to a large park on the edge of the county town. The car stopped at the entrance of the park. Lin Chen and the others got out of the car and walked into the large park.

The park is free to enter, but there are a lot of paid items in it.

Lin Chen and the others came to the lake in the park and stood on the bridge by the lake. Many fish in the water under the bridge opened their mouths, waiting for the tourists who came to play here to feed them.

Feeding the fish is something that kids and girls like.

Xia Miaoyan brought Xiaohui to buy a few packets of fish food, and together with Ouyang Chuying, fed them there.

The time is now, the afternoon is almost to the evening, Lin Chen and the others are not going anywhere today, it would be good to be able to visit this park. .


861 Doubt is coming [3 more subscriptions]

After the three daughters of Xia Miaoyan finished feeding the fish, they continued to walk forward. After walking for a while, they came to a large lawn where the pigeons were fed.

Xia Miaoyan went to buy some food to feed the pigeons, and the group played very happily.

After getting along with Ouyang Chuying these days, Ouyang Chuying is no longer as cold as before in front of Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui.

When everyone was feeding the pigeons, there was a small episode, that is, a relatively fierce pigeon pecked Xiaohui's hand when it came to Xiaohui to eat.

At that time, Xiaohui was pecked and hurt, so that she dared not reach out to feed the pigeons, and she was a little scared when she saw the pigeons pounce.


Lin Chen and the others were playing in this big park. In the county public security bureau on the other side, Pei Qian, the deputy captain of the criminal police, had officially taken over the case of the sinking car found in the Daqing River.

Zhou Xiong naturally became Pei Qian's assistant. After Pei Qian returned to the Public Security Bureau, she asked Zhou Xiong to investigate the identity information of the female driver.

The forensic laboratory is also doing tests on the specific time of death and other information of the female driver, but the test results are not available so soon.

Pei Qian was sitting in the office with a document in her hand, and her eyes fell on the document, but her eyes were not focused. At this moment, she did not look at the document in her hand, but was thinking about a people.

That person is naturally Lin Chen.

After separating from Lin Chen and the others at the entrance of the hotel, and back to now, Lin Chen's figure is always lingering in Pei Qian's mind.

"What's wrong with me?" Pei Qian tapped her head with her hand, trying to concentrate on reading the documents, but she couldn't concentrate.

"Am I really in love with Lin Chen?" Pei Qian asked herself.

Pei Qian is 28 years old. Although she has never been in a relationship, she knows what it's like to like someone.

Now, she finds that she seems to be in love, but she is unrequited love, and the person who is unrequited is Lin Chen who can always find key evidence when solving a case.

"Knock down..."

Just as Pei Qian was thinking about it, someone knocked on the door of the office.

Pei Qian came back to her senses immediately and called to the door, "Please come in."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Xiong strode in from outside.

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