"The boss is not in the hotel, he should be at home now. If you want to find my boss, I can call the boss and talk to him." The waiter said politely.

"No need for this." Pei Qian said, "We know his address, and we will go to his house to find him in a while."

They didn't find Qian Deyi in the hotel, and Pei Qian and the others were not disappointed, because their main purpose of coming here was to ask these employees what kind of person Qian Deyi was like.

Because it was early in the morning, there were no guests in this restaurant at all. The waiters, chefs, and deputy managers had nothing to do.

Immediately, at the request of the police, the employees of the hotel were called one by one into the police car parked at the door for individual interrogation.

The reason for such an interrogation is simple.

Qian Deyi is their boss. If they are interrogated in public, the employees will not dare to say what they think about the boss.

Say bad things about your boss in front of the police, do you still want to mess up?Someone will definitely tell the boss to wear small shoes for themselves.

After such individual questioning, the police will inform the employees that they will not tell others what they said, so that the employees will tell the truth.

The first person to get on the bus was a waitress. She looked like she was in her twenties. After getting on the bus, she looked very nervous.

Pei Qian glanced at her, with a smile on her face, and said, "Sister, don't be nervous, just ask you some questions, you just need to tell the truth, everything you say, our police will keep it secret and won't reveal who it is. said."

After Pei Qian said this, the waitress became even more nervous.

"What do you think about your boss? What kind of person is he?" Pei Qian asked.

"What kind of person is the boss..." When the waitress heard this, her face was hesitant and awkward, as if she had something to say, but she didn't know how to say it.

So, Pei Qian said to her: "We are investigating your boss and want to know how he is. You can tell us what you think about him. Don't worry, our police will keep it a secret."

After a few seconds, the waitress said, "Our boss, he...he's very horny, not a good person."

"Very lustful?" Pei Qian repeated.

"Yeah." The waitress nodded vigorously and said, "When the boss came to the restaurant to inspect his work, and there was no one around, he would come over and get close to me and ask me how I was doing and how much money I would spend. Will you be very nervous, if you don’t have enough money, you can find him…”

"He's also sneaking my ass and thighs when I'm not looking..."

When Pei Qian heard this, she was speechless. She said, "Qian Deyi is sexual harassment. You can call the police. Where can you find a job?"

The girl continued to twist, and she said, "However, the salary he offered me is not low, and I can't find a waiter with this kind of salary outside. Anyway, what he did is not too much. All right……"

The girl Pei volunteered, and Qian didn't go into the matter. She asked the waitress if she had any other views on the boss, Qian Deyi. . .

The waitress shook her head and said no, and then Lin Chen, who was sitting in the back, asked her, "How long have you been working here?"

The waitress glanced at Lin Chen who was sitting in the back, and replied, "Well... It's almost, it's been more than a year."

After hearing it for more than a year, Lin Chen shook his head at Pei Qian and let the waitress get off the bus.

Liu Yiyi worked here more than three years ago. This girl has only worked here for more than a year. When she came to work here, Liu Yiyi was already in the river, and she would not know about Liu Yiyi.

The next waitress got on the bus very soon. The waitress was in her thirties and looked very ordinary. When asked what she thought of Qian Deyi, she said that she was not a good person. The young girl's tofu is gone.

If it weren't for his work, he would have wanted to be beaten up by that stinky rascal.


Lin Chen and the others were inquiring quickly. After the waiters expressed their views on Qian Deyi, Lin Chen and the others also had a certain understanding of Qian Deyi.

When I asked the manager of the hotel, the manager seemed very slick, with a smile on his face, all he said was flattering, and he didn't say a single bad word about Qian Deyi.

For this person, Lin Chen and the others were too lazy to take care of him.

When asking about the chef, a chef who had been working in the restaurant for more than five years said, "Qian Deyi, this guy is a bastard. He robbed the guy's girlfriend, and even let people beat the guy. A meal, that bastard, being a man is really too much."

"Once when he was drinking and getting drunk with those social people, I heard him say...".


868 Ask the staff 【Subscription】

This chef is in his [-]s. He is middle-aged, and his body is a little fat. After hearing him say that Qian Deyi robbed someone else's girlfriend and made someone beat the man, Pei Qian and the others were the first. The first thing that comes to mind is Liu Yiyi and his boyfriend.

But I can't be sure. After all, more than three years have passed. After Liu Yiyi, Qian Deyi hooked up with other little girls. The possibility is also very high.

When talking about what Qian Deyi said when he was drunk with people in the society, the chef paused and continued: "After getting drunk, Qian Deyi told those people in society that he was young At that time, it was also a mixed society, and all kinds of women played a lot, and there were some who didn't want to, but they were directly offered to him, and the woman didn't dare to call the police after the incident."

"He also said that he had slashed people with a knife, and after slashing people, he fled from out of town, and the police couldn't do anything to him."

"Although people will talk nonsense and brag when drinking, but I think what Qian Deyi's bastard said must be true. It was not a good thing when I was young, and it is not a good thing now."

Lin Chen and his 11 members looked at each other when they heard the words.

It can be seen that the chef has a great opinion on Qian Deyi.

Pei Qian said, "Uncle, are you very dissatisfied with Qian Deyi?"

"Yeah." The uncle chef said: "I'm going to resign at the end of the month. That bastard has long been upset with him and wants to go to work elsewhere."

"You just said that Qian Deyi stole someone else's girlfriend and beat that person. Is the girl he stole Liu Yiyi?" Pei Qian continued to ask.

The uncle chef gave Pei Qian a stunned look: "Do you know about this?"

"We are here because of this." Pei Qian said.

The uncle chef was even more incomprehensible. He said, "Why are you here because of this? It's been a long time."

"It's not convenient for us to tell you this. We want to know what happened to Liu Yiyi, Shi Mingjun and your boss back then." Peiqian said.

This uncle chef didn't even write any ink, and immediately told what happened three years ago.

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