Pei Qian, Ouyang Chuying and the other police officers didn't like this Qian Deyi well. If it wasn't for the case, Ouyang Chuying would have rushed up to beat him with the kind of gaze he had just now.

Qian Deyi's family is in good condition. The house he lives in is very large and luxuriously decorated.

After the group entered the living room, Qian Deyi casually pointed to the sofa and said rudely, "You guys sit down first, I'll go wash your face, what do you want to ask, wait for me to finish washing my face and have some breakfast." ."

After speaking, Qian Deyi walked towards the room without caring.

"Stop." Pei Qian drank coldly.

When Qian Deyi heard the words, he stopped. He turned around, looked at Pei Qian, and said, "Beautiful police officer, why did you tell me to stop?"

"We are here to interrogate you, not to be a guest at your house. I allow you to come in and change your clothes, but after changing your clothes, immediately come to the living room to be interrogated." Pei Qian said coldly.

Pei Qian's face turned cold. Although she wasn't domineering, it was somewhat awe-inspiring.

Qian Deyi pouted and said, "Okay, okay, then I'll go in and change clothes, don't worry, beautiful police officer."

As Qian Deyi said that, he walked back into his house and slammed the door shut.

This Qian Deyi is very rude to the police, and Pei Qian and the others naturally don't need to be polite to him.

Zhou Xiong and the others were all sitting on the sofa in the living room, while Lin Chen, Pei Qian, Ouyang Chuying and the others were all standing.

Lin Chen's eyes were looking at Qian Deyi's house. The interior decoration was good. Through the living room window, he could see a lot of scenery in the distance.

After Lin Chen and the others waited for Qian Deyi in the living room for a while, he still did not come out of the room.

Under Pei Qian's suggestion, Zhou Xiong frowned and went to Qian Deyi's house to knock on the door.

After knocking several times, the door opened. Qian Deyi stood behind the door, rolled his eyes at Zhou Xiong, and said, "What are you knocking?"

"It took you so long to change your clothes?" Zhou Xiong said angrily.

"After I changed my clothes, I wanted to go to the toilet, so I went to the toilet. Is there a problem? You policemen want to ask me questions, shouldn't you even let me go to the toilet?" Qian Deyi was a little arrogant. retorted.

There is a very likely reason why he dared to act like this in front of Pei Qian and the others, because this guy knew some characters, otherwise, how could an ordinary person dare to do this.

"You..." Zhou Xiong was about to speak, but Pei Qian called him.

"Officer Zhou, forget it." Pei Qian said to Zhou Xiong.

After hearing Pei Qian's words, Zhou Xiong squinted at Qian Deyi and stopped talking.

Qian Deyi smiled and walked to the sofa in the living room.

The police officers who came along were all sitting on sofas, two of which were single-seater.

After Qian Deyi walked to the edge of one of the single-seat sofas, he said to the police officer sitting on the sofa, "Get up, I want to sit."

The police officer just glanced at Qian Deyi, didn't care about him, stood up and gave his seat to Qian Deyi.

After Qian Deyi sat down, he raised Erlang's legs, then looked at Pei Qian, and said, "...beautiful police officer, you said you wanted to interrogate me, but I don't even know why you came here, tell me, hurry up and say, my wife I came back from out of town with my children in a while, and I have to go to the high-speed rail station to pick them up."

Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying were both standing by the window. Ouyang Chuying looked at Qian Deyi and said to Lin Chen, "This guy doesn't look good to the eye."

Lin Chen smiled lightly and said, "I don't think he's pleasing to the eye, either. I guess he needs to be beaten by the five elements."

"Five elements are missing... Hehe..." After hearing Lin Chen's words, Ouyang Chuying's face, which was originally upset because of Qian Deyi's attitude, suddenly burst into a smile.

On this side, Pei Qian didn't write any ink, and immediately said, "We are here because of Liu Yiyi and Shi Mingjun."

Qian Deyi, who had raised Erlang's legs at first, immediately put down his raised legs after hearing Pei Qian's words.

He said: "Because Liu Yiyi is here? Why, did that little bitch appear (Li Haozhao)? Where is she? Yes, that little bitch cheated me for a lot of money, if I hadn't seen She was pitiful, and I didn't want her to go to jail, so I just called the police and arrested her."

Qian Deyi's words were righteous, but Pei Qian and the others knew in their hearts that Qian Deyi was very afraid of his wife, and the reason why he didn't call the police was because he was afraid that his wife would know that he was messing with Liu Yiyi.

"Yes, Liu Yiyi is back." Pei Qian deliberately defrauded the money.

If Liu Yiyi was murdered by him, he would definitely be shocked when he heard the police say that Liu Yiyi came back. It was unbelievable that everyone was killed, how could he come back.

"Really? Where is it? Where is that little bitch? Yes, I've been looking for her for three years, and finally she appeared. Back then, that bitch of her disabled mother said that the little bitch Liu Yiyi was missing. I knew that their dog mother and daughter were acting, just trying to cheat Lao Tzu's money." Qian Deyi's face was a little happy, and the scolding in his mouth was very ugly. .


870 Cooperate with the investigation [3 more please subscribe]

Hearing what Qian Deyi called Liu Yiyi's mother and daughter, one bitch, one bitch, one bitch, Pei Qian frowned slightly.

"Qian Deyi, pay attention to your words and keep your mouth clean." Pei Qian said coldly.

"Haha." Qian Deyi was very disdainful of Pei Qian's words, he said: "What's the matter, that little bitch cheated me of a lot of money, I feel resentment in my heart, can't I just scold a few words? It's too wide."

Pei Qian glanced at Lin Chen. After Lin Chen nodded to her, Pei Qian continued to ask, "We do have the right to control your words, but we don't care about you now."

"Qian Deyi, we are here because of Liu Yiyi, because Liu Yiyi came to our public security bureau and called the police that you raped her three years ago, and she wants to sue you for rape."

As soon as Pei Qian said this, Qian Deyi's proud face immediately stiffened.

He was stunned for a few seconds before he stammered: "Smear... slander, this... this is pure slander, I... that little bitch is willing to be with me, I covet She's young and beautiful, she...she covets my money...we are together voluntarily, can you say I'm a rapist?"

"Liu Yiyi, this little bitch, cheated me of a million a few years ago. Now that she's back, she actually wants to trick me again. Is he, this little bitch..."

Seeing Qian Deyi's expression and reaction, Pei Qian, Lin Chen and the others frowned a little, because Qian Deyi's behavior seemed like he didn't know that Liu Yiyi had died three years ago.

After hearing that Liu Yiyi was going to sue him for rape, he was very guilty and scared. It is estimated that the uncle chef was right. Three years ago, Liu Yiyi would break up with her boyfriend because of this Qian Deyi design and Liu Yiyi. The kind of relationship that happened made it impossible for her not to be with herself.

"Liu Yiyi made it clear that she was raped by you three years ago, Qian Deyi, judging from your reaction, we believe what Liu Yiyi said." Pei Qian continued to deceive him.

This guy, Qian Deyi, has lived for so many years. After being nervous, he quickly regained his composure.

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