After Qian Deyi sat on the sofa, his eyes looking at Lin Chen were full of fear.

Zhou Xiong, Peiqian, and the others felt happy when they saw Lin Chen's series of shots.

This Qian Deyi is not only an old fritter, he is very arrogant towards the police investigation, but more than three years ago, he used despicable means to harm Liu Yiyi.

Liu Yiyi and the uncle chef said that she was drunk at the time and was taken advantage of by Qian Deyi. With Qian Deyi's virtue, he might not have given Liu Yiyi medicine at that time.

For this kind of scum, Zhou Xiong and the others wanted to rush up to give him two feet, but because of their status, they couldn't do that.

The tempered glass coffee table was full of cracks, and it was stained with a lot of blood from Qian Deyi's forehead.

Sitting on the sofa, Qian Deyi shivered, and looked at Lin Chen with horror in his eyes.

Lin Chen looked at him: "Can you cooperate with the investigation now?"

"Yes, yes." Qian Deyi nodded again and again and said.

Seeing Qian Deyi's cowardly look, Lin Chen pulled up a stool and sat beside Qian Deyi.

Ouyang Chuying, who was standing by the window, also had a smile on her face at the moment, and felt that Lin Chen was relieved after cleaning up Qian Deyi.

Pei Qian threw the bag of tissues that fell on the ground to Qian Deyi and said, "Stop the blood on your forehead, we are starting the interrogation."

Qian Deyi quickly took out a stack of tissues and covered the wound on his forehead. Seeing the dripping blood, he was extremely annoyed in his heart.

He will not let Lin Chen go, and will let Lin Chen know the serious consequences of what he does.

What he didn't know was that Lin Chen wasn't going to let him go. Although Liu Yiyi was already dead, the uncle chef knew what was going on here. It was not difficult to sue Qian Deyi for raping Liu Yiyi. .

Such an old pervert, a rapist, when he arrives at the detention center, he knows what will greet him.

After Qian Deyi stopped the bleeding, Pei Qian said, "When Liu Yiyi came to report the case, she described the night you raped her very clearly. We have recorded her confession. what happened late."

Qian Deyi's tone was much lower than before, he looked down at the ground, and said, "Then...that night...because I was going to have dinner with some important clients that night, there must be drinking at the dinner table. Yes, my wife went out of town again, and it happened that Liu Yiyi could drive, so I asked her to go with me, and when I was drunk, she drove me back."

"Then we got to the restaurant and started eating. Who knew that after Liu Yiyi got to the table, she kept drinking, as if she had something on her mind. She soon got drunk, and so did I."

"I was going to drive her home, but she said no, she didn't want to go back, and she kissed me, so I drove the car back to a hotel to open a room for her, and then I went home by myself."

"But as soon as she entered the house, she suddenly hugged me and complained to me that she couldn't do anything without money. She followed Shi Mingjun and wanted to buy a better mobile phone. Then, she started kissing me, Undress yourself."

"She was so active, and I couldn't hold it back... Then we had a relationship, and then we got together."

· · Flowers

After hearing Qian Deyi's words, Lin Chen looked into Qian Deyi's eyes and said, "What you said is obviously the opposite of Liu Yiyi's confession."

"Liu Yiyi said that after she got to the place to eat that day, she didn't want to drink, but you insisted on her drinking. After drinking, she started to lose her mind and became confused. She said that at that time, she should have been You took the medicine."

"She was also forcibly brought into the hotel. When you wanted to have sex with her, she pushed you away, but you forced her on, and then you talked to her, coaxed and coaxed her, and she didn't. At the time, I sued you for rape."

These Liu Yiyi's confessions that Lin Chen said were naturally impossible for Liu Yiyi to say, but based on the information provided by the uncle chef, he fabricated it as much as possible to fit the situation at the time.


After Lin Chen said these words, Qian Deyi's face changed again, and he became more and more flustered.

"No, I didn't rape her, really not." Qian Deyi said.

"In addition to Liu Yiyi, there are other people's confessions, which can prove that you have raped Liu Yiyi." Pei Qian said.

"Who? Who?" Qian Deyi was still sweating on his forehead.

Judging from his reactions, it is estimated that some people do know what he did to Liu Yiyi back then, otherwise he would sweat on his forehead immediately after hearing that others could prove it.

Lin Chen didn't bother to talk to this Qian Deyi anymore, so he handed him over to Pei Qian and the others.

Now it can almost be confirmed that this guy should have raped Liu Yiyi back then, but he and Liu Yiyi's death have nothing to do with it.

What Pei Qian and the others have to do is to convince him that he raped Liu Yiyi and find evidence. As for the murderer, they can only investigate others.

Lin Chen came to Ouyang Chuying's side, and Ouyang Chuying said, "We are all just cheating him now, and there is no evidence to prove that he has cheated."

Lin Chen glanced at Qian Deyi's back and said, "There is an investigation idea, which probably works."

"What investigation idea?" Ouyang Chuying asked.

Lin Chen said: "Didn't Qian Deyi just say that when he went to see a client, Liu Yiyi just drank the wine, that client may not exist, or he was pretending to be a person, the purpose is to give Liu Yiyi medicine, as long as Find that person, interrogate it, and that's it."


872 To be checked [2 more ask for subscription]

Ouyang Chuying's eyes lit up when she heard what Lin Chen said.

Liu Yiyi is already dead. More than three years ago, she told the uncle chef that she was raped by Qian Deyi. Lin Chen and the others could ask the uncle chef to testify, but there is no other evidence for the uncle chef alone. If so, Qian Deyi cannot be convicted.

From the words of Qian Deyi just now, I learned that he was going to see the client at that time and wanted to drink at the dinner table, so Liu Yiyi went with him.

As Lin Chen said, Qian Deyi is very likely to put medicine in Liu Yiyi's cup, and the clients he mentioned are most likely fake, he just cooperated with Qian Deyi to get Liu Yiyi .

Liu Yiyi could have had a good life with her boyfriend Shi Mingjun, but because of Qian Deyi's plot, the two could not go back to the past. around.

Ouyang Chuying looked at Lin Chen and said with a smile: "What you said is likely to be a breakthrough point. Ask Qian Deyi who those customers were three years ago, find them and interrogate them strictly, and you will know everything."

"Well." Lin Chen looked out of the window, the view outside the window was very wide, and he could see many scenery, he said: "This guy seems to have no idea that Liu Yiyi is dead, he will not be the murderer, the murderer has another It's someone else."

"Since this Qian Deyi is all right, the next one we will investigate is Liu Yiyi's ex-boyfriend, that Shi Mingjun." Ouyang Chuying said.

"Well, I will investigate him next, and I hope he is the murderer. In this way, this case is over, and we can go back to Mohai City." Lin Chen said, after returning to Mohai City, Lin Chen still has a lot of things to do of.

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