The building that Pei Qian lives in is a multi-storey residence with no elevator. She lives on the third floor, which is a very good floor.

After entering Pei Qian's house, Lin Chen glanced at it. It was a big house with three bedrooms and one living room. The house was cleaned relatively neatly, and the furniture and items were neatly arranged. It could be seen that Pei Qian was not usually a sloppy girl. .

"Sit whatever you want." Pei Qian greeted Lin Chen and the others.

After Lin Chen and the others sat down on the sofa, Pei Qian went to the kitchen to pour water for Lin Chen and the others.

After seeing the house, Xia Miaoyan asked Pei Qian, "Officer Pei, do you usually live alone?"

"Yes." Pei Qian said, "I originally lived with my parents, but my parents went to the city because of their work transfer. My job is in the county again, so I can only live alone."

"Oh." Xia Miaoyan snorted and said, "Then you are quite lonely living in such a big house by yourself."

Pei Qian smiled: "I'm used to it, it's fine."

Lin Chen looked at Pei Qian and said, "Are your parents in the system?"

Hearing this, Pei Qian was a little surprised, and said, "How did you know?"

"...You are a woman with average abilities, but you can sit as the deputy captain of the county criminal police brigade. If you didn't rely on relationships, how could you have this position." Lin Chen said in a flat tone.

Lin Chen's words immediately made Pei Qian angry, and she called out, "Hey, Lin Chen, what are you talking about, what do you mean by me being average, you mean, I rely on relationships Where are you sitting here?"

"Almost." Lin Chen answered honestly.

"You!" Pei Qian said one word of you, and then asked herself in her heart.

It seems that... I can become the vice captain of the criminal police brigade. As Lin Chen said, it is because of the relationship between my parents that I am where I am today.

Thinking of this, Pei Qian was at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.

"What am I?" Lin Chen asked with a smile.

"It's nothing, in short, my efforts are not small." Pei Qian said.

Lin Chen smiled and said nothing more.

Xia Miaoyan immediately chatted with Pei Qian about everyday things. Ouyang Chuying didn't say much (Li Wangzhao), just wiped her mouth occasionally.

But at this moment, an intermittent voice came from the next room...


This voice from the next door belonged to a woman, and the voice was a little low. Adults all knew what this voice was about. There must be someone next door doing something.

Because the TV was not turned on in the living room, the sound from the next door was unusually obvious. Pei Qian, Xia Miaoyan, and Ouyang Chuying could hear them clearly.

Pei Qian and Xia Miaoyan, who were talking originally, also stopped talking after hearing the voice.

The faces of the three girls suddenly showed embarrassed expressions.

Next door, actually...


PS: Thanks to the "kxw123456" brother for the reward of 30000 VIP points, and the reward of 30000 VIP points. Thank you, brother kxw123456, for your support, thank you, thank you. .


865 The Suspect Appeared 【Subscription】

The three girls are very embarrassed at the moment, embarrassed, and the most embarrassed is naturally Pei Qian.

I invited Lin Chen and the others to come and sit at home. I didn't expect that kind of sound would come from next door.

At this moment, Pei Qian really wanted to catch the man next door and beat him.

After the embarrassment of the three girls, the first action was to look at Lin Chen.

Want to see how this guy reacts.

Glancing away, the three girls saw that there was still a faint smile on Lin Chen's face.

The three girls looked at Lin Chen's kung fu, the voice from the next door continued, and there were signs of getting louder and louder.

The people next door are completely unscrupulous, ignoring the feelings of the next door neighbors.

The voice echoed in the room, filling everyone's ears.

"Sister Xia..." Xiaohui blinked her innocent eyes and asked, "I heard the voice, what happened to the sister next door?"

Xia Miaoyan, Pei Qian, Ouyang Chuying and the others are really embarrassed, thinking about how to ease this embarrassment.

Xiaohui is a good girl, and she actually directly asked what the voice next door was.

"Uh...this...that..." Xia Miaoyan didn't know how to answer. 527

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying didn't speak either. Seeing this, Lin Chen replied to Xiaohui: "The sister next door is not good and was beaten, so...she called like that."

When Xiaohui heard Lin Chen's words, she immediately believed it.

She asked, "Brother, if Sister Xia, Sister Ouyang, and Sister Pei are not good and obedient, would you beat them like that? The sister next door is so pitiful..."

The little girl's innocent second sentence almost made the three daughters of Xia Miaoyan, Pei Qian, Ouyang Chuying faint on the spot.

I know that this little girl doesn't understand anything, but why can you ask such a question?

The sister next door screamed because she was beaten. If the three of them were not good, would Lin Chen beat them like the next door...

That potential meaning, isn't it that Lin Chen will do something to them?

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